The September Eleven of conspiracy: an attack on Israel's intelligence
Nine years have passed by the appalling tragedy of that of 11 September 2001 when, in disbelief of the whole world was consumed the most deadly surprise attack on the heart of 'America and, indirectly, the entire West.
The ferocity of the attack was compounded by the fact that they chose not only to hit a military target, the Pentagon, but two civilian targets, the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, using civilian airliners with passengers on board and causing the horrible deaths of over three thousand people.
The fact is already devastating in itself.
certainly did not need dell'aggravante dei complottisti, che molto presto hanno cominciato a far circolare una serie di teorie, spesso in contraddizione le une con le altre, per fornire quella che loro definiscono "una spiegazione alternativa dell'accaduto" rispetto a ciò che sempre loro chiamano "la verità ufficiale".
Una elencazione delle teorie complottiste richiederebbe molto più spazio di una semplice nota anche perché - come dicevo - sono tante e si contraddicono a vicenda. In linea di massima, la più accreditata è quella dell' autocomplotto : in sostanza, la stessa Amministrazione americana di George W. Bush, con l'aiuto dell'immancabile CIA, avrebbe organizzato l'orrendo attentato per poi farne ricadere la colpa sullo sceicco of terror Osama Bin Laden - totally unconnected with the facts - and thus have the pretext to attack Afghanistan. What to make mountains of money to the gun lobby, which had previously funded (and would then also refinanced), the Republican campaign for president. Someone also added to the world of reasons, such as the need to bring down the WTC without discovering the people who had actually been built with carcinogenic materials.
There seems absurd? Be ', it is even more curious that the Presidency of the United States, instead of bombers use puppets, artfully manipulated and maneuvered by the CIA, in reality disguised four aircraft and missiles launched against targets they would, by then the Twin Towers collapsed due to the most secret and incredible work of controlled demolition in recorded human history, made an occult work went on for months and completed over a year before, the all with no one to date (Year of our Lord 2010) provide some evidence or blurt out the immense conspiracy.
Now, I do not want the merits of "proven wrong cross" between supporters and supporters of plotting the attack Islam, because it takes a book, if not an encyclopedia, but I will limit myself to just two basic considerations.
If I were a U.S. president gone crazy and decide to kill my fellow countrymen over three thousand innocent civilians in that way only because of my horrible thirst for power and money, I'd be very, very careful not to get discovered.
And yes, because if you notice it, not only I but all my family, my party, my friends and supporters are ruined for decades. An attack like the Sept. 11 stuff is not taken lightly.
The last thing I need is a plan so intricate, complex and long in its implementation to contain hundreds of elements that could go wrong.
What I would have done would have been easy to detonate a bomb with high potential hidden in a briefcase at rush hour on a weekday to Grand Central, the main railway station in New York. A little 'as the Bologna massacre of 1980.
fact, I want to ruin two different trigger bombs, Hamas style, so people after the first explosion, run all on one side and dies by the outbreak of the second bomb. The roof of Grand Central collapses and dies, many more people of three thousand people on 11 September.
Do not believe us? I invite you to reconsider. You saw what happened in Madrid on March 11, 2004? Small craft and improvised explosive devices have killed 191 people and wounded more than 1400 so even serious ...! Just get organized and can maximize the lethal effect.
But the real point is that it is not difficult: it takes a military explosives expert (the CIA will have one, you say?) A pair of high-powered bombs and a couple of pieces of shit that is not where Piazzino note, type in a closet cleaning. Add to this, one or two that do pole.
exaggerate it takes ten people.
not difficult and certainly within the reach of ' U.S. military intelligence.
But no.
The Bush administration is taking off two airliners (I limit myself to the Twin Towers, for short), then makes them land God-only-knows-where ; ago slay every person and makes them burn the bodies (because, to be dead, are dead! And powder, as well), white type shotgun. Then starts
God-only-knows-where- by missile disguised as airliners and make them crash into the towers, but not together, watch out! Before and one after 15 minutes, the other, so while there's the TV all over the world, is not the element of surprise and you notice it is better not to air missiles but ... (?)
And finally, the grand finale, instead of using missiles powerful enough to knock down the towers themselves (and missiles, yes or no ?!?), detonates a series of high explosive charges in a series of synchronized which 'incredible, come without wires (because, as well as a trace, the heat of the fire would have risked damage, compromising the perfect sync, but it would be impossible even with the cables, the experts say), making the explosions did not start from the bottom, to make the weight of the building, as is done to perfection, but from the impact point (about three-fifths of the height).
All these charges would have remained there for over a year, located in great secrecy on virtually all one hundred floors of each tower and passes by a team of technicians disguised as madmen of a lift, well motivated and more proof of a conspiracy of silence Mafia clan.
Apart from that it seems to me a plan devised by a drunken idiot, the risks of failure and detection are clearly enormous.
How many things can go wrong with a plan so absurd?
How many people should be involved? How many people you have to get - by hook or by crook - the silence, which then must be maintained forever?
In short: but who is so fool to go to get into a plan as risky, when there are alternatives far less complicated?
brings us to the second point, my favorite: the reasons for which the whole attack was carried out. Allow me to quickly liquidate the millstone of the construction of the World Trade Center with carcinogenic materials ... If Punta Perotti in Bari felled and cleared the Fibronit asbestos, do not understand why in New York to take down two towers should kill three thousand people.
then speak only of the war in Afghanistan and the gun lobby. From there a few years after the Sept. 11, the U.S. would launch a war against Saddam Hussein crowds, in no way connected to the attack of September 11 and Al Qaeda, based on the presence of an imaginary arsenal of weapons mass destruction of chemical and bacteriological tests; arsenal that has never been found, for the simple reason that did not exist.
was just a lie of the CIA, which they believed the then U.S. Secretary of State, General Colin Powell has lost his job and honor. Yet, it is enough to trigger a war that has lasted for years, in which half of the troops are bogged West and which still can not get out.
In all honesty, the need to commit the most heinous terrorist attacks in history - to come on American soil and American casualties - just do not see, or even in sight.
can be imagined, however, several of the easiest ways to trigger this conflict.
And who knows how many more they imagine the various U.S. administrations, in which - apart from presidents - work refined minds: Do you remember how we saw the war in Vietnam? It was another event artfully manipulated by the U.S. in order to create a pretext to attack the Vietcong, invading the country. There was not need to kill three thousand civilians on American soil. Neither
there never will be.
For what must be the madness of a fundamentalist enemy that hates you and has a name: The Base, Al Qaida.
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