Friday, November 26, 2010

Rubber Bath Mats Without Suction Cups

Quilliam - against the Muslims fanaticism in Britain

Hello. About the theme
fundamentalist indoctrination in British schools, and that 's my summary of an article that appeared in Italian November 23, 2010 the British newspaper "The Times" ( ) signed by Maajid Nawaz (pictured), 36, columnist for the British-born Pakistani, Muslim and founder of think tank called the "Quilliam ( ).

This is an article of great value not only for its content and style (Maajid Nawaz writes well and I just hope my translation does not discriminate too much, in which case I apologize to him and the reader) but because 'Nawaz and', as other members of the Quilliam, a former Islamist who - at some point - after the experience of prison, and 'went back and embraced the path of pluralism and interreligious dialogue, remaining a Muslim believer.
It is, therefore, a perspective that comes from those who have directly experienced the fundamentalist indoctrination, having provato sulla propria pelle e che, dopo un ripensamento, non ha abbandonato la propria fede religiosa.

Una puntualizzazione: purtroppo, l'articolo in lingua originale e' disponibile solo nella sezione a pagamento del Times (pagina 24, rubrica "Thunderer" , per chi fosse interessato), per cui non posso ne' linkarlo ne', ovviamente, copiarlo qui, perche' questo costituirebbe una violazione del diritto d'autore.
Una sintesi tradotta, invece, non essendo l'articolo integrale, rappresenta una semplice citazione, peraltro non a fini di lucro.

Il titolo originale dell'articolo e' "The UK is utterly failing to deal with Islamic extremism" , ovvero la Gran Bretagna is failing completely in tackling Islamic extremism.

Today, British schools opened over the weekend and managed to teach Muslims that Jews descended from pigs and monkeys, and their books show, with the help of drawings, such as amputating the limbs a thief. Welcome to the Britain of 2010, so 'as e' has been described in a recent police report.

would be easy, but wrong to accuse the Saudis to finance the fanaticism, because these teachings are based on their old texts, but the Saudis, although very slowly went forward, moving in a positive direction and abandon those old texts long il cammino. Nel frattempo, la Gran Bretagna sta scivolando lentamente all'indietro.

Essendo cresciuto nella contea dell'Essex, mi ricordo di "matrimoni sud-asiatici" [ comune espressione britannica che si riferisce ai matrimoni contratti tra persone originarie di paesi asiatici musulmani , ndt] che erano davvero degni della loro reputazione. Spesso rappresentavano un giorno importante nei nostri calendari, con cibo fantastico e musica dal vivo, balli tradizionali ed un'occasione per posare gli occhi su una possibile futura sposa. Oggi, mi reputo fortunato se mi capita di andare ad un matrimonio musulmano che non sia la solita celebrazione solenne segregata per sessi e mono-religiosa.

Ancora non riusciamo a comprendere fully that the rise of radical Islam in Britain and 'was driven especially by young people born and bred in this country. Often, they have rebelled against the Islam of their fathers, reinventing their faith as a political statement. As shown by the last report on radicalization Quilliam, starting right from the extremists acting more levels' higher education. And 'more' likely to be radicalized students in a university 'in London than in a madrassa neighborhood.

The people refuse to face this truth, 'and this' and' frustrating. Most of the common and traditional Muslims are dominated by the culture of victimhood, while some non-Muslims are committed to supporting that intolerance should be considered as a fundamental element of Islamic culture and in this respect, as if we "poor Muslims" we should not expect high standards of civilization '. The hypocrisy lies in this argument, and 'that in reality', the Muslims were the first to complain if the British schools open on the weekends were used to teach students that Muslims are animals.

ignoring vast portions of our society 'characterized by aggressive behavior and self-segregation, we are inevitably stir up controversy with the extreme right. Both of these extreme points the finger against one another to demonstrate its "truth." This 'on which you should focus, instead,' social cohesion. A starting point might be the units' monitoring extremism in the schools that the think tank police suggested this week to set up.

Nick Lowes, weekly Searchlight has announced that he and other anti-racist activists begin to challenge Islamic extremists just as challenging today's right-wing white extremists. This
'an encouraging sign, as well as a first step to achieve the recognition of a truth' uncomfortable: extremism in Britain and 'institutionalized.

Maajid Nawaz
co-founder and director of the think tank



Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How To Make A Wwe Real Scale Ring

The CGIL and the 'Twink + "

Often this blog (as others) and 'dealt with the plight of youth unemployment in Italy, which now largely exceeds 30%.

To counter this phenomenon, have been designed and implemented numerous initiatives. Among these, the one that has achieved greater visibility 'has been without doubt the initiative of the CGIL, called "Young + NO. A campaign first game in an "anonymous", with posters describing some ironic and unlikely (but not so) jobs for young graduates and school leavers, who then gave birth to a Facebook group and follow a series of initiatives to increase the visibility 'media of the problem: sit-in before institutional, flash mob before the Chamber of Deputies and so' on.

Let's be clear: peaceful initiatives and how these legal measures to ensure 'that we speak of the problem are always welcome and are a major factor in a country where awareness of the seriousness' of the situation and' very low, even among young people living in this condition each day on their skin.

However, this initiative of the CGIL has now revealed the limits of all those that preceded it and - I fear - even many of those that follow.
Beyond 'indignation (sacrosanct), beyond' the inevitable statements of principle, which cost nothing, and this initiative is' proved totally unable to make credible proposals to deal with - dare we say not solve - the problem youth unemployment in Italy.
We return, as usual, talking about eliminating waste, to fight tax evasion, cutting military spending, all in order to fund a " major project to revive and restore our country circulating the energies of young people. "
Have not we already 'have heard scores of ministers of the center and center-right to say such things and many many more times?

