Il periodo Heian Heian period (794-1185) 2
A Heiankyo , the court reached its peak in many respects: the nobility of the capital led a life of well-being and refinement, visible in the splendor of the artistic and literary production, with its refinement and his impeccable etiquette, it was competing with the courts of every time and place, leaving to mankind examples of the best art and literature of the ancient world. At the same time, however, the principles of modern Kyoto and courtiers, engaging in pleasant pastimes and clever speeches rather than allowing the administration of the State, ended to lose control on the real world outside the court, meanwhile, still enjoying a certain autonomy and a climate of relative peace and stability, they developed the first forms of a national culture, becoming more and more distanced from the Chinese model .
Indeed, following the decline of the T'ang dynasty in 907 , Japan had maintained that he had severed relations with the continent so far, and already in ' 894, it was decided not to send diplomatic missions in China, because of the serious unrest in place. From the ninth century, along with political contacts ceased then the enthusiasm for everything that was Chinese, while he was maturando una cultura autoctona , in grado di assimilare e adattare ciò che aveva fino ad allora acquisito da oltremare. In questo modo, nascevano in Giappone forme artistiche e letterarie originali e autonome, nonostante la Cina classica continuasse a godere di alto credito presso l'elite dominante.
Intanto, uno dei segni più evidenti dell'aumentato distacco dai modelli cinesi fu l'elaborazione, avvenuta nei secoli IX e X, di un nuovo sistema di scrittura: si tratta del kana , il sillabario giapponese, nato dalla trasformazione dei caratteri cinesi ( kanji ) in simboli fonetici privi di ogni significato specifico. I kana venivano utilizzati assieme ai kanji in una struttura grammaticale native, other than the Chinese also were divided in turn into two distinct primers, each made of about 50 signs, an italic ( hiragana) and the other non-italic ( katakana).
At first, the kana primers, were used mainly by women court that, in general, did not have enough to write in Chinese culture, however, the most learned men, disdained to use their own language to write works important, because knowledge of classical Chinese culture continued to be a prerequisite and a hallmark of aristocratic status. So while the male aristocracy continued to compose written in Chinese, generally of poor quality, their ladies, experimenting in the composition of d iari ( nikki ) and tales (monogatari ) in "Japanese", gave birth to the first prose literature in this language. It was in this context, therefore, that the court lady M urasaki Shikibu wrote, around 1004 the Genji Monogatari (The Tale of Genji), which tells the amorous adventures and maturation psychological Genji, an imaginary prince. considered the first novel in the prose of history , the Genji Monogatari is the most prominent literary works of the period Heian and it remains among the greatest of all time. It also provides useful information, if not indispensable, the social and cultural life of the imperial court at the time, and on the same courtiers and their total disregard for the epoch-making changes that were happening then in the agricultural provinces.
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