Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Do You Get Wetness Before Your Period

Ma perché cacchio la gente non va a votare?

Hello. From Radical
hardened, they are still quite disappointed at the outcome of regional Lazio, where Renata Polverini - that is a creation of Ballarò - exceeded Emma Bonino, one of the most political correct, honest and consistent in the history of Italy.

Such things only happen in this strange country, but this is what I want to talk.
will leave rather than the many hard drugs I've taken - all together, to increase self-inflicted flagellation - to take care of my heart to wounded lion, creating a vortex of oblivion so big, in which I could sink forever, maybe sucked along with the "Trout" Bossi and some other unlikely freaks who populate our institutions over the years confused.

The theme that I want to address today, however, before the substances take over, is that of abstention. Needless to say, as radical, I just do not understand it and vote. It seems to me an absurd attitude, as well as a slap in the face of how fortunate we are to be born and raised in a country that is a kind of democracy has it yet. What would
to vote freely in North Korea? Or in Myanmar?
We, however, we take the luxury of staying home or vote blank or spoiled.
for a radical, abstain from voting is something inconceivable, it is a bit 'as a CL sing in the church Osteria Number Seven.

capendolo not, therefore, I went to class turnout by following one of the many courses available on the internet and I came to the web pages prepared by the daily La Repubblica and Corriere della Sera ", where those who did not go to vote was free to explain why he had not.

Needless to say, I found everything from the ever-present any that says "You're all thieves!" (I suppose epithet addressed to journalists of writing on-line), who has managed to express a few words with their arguments in a way that should give pause to all parties, such as "Do not vote because in Italy there is only Berlusconi who thinks only his own business and the Left that thinks only Berlusconi. I got to do something in all this? "

But if we exclude the few honorable exceptions, the picture that emerges is very disheartening, I dare say bankruptcy: more than sixty years of democracy have failed to inculcate in a substantial part of the Italian people, even the basic principles of sovereignty and of parliamentary representation.
A failure of education, politics, employment, media, society ... I do not know, and it is not my blog cabbage the most appropriate for analyzing such a complex problem. But it is still a resounding failure, evidenced by higher levels of abstention in the last election that greatly exceed 30%. An Italian in three. We read with some

milestones, some pearls author of this failure, and commentiamole, too:


says the player "W The School" (but where if you go looking, some names?):
"The people will also be the beast but there is a limit! I think the recurring thought of those who abstained from the vote is very simple: no one is worthy of representing us. "
Qualcuno dica a "W La Scuola" - che spero non possa votare perché in realtà ha solo 15 anni - che il concetto cardine che sottende il voto è che il popolo è sovrano. "Bestia" lo diventa quando decide di non esercitarlo, il voto.

Dice invece, in un italiano zoppicante, Ashton1900:
«Non ho votato perché volevo mandare un messaggio forte chiaro al peggiore personale politico che l'Italia ha mai avuto dal dopoguerra ad oggi: non meritate il mio voto! Dovete cambiare radicalmente.»
Caro Ashton1900, non so se li avrai terrorizzati di più con il tuo messaggio forte e chiaro o con il tuo stile. Devo però riconoscere che c'è something great personal political expression : gives you the idea that they are not elected, but given a time limit and, therefore, at least in Italy, irremovable.

3. This
here then, in my humble opinion, is the ne plus ultra. Here you Norberto:
"come back to vote when I see the criminals in jail for each party, the technicians who have allowed the construction of buildings that have killed children and adults, pedophile priests, all the mafia, when the Vatican will be maintained by alone, when state television will return status; when they resolved conflicts of interest when the school will just state, when the free market is really tale; quando banchieri e finanzieri pagheranno la loro insana ingordigia.»
In pratica, quando il Paradiso Terrestre sarà sceso in terra, e l'agnello pascolerà accanto al leone, e Dio tergerà ogni lacrima dagli occhi dell'uomo giusto, allora il signor Norberto si ricorderà di andare a votare.
Peccato solo che a quel punto né l'agnello, né il leone, né l'uomo giusto e nemmeno il Padreterno sapranno più che cazzo farsene del suo voto.
Qualcuno, per favore, gli spieghi che si vota per cercare di migliorare le cose, il che appare superfluo se il Regno dei Cieli è già qui.
Oppure datemi il suo numero di casa: lo chiamo alle tre di notte e glielo spiego io.

E ora excuse me cool heroin on the spoon.



Sunday, March 28, 2010

Diagram Of S.s. Minnow

Raiperunanotte, internet per sempre

What do you tell the minister Bondi, who roared the President Berlusconi, the media of Raiperunanotte experiment, the first of its kind in Italy, has been a complete success and, in the words of the Secretary of the PD Bersani, "a boomerang "For all those who greeted the claim pre-election as a good thing.

write affixed before the close of the regional polls, tomorrow afternoon, to highlight the fact that, whatever the outcome of the vote, for once, just once, Italians of any membership policy have been shown to not accept excessive interference from the Palace in the application of constitutional principles of freedom of speech and press, as well as the right to be informed before they go to vote.