In fact, there 'the other. Every time in the history of Italian economic policy and it' would not do something, and 'sufficient to establish the funding "to rely on the funds arising from the recovery of tax evasion." It is because of alleged revenue not certain, that at year end can never achieve the estimated levels: thus 'the game' did. There's the money, do not you implement the initiative.
Why should this time be different?
Many people ask: "But in a country where 2 / 3 of taxpayers declaring less than 20 thousand euro gross, and 'may not be able to make a serious fight tax evasion, even in such a historic moment' dramatic? "
A legitimate question, for heaven's sake ': the size of tax evasion in Italy and' truly outrageous, unacceptable.

But those who have never faced the problem of economic and social consequences a real fight tax evasion? I'm not talking the usual numerini of which has this or that government, I'm talking about a SERIOUS fight, able to recover, say, 50% of the revenue evaded.
and you know what 's the truth? The truth 'is that - apart from the global economic crisis - since the massive tax evasion in Italy has existed for decades, few companies today are so shabby that remain open and competitive only ... because 'escape. Do they really pay taxes and many of them close, or emigration.

This, in a few years, as well as producing further unemployment, reduce 'tax dramatically and we will point and over again.

's why no government has ever made a serious fight tax evasion, even in ultimi vent'anni, quando ce n'era piu' bisogno: ci si limita a recuperare qualcosa per potersi vantare un po', quando conviene. 

Ma nessun pavido governo degli ultimi vent'anni vorra' mai assumersi la responsabilita' politica di tali conseguenze economiche e sociali. L'opposizione avrebbe gioco facile, con accuse di "assassinio dell'Italia" e la gente, anche chi oggi chiede a gran voce la lotta all'evasione, dinanzi ad una crisi ancora peggiore di quella di oggi, darebbe credito a tali accuse.
Soprattutto nei momenti difficili, la gente dimentica in fretta anche le proprie opinioni.

Si propone la cancellazione delle norme di labor law that allows temporary contracts. But great idea. Those who, like me, has (unfortunately) the age ', remembers it was Italy's first so-called "Biagi Package" and even before the "Treu Package of 1995: we were all ... in black.

These two measures, approved by the center (Treu package) and the center-right ( Package Biagi ) were intended precisely to facilitate the emergence of the black market. What makes you think the drafters of the proposal that, once removed, our companies would agree to hire the temporary workers?
controls carpet that were never made? Who pays them?
E se molte aziende, dinanzi all'impossibilita' di licenziare lavoratori "anziani" ormai poco produttivi per assumere giovani, si vedessero costrette a spostarsi all'estero? O a chiudere? O a cambiare forma, trasformando i contratti subordinati in consulenze, trascinando un intero Paese in interminabili cause civili?

L'impressione che se ne ricava e' che - ancora una volta - si cerchi solo di girare intorno ai problemi, come si e' sempre fatto in Italia, sperando che una bella mobilitazione di massa produca un'improvvisa materializzazione dei soldi necessari; quasi un fenomeno paranormale.

In passato, si badi, e' accaduto proprio questo: si e' finanziato all with a beautiful BOT issue in 20 years (read: have made debt on future generations) and so on, all happy: Confindustria, politics and trade unions.
It 's so that the workers' elders' have obtained pensions far more 'high contributions they had paid in their working history: making debts on us.

This time, the mass mobilization will not do' the miracle: the money does not rain down from heaven , it 'will be fatuous initiatives such as the elimination of waste, that should also be made, but it' a drop in the ocean.

All perche' non si vuole affrontare il nocciolo della questione, che e' ormai evidente ai piu': una generazione, quella dei nostri padri, con l'aiuto di tutte le parti in causa, della politica, dell'INPS, della pubblica amministrazione, delle rappresentanze dell'industria, dei sindacati, ha finanziato il proprio benessere presente e futuro sulla pelle dei propri figli. 
Si sono assicurati posti di lavoro inamovibili, scaricando il peso della flessibilita' - che pure e' una necessita' in ogni mercato del lavoro moderno - interamente sui piu' giovani. 
Si sono assicurati pensioni a bassa contribuzione ed elevato rendimento, il TFR pagato in contanti, il prepensionamento, without paying for all these "acquired rights" simply asking us to pay for them.

It goes without saying 'that pensions for the precarious there will be: simplify, if there' who paid "70" for contributions and then takes "100" board needed to rebalance the system we want to pay those "100" and then take "70" or even "50", because there 's also the population decline , why are so many old and few young people.
Our children, if they ever will, will finally have a social security system in equilibrium, but not us: we are the middle generation, one that must rearrange things that should make good the disasters of their fathers.
We are the ones that take you there.

believe that a company could choose to hire a young enthusiastic and qualified in place of an older worker, unmotivated and "hyper-unionized" would not? The problem 'can not' send home the old man, and that 'immovable.
think that parts of the labor force that involves the dismissal of the least productive scenario is an absurd and cruel?
Be ', we know it' s so that works in the labor market in most advanced countries in the world, from Britain (where I live and work I) to the United States, Germany and Denmark.
I am employed on a permanent, but if they want to send me away, just two months notice. Point.
This' accepted by the unions as a necessary evil.

You say: "But there 'there' on the dole, there are social safety nets best!"
But there can be 'cause the country is not bears (plus'), however, the burden of paying a salary to 300 thousand redundancies in the Italian public administration, it 'to 10 thousand redundancies RTI (former State Railways), because' the country does not create unnecessary entities made only to give jobs to people.

Italy has blocked the budget, frozen - some say armored - because of the costs of current portion (ie 'salaries and pensions) and there is money to fund any kind of investment and initiative.
Others have avoided certain excesses, or turned back, even paying a high social and political cost, do not think.

But it 's so that finances social justice and the balance between generations, countries are serious: do not give too much.
Other than a flash mob House.

