Sesso debole e sesso forte?
From time to time, someone in the world pulls down from the shelf and proposes theories old, threadbare and shabby, just to make headlines.
So far, none of that. The thing I find most disturbing, personally, is that it often is successful. Fortunately
more that your mine, this time the preposterous theory of the moment concerns the role of women and men in modern society. Fri
I can short these days - and I quote from the newspaper "La Repubblica" - Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf has held a crucial meeting on the situation in male post-industrial society, the kind that changes your day, really.
goes without saying that a large group of masochists, led by such a social scientist named Klaus Hurrelmann, has now thrown down the male crisis, the donne talmente forti e vincenti che persino Freddie Kruger, quando le incontra per strada, cambia marciapiede, per poi concludere con la battuta ad effetto che oggi il sesso debole sarebbero gli uomini.
Ad una riflessione nemmeno troppo attenta (quindi se vi siete già fatti un cannone lungo così, tranquilli: ce la fate lo stesso), certe uscite non appaiono altro che boutades , se non altro perché non occorre una logica stringente per capire che i ruoli nella coppia si definiscono vicendevolmente e che se una delle due parti è in crisi, molto presto non può che esserlo anche l'altra.
D'altro canto, guardandoci intorno, è proprio questo che vediamo: fatte salve le eccezioni da una side, the idea of \u200b\u200bstrong women, mature and responsible, able to successfully juggle career and family, in reality, quickly gave way to the "girl with wrinkles," which does what it can, how can if you can and when he can. And if you can not break it too the hilt.
A human being, in short, not Wonder Woman.
Similarly, the eternal cliche of the male child playing with Play-Station (and, let the delicate way, but who the hell has ever seen, 'is Play-Station?), Unable to bear the slightest responsibilities of couples, eternally in search of a role, as if life were a play by Pirandello and not the "who gets in" is that instead, they prefer to ignore their children rather than be their father, who at times to go to work is rolled out of bed by the company as if it were a lazy child, it becomes - in the words of Teutonic professors - a common reality every day.
by males, after certain outputs, while you're bent on trying to land in your arms ("I'm sure there were waterfalls, damn. ..."), Someone must have taken the first reaction that comes is to say, "But if you Zei a brofessöre tetesco Cerman of that 50 years Giok angora kon the Play-Station, just pull in all defined for Zentiva less kogliöne, ja? "
Oh no, sorry, because you are no doubt
... I mean you, and millions of other male workers like you (those who have the good fortune of bringing this, a job), you get up at seven in the morning quarter less every day.
often cursing in Sri Lanka, do not say no, but now tell me that women in Düsseldorf, when the alarm sounds, immediately jump up singing a Tyrolean yodeling, drunk with knowledge of role of Central European Venus fully realized in modern society.
know mature women children and men, just as I also know men and women managers (tante!) who preach much better than scratching. The latter, forgive me, is an Olympic sport of women, as the beam, as much as the free and burp up the axis of the process are for males. :)
But from my experience that I draw the conclusion, and forgive me all sociologists flavored sauerkraut, is not that of "a perky woman" and a male knackered.
What I see, however, are a man and a woman aware of having to make a deck so to reach the minimum of achievements that were once given almost for granted: a stable job, family, children, a home, a holiday destination (not a beach cottage, for goodness sake! That attack you or the heir or the tram) ... Cose semplici, addirittura banali.
A me, più che ad una confusione di ruoli, sembra di assistere ad una crisi di fiducia nel presente e ancor più nel futuro, in cui - a turno o contemporaneamente - uomini e donne talvolta cadono e nella quale, volenti o nolenti, finiscono per ritrovarsi.
Sarò cieco, ma io questa "battaglia dei sessi" proprio non la vedo. Ci sarà qualche rimbambito vetero-maschilista che ci terrà ad imporre la propria visione dell'universo a casa come in ufficio, o qualche cretina con l'invidia del pene che vuole a tutti i costi dimostrare di mettere gli uomini sotto i tacchi a spillo, ma a me la maggior parte della società sembra affetta da mali che proprio non mi pare si possano distinguere for sex.
problems within the couple seem to me the usual ever. There are problems around the couple that grew enormously.
Nor have I ever really understood the terms "stronger sex" and "weaker sex" when they were used outside the context of physical force.
Since the moral fiber of a human being is measured by the masculine and feminine?
not only the modern society, but history is full of examples which prove beyond a reasonable doubt - or a reasonable person to doubt - that the quenching has to do very little with what you have or do not have the legs . What
in Düsseldorf is not heard the news?
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