Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lip Piercing White Bump Behind It

Valentina al Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino

Valentina will host the twenty-third edition of the International Book Fair of Turin.

Here are his appointments:

D omen May 16 at 18 at the Arena Piedmont Luciano De Sette presenterà insieme a Valentina Il viaggio capovolto . Seguirà una  performance acrobatica  di Peter Wis Kuria Asamba e Aenea Amin Ochaka: da non perdere!

Oltre che scrittrice, Valentina Acava Mmaka è da anni operatrice interculturale; anche a Torino proporrà due  laboratori ludico educativi :

              Africagiocando - Sunday, May 16 at 15 at the Hall Orange When the books were of cloth - Monday, May 17 at 18 at the Arena Piemonte.

Both laboratories, which include the presence of Peter Kuria Asamba Wis., are admission free, but you must book at the booth Piedmont Arena.

Like last year, also will have a booth Epoché: Hall 1, Stand D29 . See you there!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bunionectomy Timeline


While lacking now very edge of the book in all libraries, here is the very first report on the press, on May Cosmopolitan, on sale: