Sunday, June 1, 2008

Kate's Playground Cigarette

Il periodo Heian Heian period (794-1185) 1

At the end of the eighth century, the 'Emperor Kanmu , serving from 781 all'806, wanting to escape the influence of Buddhist temples that stood all around the imperial capital of Nara , decided in 789 to transfer the court to Nagaoka ; there, however, conspiracies e assassini, nati da dispute per la successione al trono, lo costrinsero a spostare nuovamente la sede del governo. Così, nel 794 , fondò Heiankyo (letteralmente, "capitale della pace e della tranquillità"), poi ribattezzata Kyoto , che da allora sarebbe stata la capitale ufficiale per più di mille anni, fino al 1868 . Costruita come Nara secondo lo schema urbanistico a griglia cinese, questa città rappresentò il principale cento politico, sociale e culturale del Giappone per quasi 4 secoli, un periodo che prende appunto il nome di era Heian .

Si tratta di un momento decisivo per la storia giapponese, in quanto con esso giunge completed the break between two realities: that of the imperial court , home of the 'aristocracy learned leading a life more prosperous and sophisticated manner, and that of rural provinces, where he formed and was gradually strengthening new warrior class, or Samura, who, at this time, would replace the central government institutions in the management of the state. In fact, with the sharpening of the contradictions of the land system, which emerged in the Nara period , the ruling dynasty was gradually losing control of social, economic and therefore political on many agricultural areas of the archipelago, and its inhabitants. Even the attempts by Kanmu and his three successors to restore the principles set out in the Code Ritsuryo , put an end to 'inevitable decline of imperial power .

benefit from this situation, even before the provincial warrior aristocracy, was the Fujiwara clan, who managed to have an 'almost absolute influence on the imperial dynasty, drastically limiting the personal power of tenno . Through a 'marriage policy skilled el' year of the regency, the Fujiwara, the Court ruled it for most of the period in question, in particular between 967 and 1068, period of time it takes its name to "gov ernment of regents " (or sekkan seiji ) Fujiwara. However, their influence was scaled by the institution of government of the emperors in withdrawal (or teach ), also called "rule of the cloister." According to this practice, already implemented in the past but has become quite common by the end of the century, an emperor abdicated soon to get rid of any outside interference; enthroned an emperor very young, he would then checked in lieu of a regent. With this strategy, in 1086, the 'Emperor Shirakawa so he could free himself from Fujiwara and counter their dominance on the Court.

However, both the government of the regents that the government of the cloister, along with many other games of various power and intrigue, inevitably ended up damaging the cohesion and effectiveness of the central government and contributed to the further loss of control Real nation, particularly over economic resources. Meanwhile, outside of the Court more and more the power of the heads of provincial warrior bands and the countryside, far from the glitz of Heiankyo, were laying the foundations of a different Japan, the feudal Japan.


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