I guess I did not understand anything ... :-)
In my youth, I have often have been among those who think of life as a continuous progress, an unbroken series of successes that have led me to do personally gratifying achievements.
I thought - but I really believed it! - That this was the essential and the rest, the so-called "important things" as a family, children, would come in time virtually alone, as he came down from heaven.
Non immaginavo affatto, a quei tempi, che le mie convinzioni sarebbero state solo l'ennesimo sbaglio da pagare con anni preziosi trascorsi a vivere la vita... di un altro.
Un peccato davvero, ma non ho che me stesso da incolpare per questo: di tutti gli errori che si possono fare nella vita, una delle categorie che si pagano a più caro prezzo è quella degli sbagli che derivano dal non conoscere bene se stessi. Congratulazioni, quindi! :-)
Ciò premesso, se mi guardo intorno, scopro di essere in ottima compagnia: molti altri miei connazionali, uomini e donne, sono cadute nella medesima trappola.
Come spesso succede, questa "trappola" ha un sapore ed un profumo diverso per ciascuno di noi, ma la sostanza rimane la stessa: "Rimanda, rimanda, c'è tempo, pensa piuttosto a fare questa o quell'altra esperienza, non vincolarti in modo da rimpiangere di non aver fatto... ecc ecc".
La frase ognuno la completi come crede: non è importante.
Qui in Gran Bretagna, invece, la maggior parte delle persone dà un peso determinante alle "cose importanti". E' piuttosto frequente incontrare per strada coppie di Inglesi (sto parlando di Inglesi, non solo di immigrati!) nei loro vent'anni con due o tre figli.
Molti di loro non hanno affatto paura di imbarcarsi nell'esperienza della paternità o della maternità; lo fanno presto e - comincio ad averne il sospetto - lo fanno anche bene.
Non vivono l'esperienza di avere dei figli come una galera, un'ossessione continua, né quella del matrimonio come di una catena che non si può spezzare (visione ereditata dalla nostra cultura cattolica del matrimonio come vincolo indissolubile e senza ritorno ).
Mettono al mondo dei figli e si occupano di loro quando hanno non solo il tempo, ma anche la voglia di farlo.
Non si sentono cattivi genitori per questo e non smettono certo di vivere per badare ai propri figli.
Sono genitori giovani che vivono l'esperienza della genitorialità restando giovani.
Se falliscono, divorziano e - dopo una naturale fase di elaborazione personale - ricominciano a vedere people. That's it.
Contrary to popular belief in Italy, their children do not necessarily grow as the dissolute or misfits for this and, usually, they learn to help themselves before our own.
When I was 30 years, I thought it was too early to be a parent, I still had "much to live."
But, in hindsight, is that after thirty years and then I had so much fun, or at least not enough to justify the desire to postpone the experience of fatherhood.
Looking at those young English couple, not long ago I'd say "Naaah, absurd ...!"
Today, 10 years later, I asked: "What if I am that I did not understand a shit of life?" :-)
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Fisher Price Step Lock Gate Instructions
Letter to the Editor and to its Director of Repubblica.it
title: "Beware of professional ethics."
Dear esteemed Editorial Director and Repubblica.it,
with displeasure known to the website of your daily see a page with images received from a news agency, in which an Israeli settler seems to invest without any mercy by car of the poor Palestinian children in Jerusalem.
This is the link: http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2010/10/09/foto/gerusalemme_auto_coloni_travolge_due_ragazzini_palestinesi-7893598/1/?ref=HREC1-9
I say "with regret" because nobody in the editing seems to have posed the problem of verifying the sources from which those images came apparently so dramatic, nor as to ascertain the facts are actually carried out.
At times, this attitude "hasty" to give the news does not produce damage, but this time, however, because the Republic has unwittingly made an accomplice of a phenomenon that the foreign media called " Pallywood," or the Palestinian Hollywood, which is mounting "on purpose" for the consumption of news media are too busy to give worth checking out their sources.
Consequently, we report here a link to YouTube where the whole sequence is shown without cuts "on purpose", and your attention is also drawn on detail "at the margins" from the stage mother.
As good journalists, you will discover many interesting things that change - and many - the facts, I hope that things deemed worthy of attention and an appropriate adjustment on your part: I do not think Repubblica.it like to be "used ".
The YouTube link is this. I invite you to watch it in full and translated into Italian written in English which appear superimposed: it is they who tell you what you have missed.
understand that in the editorial offices of Italian newspapers, even the most important, most are represented by temporary workers, to whom I extend my deepest sympathy. However, do the work of journalists in this way becomes an operation that has a lot to do with survival and very little with the record.
I hope you understand my disappointment.
title: "Beware of professional ethics."
Dear esteemed Editorial Director and Repubblica.it,
with displeasure known to the website of your daily see a page with images received from a news agency, in which an Israeli settler seems to invest without any mercy by car of the poor Palestinian children in Jerusalem.
This is the link: http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2010/10/09/foto/gerusalemme_auto_coloni_travolge_due_ragazzini_palestinesi-7893598/1/?ref=HREC1-9
I say "with regret" because nobody in the editing seems to have posed the problem of verifying the sources from which those images came apparently so dramatic, nor as to ascertain the facts are actually carried out.
At times, this attitude "hasty" to give the news does not produce damage, but this time, however, because the Republic has unwittingly made an accomplice of a phenomenon that the foreign media called " Pallywood," or the Palestinian Hollywood, which is mounting "on purpose" for the consumption of news media are too busy to give worth checking out their sources.
Consequently, we report here a link to YouTube where the whole sequence is shown without cuts "on purpose", and your attention is also drawn on detail "at the margins" from the stage mother.
As good journalists, you will discover many interesting things that change - and many - the facts, I hope that things deemed worthy of attention and an appropriate adjustment on your part: I do not think Repubblica.it like to be "used ".
The YouTube link is this. I invite you to watch it in full and translated into Italian written in English which appear superimposed: it is they who tell you what you have missed.
understand that in the editorial offices of Italian newspapers, even the most important, most are represented by temporary workers, to whom I extend my deepest sympathy. However, do the work of journalists in this way becomes an operation that has a lot to do with survival and very little with the record.
I hope you understand my disappointment.
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