Saturday, March 12, 2011

Where Is Cheryl Wong From Soul Train Now


a tutti gli animali uccisi per svago dai cacciatori

Friday, March 11, 2011

Ross Kemp On Gangs - Rio De Janeiro Song Name

requiem requiem requiem

agli animali chiusi nei laboratori che "urlano"

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Where Can I Buy A Meagan Good Posters

005 004 003

agli animali seviziati nei circhi e ridotti a buffoni.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Ringworm Scars

a tutti gli animali abbandonati da vigliacchi bastardi che li hanno illusi

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Slide Projectors On

requiem requiem requiem

a tutte le femmine del mondo animale a cui è strappata la prole dall'uomo.

How Do You Get Through The Tomb In Nabooti



8 March 1911/2011

According to a historical reconstruction, but still controversial reliable, on 8 March, International Women's Day of Action, has its origins in the great strikes of the early century of textile workers in particularly the long strike that saw more than 20,000 New Yorkers seamstress, which lasted from 22 November 1908-15 February 1909, fighting, despite the fierce repression of police and bosses, against the terrible working conditions, particularly the reduction work, equal pay against child labor.
In one of these factories, where hundreds of workers, including those of 12/15 years, worked squeezed into small spaces, with locked doors to prevent theft by the owner, pauses, and above all in that year to prevent the strike, a fire broke out in which 129 women died within minutes. The workers tried to escape the smoke to the flames coming down the narrow stairs outside but were bent and gave way to the weight and warmth. Dozens of them fell on the pavement below. Other thronged against the locked doors from the outside, screaming and desperate women overlook. They climbed on the window sill and fell on deaf ears. Hair and clothing of many were on fire. The inside of the shirt was hell. The deceased, initially lined up on sidewalks, will be collected in simple coffins and identified grazie a una scarpa carbonizzata, un bracciale, un dente, un anellino. Si è dovuto aspettare fino a quest'anno per identificare 6 di esse, di cui 3 italiane.

La Conferenza internazionale delle donne socialiste, tenutasi a Copenaghen dal 26 al 27 agosto 1910, approvò la proposta della comunista tedesca Clara Zetkin di istituire la Giornata Internazionale della Donna, in ricordo queste operaie tessili. E la prima celebrazione avverrà l'anno successivo, 1911.
Quello che è certo e va affermato con forza oggi contro la borghesia, ma anche il femminismo istituzionale e piccolo borghese, che l'8 marzo nasce dalla lotta delle operaie contro il doppio sfruttamento e la doppia oppressione del capitale, dei suoi governi, del suo State.
On March 8, International Women's Day by becoming the international communist movement and internationalist.
A century of struggle and proletarian rebellions and feminists for their rights, for equality, for the emancipation, against the double exploitation, and the double oppression of capitalism and patriarchy.
For a century of revolutions, the "revolution within the revolution" of women, for a society free from oppression: Communism.

Communist Workers - Pcm Italy
Proletarian Feminist Revolutionary Movement

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wedding Dance Best Factions

002 001

agli animali trasformati in costi e ricavi.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Define Small Estate Affidavit Florida

the extinction of the visible break

I suspended the activities of this blog because I thought comment on the senseless human misery and shame of Italy at this despicable. I want to stay invisible for a while 'at least.

the cougar is extinct today. the Eastern Puma.
we write or not write, the shit comes in and overflows, from every door, every part, every direction.

and then the rest online, but only for VegFest. Switch off your mouth, but not close one eye.

for the first time I will be part of a "camp" of bloggers , for the one special reason, which honors me, the only real, unique motivation that pushes me to be online:

screaming hatred for humanity that kills the beauty.

