Friday, November 26, 2010

Rubber Bath Mats Without Suction Cups

Quilliam - against the Muslims fanaticism in Britain

Hello. About the theme
fundamentalist indoctrination in British schools, and that 's my summary of an article that appeared in Italian November 23, 2010 the British newspaper "The Times" ( ) signed by Maajid Nawaz (pictured), 36, columnist for the British-born Pakistani, Muslim and founder of think tank called the "Quilliam ( ).

This is an article of great value not only for its content and style (Maajid Nawaz writes well and I just hope my translation does not discriminate too much, in which case I apologize to him and the reader) but because 'Nawaz and', as other members of the Quilliam, a former Islamist who - at some point - after the experience of prison, and 'went back and embraced the path of pluralism and interreligious dialogue, remaining a Muslim believer.
It is, therefore, a perspective that comes from those who have directly experienced the fundamentalist indoctrination, having provato sulla propria pelle e che, dopo un ripensamento, non ha abbandonato la propria fede religiosa.

Una puntualizzazione: purtroppo, l'articolo in lingua originale e' disponibile solo nella sezione a pagamento del Times (pagina 24, rubrica "Thunderer" , per chi fosse interessato), per cui non posso ne' linkarlo ne', ovviamente, copiarlo qui, perche' questo costituirebbe una violazione del diritto d'autore.
Una sintesi tradotta, invece, non essendo l'articolo integrale, rappresenta una semplice citazione, peraltro non a fini di lucro.

Il titolo originale dell'articolo e' "The UK is utterly failing to deal with Islamic extremism" , ovvero la Gran Bretagna is failing completely in tackling Islamic extremism.

Today, British schools opened over the weekend and managed to teach Muslims that Jews descended from pigs and monkeys, and their books show, with the help of drawings, such as amputating the limbs a thief. Welcome to the Britain of 2010, so 'as e' has been described in a recent police report.

would be easy, but wrong to accuse the Saudis to finance the fanaticism, because these teachings are based on their old texts, but the Saudis, although very slowly went forward, moving in a positive direction and abandon those old texts long il cammino. Nel frattempo, la Gran Bretagna sta scivolando lentamente all'indietro.

Essendo cresciuto nella contea dell'Essex, mi ricordo di "matrimoni sud-asiatici" [ comune espressione britannica che si riferisce ai matrimoni contratti tra persone originarie di paesi asiatici musulmani , ndt] che erano davvero degni della loro reputazione. Spesso rappresentavano un giorno importante nei nostri calendari, con cibo fantastico e musica dal vivo, balli tradizionali ed un'occasione per posare gli occhi su una possibile futura sposa. Oggi, mi reputo fortunato se mi capita di andare ad un matrimonio musulmano che non sia la solita celebrazione solenne segregata per sessi e mono-religiosa.

Ancora non riusciamo a comprendere fully that the rise of radical Islam in Britain and 'was driven especially by young people born and bred in this country. Often, they have rebelled against the Islam of their fathers, reinventing their faith as a political statement. As shown by the last report on radicalization Quilliam, starting right from the extremists acting more levels' higher education. And 'more' likely to be radicalized students in a university 'in London than in a madrassa neighborhood.

The people refuse to face this truth, 'and this' and' frustrating. Most of the common and traditional Muslims are dominated by the culture of victimhood, while some non-Muslims are committed to supporting that intolerance should be considered as a fundamental element of Islamic culture and in this respect, as if we "poor Muslims" we should not expect high standards of civilization '. The hypocrisy lies in this argument, and 'that in reality', the Muslims were the first to complain if the British schools open on the weekends were used to teach students that Muslims are animals.

ignoring vast portions of our society 'characterized by aggressive behavior and self-segregation, we are inevitably stir up controversy with the extreme right. Both of these extreme points the finger against one another to demonstrate its "truth." This 'on which you should focus, instead,' social cohesion. A starting point might be the units' monitoring extremism in the schools that the think tank police suggested this week to set up.

Nick Lowes, weekly Searchlight has announced that he and other anti-racist activists begin to challenge Islamic extremists just as challenging today's right-wing white extremists. This
'an encouraging sign, as well as a first step to achieve the recognition of a truth' uncomfortable: extremism in Britain and 'institutionalized.

Maajid Nawaz
co-founder and director of the think tank




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