In fact, the great public response, despite the many technical problems of those who, like me, was forced to watch the program via the internet from abroad (I live in England), with a streaming that worked in fits and starts, is to testify behind as there is much more than just an election message "anti-Berlusconi" or "vote for the opposition."
The public has spent hours glued to the TV, radio, computer or sitting in the cold ground in the streets d'Italia era lì per dire: "Lasciateli parlare, lasciateci ascoltare. Decideremo noi a cosa credere e a cosa no."

Ma c'è un altro aspetto importante, di carattere più generale: l'evento di Raiperunanotte rappresenta lo spartiacque, anche in Italia, tra il vecchio mondo dei media tradizionali e quello dei nuovi canali di comunicazione mediatica.
Dopo Raiperunanotte, nessuno in questo Paese potrà più permettersi di considerare internet un canale secondario, concentrando i propri sforzi (anche quelli finanziari) solo sui media tradizionali.
Del web come canale chiave per la comunicazione anche politica se n'era già avuta qualche avvisaglia con la straordinaria popolarità acquisita, within a few days, Deborah Serracchiani, MEP elected "by the people of the Internet." But the case
Serracchiani is in no way comparable in scope and meaning, that of Raiperunanotte.

Raiperunanotte Not that it was a media event free of defects, is clear: the excesses of an over-excited audience, and those few moments of the program, in which Berlusconi is compared to Benito Mussolini, or even when Mario Monicelli, after saying things beautiful and sacrosanct, closes badly talking about "revolution" (following applause), representing the less edifying aspects of an otherwise impeccable.

But if we frame the events correctly, we must consider not so much the pressure on components Agcom (on which I ignore, because the authorities in Italy are all lots and such liability is not attributable only to PDL), as the absurdity of closing all transmissions of deepening political in his election campaign, that is when it is most needed (to the point that, paradoxically, one might wonder why out of the broadcast campaign ...!). That

Santoro, its guests and the audience was - considering everything - a response perhaps sometimes nervous but all in all, balanced.
exaggeration, or did not follow the transmission chi sostiene che sia stata un'invettiva continua contro il PdL; a meno che mandare in onda i contenuti delle intercettazioni Agcom - ahimè, già di pubblico dominio - non sia da considerare un attacco politico, invece che, come ritengo, semplice dovere di cronaca.

Puntualizzo che io non sono di Centrosinistra , sono un Radicale liberista e, come tale, trovo che i bavagli - di qualsiasi colore - siano sempre fuori luogo; né condivido più di tanto il modo di fare tv di Michele Santoro, del quale ricordo una puntata sul conflitto arabo-palestinese che fece incazzare persino la Annunziata (e che ora mi si dica che la Annunziata è di Centrodestra).

Ma se la sola risposta che il Palazzo sa dare è the gag, then I hope that free experiences as Raiperunanotte recur and multiply indefinitely, leaving the Italians, and only to them, the task of distinguishing between information and propaganda.



Thursday, March 18, 2010

Trawler Across The Atlantic

Minchia, quaranta... :-s

Eh, yes.

A new note on my blog ...

It's easy to say "now I write a new note."

'm forty. What else is there to say?

  • Forty times I have said "Happy Birthday to TEEE! And the cake to meee!" thinking about the cake that much more good wishes for myself.
  • Forty times I look in the mirror and say 'Okay', is a year older, but not that much has changed, come on. ", Only to open a photo album and make any" Eeeeekkkk! But was I? "
  • Forty times I ask" What do you want to present? " and I explain that I do not want gifts, I want people, because they are not stupid enough to wait for my birthday or Christmas for me (or let me do) a gift.
  • Forty times I say "This is the right time to be able to do this and that and then ... Yes, 'sti cocks."

The day of your birthday, after all, is like the New Year: objectively, does not weigh on your time more than any other day of your life, but psychologically it's a different story.

The day of your birthday brings with it - how to say - a check mark, something that says "Done!" and makes a small "V", a quotation mark next to an entry in a hypothetical list of events in your life.

What then of forty years, brings a virgolettone big way. The check of "Done!" you do not put it next to the year number 39, but to an entire phase of your life, its animaccia.

Let's face it: if you can afford to fool yourself that you are young for all thirty, even though in reality they're no longer with the forty necessarily know that you've closed with that phase. Point. :-)

Not that one is not fun anymore, God forbid!
What's fun is knowing how to work for the Italian Constitution: a right and duty of everyone, except that then there are those who do not succeed, and yet those who do not want.

But I want to do.

Why is also true that I am a forty, but they are also one who takes life with passion, even when - as I've not too long ago - I fell in some tile head heavier than usual.

I am one who knows how to look on, without having to hide the rubble of its past under the carpet.

I am one who bears a grudge and not have any significant projects to be carried out without any desire to look back.

I get up every day, go out to work on a sunny morning (yes, sometimes it happens in London) and find yourself thinking, "thank you".

For as long as forty or forty, the world will still be a nice place to live.