I want you to see how you disgusting human beings. my person is invisible, the other unspoken issues, my satire, political commentary, go to fuck. Every day I put a Requiem, different, to the Vegan Camp, then we'll see.

is just my scream, fuck. another animal dies.

is history. end.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lauren London Wears Weave

when it's time to stop and take a breath you stop. I decided to take care of some ' of things pending in the cultural and professional and I have so much time now to comment on the crap daily crowds of this madhouse. On the other hand there is a certain weariness on my part: I am very tired and I have to point out the obvious things to do.

faustpatrone then pauses for a proper and well-deserved break the "broadcasting", including sending 24 hours pending the blog.

thanks to friends who follow me and follow me, because it is not a goodbye but a see you.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Wear My Hair Natural


Surgeon Xmas Hole Heart


receive and publish this report from a student and supporter of our organization who participated in this year February 12 to 18 to the "the train of memory" that includes a visit to the concentration camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau and the Jewish ghetto in Krakow.

left from Palermo and then by train from Forli, the first stage is the Jewish ghetto in Krakow.

In 1939, the order that was given to Jews residing in the city was to hang a sign outside your home that characterize their presence. It then deny them access to parks and public spaces, as long as in 1940 is definitely required a transfer to the city center. In 1940, Jews in Krakow exceed 25% of the population. The district was so reduced that number of people who were forced to live in inhumane conditions. The Jews were once robbed of all their possessions: their homes, personal effects, cars ... 60,000 people reduced to living in poverty and deprived of their lives and their past and the Nazi regime takes possession of their movable and immovable property. The ghetto had only four gates to the outside, having crossed only by those who still work outside the perimeter wall of the area (stone wall built in the shape of Jewish!) until, in 1941 the Nazi regime, without any scruples, punishes by death anyone who attempted to pass him. In 1942 all Jews were expelled from the ghetto unemployed (deliberately aggravated the situation by the Germans) and deported to the camp Belzec, where they are killed. The liquidation of the ghetto was in March 1943. Most of the Jews was deported to Auschwitz.

Second stage: the complex of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

The vision of the concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau horrifies us from the entry to the vision of the sign "Arbeit macht frei", work makes you free. The construction of the same rests with the deportees, with 20% that was not immediately killed in gas chambers but used for every kind of job base and degrading. The gas chambers and ovens were controlled and administered by the Sonderkommando, a team composed of displaced obliged to cooperate with the SS. The Sonderkommando, where possible, tried to organize acts of resistance, through dissemination to the outside of photographic material and documents denouncing the conditions under which they were subjected in the camp, but most of the attempts were ignored by the authorities Polish. The contents of the Block 5 is what was found in the huts burned before the end of the Nazi regime, called "Canada", where all goods were deposited inside the property of prisoners. It is impossible not to leave the block without feeling a minimum of 5 in horror looking at the tangible evidence of a racist, homophobic and sexist whose purpose was to oppress and destroy all right: in that building there are thousands of glasses, clothes, suitcases, piles of shoes, personal items, photographs. More disturbing is to see, a few meters away from your nose, those which were accumulated were inside the ashes of the millions of deportees killed in the crematoria. The annihilation of human dignity.
Men and women forced to live in inhumane conditions, sleeping on mattresses on the concrete and eating rotten food. Mocked by the SS. Inserted in a machine of which were gearing and victims who killed them, but only after they have been humiliated to deny them any possibility of human dignity. Many of the prisoners, due to stress, were affected by mental illness and many commit suicide running into electrical wires that surrounded the camp fence. Many were still
the abuses of the Nazis. For example, the newborn twins were under pseudo-medical treatments that included the ruthless and gangrene appearance of tumors in their bodies. Among the other shame, that of being forced to carry the bodies inside the camp of those who, during the endless hours of grueling work, was dying of hunger and starvation.


The meeting held at the end of the day saw all students started with us and the experience has certainly marked for life. It made us reflect on what you need to have the memory of those facts, but at the same time needed to actualize this reality of modern fascism that we see today and act accordingly. We all have a responsibility and duty to rebel against the government order with the appropriate action, which is not only to demonstrate peacefully, which is now an end in itself. It is essential that the history is not buried or forgotten, it is vital to raise awareness and disseminate anti-Fascist barbarism is being aware of what governments are capable of architects who can fight against modern fascism of Berlusconi's government and its servants who are peddling racist and xenophobic ideas and arrangements.

