Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How To Delete Jibjab Account

Le scuole buddhiste del periodo Heian

During Heian period (794-1185), a great transformation took place Buddhism, but to understand it, you should take some steps back. First of all, this religion was born in India in the sixth century BC and came from China and Korea come concezione puramente intellettuale, atta a rafforzare e legittimare il potere centrale, rappresentato allora dal clan Soga e dalla casa imperiale. Infatti, quando il buddhismo fece ufficialmente il suo ingresso in Giappone nel 538 , a fare presa sulle classi elevate non furono tanto le originarie concezioni di questa religione (come l'atteggiamento pessimistico verso la vita, la reincarnazione e il nirvana), quanto piuttosto l'arte, la letteratura, i cerimoniali e i poteri magici che accompagnavano la sua filosofia. Inoltre, fino all'VIII secolo, il buddhismo rimase strettamente confinato all'aristocrazia di corte, senza che le sei cosiddette sette di Nara coinvolgessero il resto della popolazione.

However, a substantial change in the situation occurred in the period in question, namely the early ninth century, when the mainland came two new schools of thought that are more spread among the people, both of which were introduced by two monks who had accompanied the diplomatic mission to China by the 804 . One of these monks, Kukai (744-835), otherwise known as Kobo Daishi (Daishi means "great teacher"), brought with him from China to the teachings of Tantric Buddhism as his headquarters and founded a monastery mont on and Kuya , end South of the capital. So he introduced the Shingon (literally, "true word"), an esoteric sect, which had, however, one aspect populations with spells, incantations and other rituals for the dead. Shingon gained great popularity at court, just as it placed emphasis on ritual magic, also regarded as local manifestations Japanese Shinto gods of universal Buddhist deities, it also contributed to both theological and institutional merger of the two religions.

The other monk return dall'ambasceria dell'804, Saicho (767-822), also known as Dengyo Daishi, instead promoted the construction of a large monastic complex on Mount Hiei-zan , located northeast of the Heian: given that the north-east was considered an unfavorable direction, SAIC, to protect the capital from the evil influences , had chosen Mount Hiei-zan as an ideal place in which to build his school, the Tendai sect of (the name comes from m shame Tiantai where the Monaco had learned the doctrine in China). It was an eclectic school, according to which all living things could become a "Buddha", ie to achieve a state of enlightenment through a series of practices (studies, meditations and invocations), this doctrine was great success at all levels of society, becoming a state religion, as he was able to absorb elements from various religions and schools (both Buddhist Shinto) and adapt to different levels of individual understanding.

Over time, the monastic complex of these two schools were able to become real centers of power alternativ to the imperial court. In fact, they had started to buy weapons and to get warrior monks (called Sohei ), not only to settle internal political disputes and doctrinal or other schools, but also to seize by force of large agricultural areas. Emblematic the case of the Tendai sect, whose Enryaku-ji temple on Mount Hiei-zan was at the time of SAIC, the hub of a complex of more than 3000 buildings: its many monks came to be an army in wartime and even hordes of bandits who, starting from 'the eleventh century, carried out sporadic but devastating raids in the city. In addition, these seven also contains a magic-religious that often used to intimidate and threaten the imperial government. So the latter, while not looking directly threatened its autonomy by the presence of Buddhist temples around the capital (as had happened instead in the Nara period ), was gradually deprived of many landholdings, and therefore the real power, new religious institutions.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Painting Aluminum Duck Boat

Il periodo Heian Heian period (794-1185) 2

A Heiankyo , the court reached its peak in many respects: the nobility of the capital led a life of well-being and refinement, visible in the splendor of the artistic and literary production, with its refinement and his impeccable etiquette, it was competing with the courts of every time and place, leaving to mankind examples of the best art and literature of the ancient world. At the same time, however, the principles of modern Kyoto and courtiers, engaging in pleasant pastimes and clever speeches rather than allowing the administration of the State, ended to lose control on the real world outside the court, meanwhile, still enjoying a certain autonomy and a climate of relative peace and stability, they developed the first forms of a national culture, becoming more and more distanced from the Chinese model .

Indeed, following the decline of the T'ang dynasty in 907 , Japan had maintained that he had severed relations with the continent so far, and already in ' 894, it was decided not to send diplomatic missions in China, because of the serious unrest in place. From the ninth century, along with political contacts ceased then the enthusiasm for everything that was Chinese, while he was maturando una cultura autoctona , in grado di assimilare e adattare ciò che aveva fino ad allora acquisito da oltremare. In questo modo, nascevano in Giappone forme artistiche e letterarie originali e autonome, nonostante la Cina classica continuasse a godere di alto credito presso l'elite dominante.

