Sunday, September 19, 2010

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Failures of Success

the beginning, you know, it is often the hardest part in life.
Some might argue that the end is tostarella to manage, but asteniamoci considered too obvious and let us pause to talk about the moments in which life - or at least much of it - is still ahead of us.

It is said that everyone is different, that the dreams of people go on their own, without overlapping, if not in small part, to each other and many other things whose purpose is to emphasize our uniqueness.

will also be the case, but one thing is certainly not in anyone's dreams: the failure.
All fear the failure.

We can turn over the omelette in a thousand ways, but why not we board in 99% of the things we do is that not afraid to fail; not make it.
This is particularly true for children as for the rest of us.

The failure does not like anyone.
Yet history teaches us that great men did so because they had no fear of failure, rather, that success has finally arrived only after a long, long chain colossal flops. These people understood that, in essence, to learn how to do two things: never to lose heart and never stop learning from your mistakes.

I exaggerate? Read below and judge for yourself.

Bill Gates, founder and president Microsoft, has literally changed the culture of the office work in the late twentieth century, greatly simplifying the use of personal computers . Yet, in the 70s, was thrown out of Harvard. Today is one of the richest men in the world.

Abraham Lincoln, who had not received a formal school education beyond the fifth grade, he entered into politics to be trumpet in twelve elections, before finally being elected (fine) President of the United States' America and abolish slavery.

Isaac Newton was the greatest physicist of his generation: his work on the gravity of the body and optics have made him immortal, elevated to one of the greatest scientists of all time. Many mistakenly believe that he was a genius from birth, but the facts tell a different story. Newton school was denied, so that her teachers despaired of being able to improve its performance.

Albert Einstein, the greatest astrophysicist of the twentieth century, a genius whose theories about space-time futuristic remained misunderstood for decades, not only as a boy was badly in school, but he collected figures of crap planetary size ( Perhaps foreshadowing of his future cosmological theories).
Once, at seventeen, he went up on a bus. The ticket cost 60 cents to the Swiss franc and the young Albert paid a whole works. The driver-conductor, then asked him ten cents, so give him a fifty-cent piece as the remainder. Although there were many people who wanted to get on behind him, Albert foot down, getting angry with the driver, believing him to be fooling themselves.
The driver, you see that Einstein met every single day, turned off the engine and with the utmost calm, he explained step by step calculation. The young Albert, finally, understand, blushed with shame and apologized with the driver, who, always calm, replied: "Never mind, son My. Not everyone is born for mathematics. ":-D

Thomas Edison, the inventor whose discoveries have changed the lives of everyday life in the twentieth century, well recorded 1,093 patents to his name, was regarded by His teachers at school unable to learn anything stupid. And before you set up the famous incandescent bulb, he had to collect the tune of over nine thousand (!) flasks, with the previous prototypes.

Michael Jordan is considered the greatest basketball player of all time (in the sense that he was playing basketball, that was not the wicker baskets of the Valle d'Itria). It was a phenomenal athlete, with a combination unica di grazia, velocità e potenza, unite ad una capacità di improvvisare il gioco e ad una voglia di vincere notevoli. Be', per quanto vi sembrerà incredibile, prima di entrare nell'NBA, Michael Jordan era uno qualunque, al punto che era stato messo fuori squadra al liceo per "mancanza di capacità".

Walt Disney
fu un celeberrimo animatore, produttore, regista e sceneggiatore cinematografico. La Walt Disney Company da lui fondata ha fatto sognare migliaia di bimbiminkia (ed i loro genitori e nonni, anche) ed ha attualmente un risultato d'esercizio intorno ai 30 miliardi di dollari annui, spicciolo più, spicciolo meno. La sua prima produzione di animazione non only ended up in bankruptcy, but put him in a position to be ridiculed in front of reporters during a press conference, accused him of not having any idea just new to offer to the cinema. And there's more good Walt went bankrupt six times and also had a nervous breakdown, before managing to break through.

Winston Churchill, considered one of the greatest statesmen of the twentieth century and one of the hundred greatest subjects of the British Crown of all time, a child was stuttering and was also rejected consideration of third grade. The

Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken found himself rejected his recipe for Fried Chicken 1009 times well (the well has counted all the animaccia her!), before the restaurant finally accepted.

The famous American film director and producer Steven Spielberg left the school. He was persuaded to return, but since his old school did not want to take it back, found himself placed in a class for children with learning problems. It lasted barely a month, and then left school for good.

In 1947, 20th Century-Fox fired a young actress under contract by a year, on the grounds that there was no chemistry in her capable of arousing the attention from the male audience. Her name was Norma Jean and from there a few years would become "the" sexy diva par excellence: Marilyn Monroe.

The first novel by John Grisham was rejected by sixteen agents and twelve publishing houses. I guess they're all still spitting hairs.

Not the first, but the first two automobile companies of Mr. Henry Ford ended up in bankruptcy. Ford is remembered today as the father of the car as standard, even mass production, so that its organizational model based on skilled labor, ie the assembly line, is called "Fordism."

Vincent van Gogh sold one painting during his vita: a suo fratello.  :-)

Soichiro Honda fu scartato dalla Toyota Motor Corporation nel corso di un colloquio di lavoro per un posto da tecnico meccanico. Vatti a fidare dei selezionatori del personale... Rimase disoccupato per un bel po' e,  siccome lavoro in Giappone allora non ce n'era, si mise ad assemblare degli scooter in garage. Solo dopo anni, i suoi vicini cominciarono a comprarglieli e... il resto della storia la conoscete.
Oggi, il suo motto più celebre è: " Il successo è al 99% fatto di fallimenti ".

Richard Hooker ha passato ben 17 anni a scrivere e cercare di promuovere una storia comica sulla World War II, which was rejected by as many as 21 publishers, William Morrow before purchase. The book's title was "Mash." Need we say more?

Akio Morita, founder of Sony, he designed his first electric appliance that was supposed to cook the rice ... Too bad that instead of cooking it, it burned great, so yes and no he sold one hundred copies and the entire transaction was a financial bloodbath. Today, Sony is the sixth largest electronics company in the world with an annual result of approximately $ 66 billion.
Imagine the value of a collector of those hundred-burning rice Sony

... Regards,



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