Against Fascism is not a step backwards!

Constructing A Fiador Knot

elementary watson - La Russa who else?

when you read the news of a sharp hit-and-response between two MPs:

one that says "Rhetoric"
another that says "Jackal"

and you know that one of The two are Russian, but do not know who said what , puoi tentare di capirlo seguendo questo processo maieutico:

quale delle due affermazioni è la più violenta, la più rozza, la più istintiva, la più aggressiva, la meno adatta a un dibattito politico? quale potrebbe essere fra le due l'uscita più cafona e prepotente?

" Sciacallo. " naturalmente.

questa è farina del triste sacco di La Russa.

ho verificato e ci ho preso alla grande.

Elementare Watson

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nadine Jansen And Milena Velba Milking

you are happy, dickheads?

in Germania il dominio del politicamente corretto e dei "diritti" civili a tutti i costi has pushed a dramatic own goal.

was in fact (here the news ) required for the maintenance of a child to adulthood mere sperm donor who has allowed a lesbian couple to have the baby. Not only that the poor fellow was so concerned about being polite and friendly that not only has done what is required - put half of the raw material needed - but paid the baptism of the small (obviously lesbians were religious) and regularly took care to visit pair of women who reared him.

all this kindness and care have been rewarded not required by law to protect that more debole , ha fatto pervenire richiesta di mantenimento da parte dei legali della coppia al donatore, perché ne sarebbe comunque padre biologico , e quindi sarebbe tenuto a versare la sua quota. questo perché sempre la legge tedesca cara ai capricci dei "più deboli" - ma schifosamente irriconoscenti e esosi aggiungiamo noi - obbliga i padri biologici a provvedere, salvo che il nuovo compagno/a della madre non adotti il minore sua sponte . 

insomma abbiamo gente che soddisfa le sue vogliette biologiche, di maternità/paternità, per quanto incompatibili con lo stile di vota sessuale che si è liberamente scelta , e, non contenta, appioppa per giunta a generosi sconosciuti oneri in cambio di un favore.


queste leggi così liberali e buone e col cuoricino gonfio di diritti civili non faranno altro che scoraggiare in futuro chiunque voglia contribuire a realizzare il sogno di paternità/maternità delle coppie omosessuali. quale persona sana di mente, visto lo scenario, accetterebbe di prestarsi a donar seme per questo fine? e tutto per "tutelare i più deboooli" ameen.

cari amici dei diritti civili anche io sono a fianco delle vostre battaglie, ma se cominciate a comportarvi così, e comportarsi così penso sia un po' da stronzi, non meravigliatevi se crescerà nel futuro in seno alle nostre "tolleranti" e politicamente corrette società una quota di persone non solo non disposte a favorirvi nei vostri progetti di vita, ma anche pronte a chiedere allo Stato di non incentivarle con le politiche sociali.

caroi Stato liberale e cari legislatori buoni buoni, per tutelare un "debole" e una minoranza avete calpestato i diritti di una persona generosa.

siete contenti, adesso?

How To Complain About A False Cps Report


oh si, Gheddafi è quel che è but reading the majority of newspapers, very large and very cross, I can not help but feel disgust.

disgust proportional to the hours is the execrable tyrant, the family. with monstrous late. and several hairs on my stomach! just before when riveritissimo and salameleccatissimo was our guest of the state, economic opportunity, bargain on two legs, secure job, when his son bought mineral water and military well in football, the tones were nothing short of strongly backs and conciliatory, more than a veiled by irony radicalchic.

what a difference now in the lynching and the pogrom of too many hacks. and if it hits this discrepancy is a sign that something serious in our barometers "moral" is gone.

be known as the mob turncoats liars when things go wrong at the time of the powerful. lambs were with him when he was a lion, and now they are lions, but when about to fall ...

worse than him.
worse than him.
worse than him.
bad indeed.