Intanto, uno dei segni più evidenti dell'aumentato distacco dai modelli cinesi fu l'elaborazione, avvenuta nei secoli IX e X, di un nuovo sistema di scrittura: si tratta del kana , il sillabario giapponese, nato dalla trasformazione dei caratteri cinesi ( kanji ) in simboli fonetici privi di ogni significato specifico. I kana venivano utilizzati assieme ai kanji in una struttura grammaticale native, other than the Chinese also were divided in turn into two distinct primers, each made of about 50 signs, an italic ( hiragana) and the other non-italic ( katakana).

At first, the kana primers, were used mainly by women court that, in general, did not have enough to write in Chinese culture, however, the most learned men, disdained to use their own language to write works important, because knowledge of classical Chinese culture continued to be a prerequisite and a hallmark of aristocratic status. So while the male aristocracy continued to compose written in Chinese, generally of poor quality, their ladies, experimenting in the composition of d iari ( nikki ) and tales (monogatari ) in "Japanese", gave birth to the first prose literature in this language. It was in this context, therefore, that the court lady M urasaki Shikibu wrote, around 1004 the Genji Monogatari (The Tale of Genji), which tells the amorous adventures and maturation psychological Genji, an imaginary prince. considered the first novel in the prose of history , the Genji Monogatari is the most prominent literary works of the period Heian and it remains among the greatest of all time. It also provides useful information, if not indispensable, the social and cultural life of the imperial court at the time, and on the same courtiers and their total disregard for the epoch-making changes that were happening then in the agricultural provinces.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Kate's Playground Cigarette

Il periodo Heian Heian period (794-1185) 1

At the end of the eighth century, the 'Emperor Kanmu , serving from 781 all'806, wanting to escape the influence of Buddhist temples that stood all around the imperial capital of Nara , decided in 789 to transfer the court to Nagaoka ; there, however, conspiracies e assassini, nati da dispute per la successione al trono, lo costrinsero a spostare nuovamente la sede del governo. Così, nel 794 , fondò Heiankyo (letteralmente, "capitale della pace e della tranquillità"), poi ribattezzata Kyoto , che da allora sarebbe stata la capitale ufficiale per più di mille anni, fino al 1868 . Costruita come Nara secondo lo schema urbanistico a griglia cinese, questa città rappresentò il principale cento politico, sociale e culturale del Giappone per quasi 4 secoli, un periodo che prende appunto il nome di era Heian .

Si tratta di un momento decisivo per la storia giapponese, in quanto con esso giunge completed the break between two realities: that of the imperial court , home of the 'aristocracy learned leading a life more prosperous and sophisticated manner, and that of rural provinces, where he formed and was gradually strengthening new warrior class, or Samura, who, at this time, would replace the central government institutions in the management of the state. In fact, with the sharpening of the contradictions of the land system, which emerged in the Nara period , the ruling dynasty was gradually losing control of social, economic and therefore political on many agricultural areas of the archipelago, and its inhabitants. Even the attempts by Kanmu and his three successors to restore the principles set out in the Code Ritsuryo , put an end to 'inevitable decline of imperial power .

benefit from this situation, even before the provincial warrior aristocracy, was the Fujiwara clan, who managed to have an 'almost absolute influence on the imperial dynasty, drastically limiting the personal power of tenno . Through a 'marriage policy skilled el' year of the regency, the Fujiwara, the Court ruled it for most of the period in question, in particular between 967 and 1068, period of time it takes its name to "gov ernment of regents " (or sekkan seiji ) Fujiwara. However, their influence was scaled by the institution of government of the emperors in withdrawal (or teach ), also called "rule of the cloister." According to this practice, already implemented in the past but has become quite common by the end of the century, an emperor abdicated soon to get rid of any outside interference; enthroned an emperor very young, he would then checked in lieu of a regent. With this strategy, in 1086, the 'Emperor Shirakawa so he could free himself from Fujiwara and counter their dominance on the Court.

However, both the government of the regents that the government of the cloister, along with many other games of various power and intrigue, inevitably ended up damaging the cohesion and effectiveness of the central government and contributed to the further loss of control Real nation, particularly over economic resources. Meanwhile, outside of the Court more and more the power of the heads of provincial warrior bands and the countryside, far from the glitz of Heiankyo, were laying the foundations of a different Japan, the feudal Japan.