Friday, December 5, 2008

Lemon And Egg For Kidney Stones

Taira Kiyomori Taira Kiyomori

Taira no Kiyomori (1118-1181) è un noto samurai del XII secolo, che negli ultimi anni del periodo Heian (794-1185) dominò la scena politica giapponese alla guida di un potente clan militare dell'epoca, i Taira . Suo padre Tadamori (1096-1153) aveva servito la Corte imperiale in 1129 Pirates of subduing the South East, and he had also allowed the rise of the Taira in the Capital from a strange incident while serving on guard at the palace, stopped an old lamplighter that he had alarmed the emperor, in so doing, Tadamori ingratiates it was who gave him his favorite concubine as a sign of gratitude for having calmed. Kiyomori was born from the union with the lady, who, once grown, would have boasted of his imperial blood in his veins.

Tadamori Following the death, which occurred in 1153, Kiyomori succeeded in driving the clan and took steps to further strengthen the power of the Taira. To this end, took advantage of disorders caused by certain sects of Buddhism like Tendai, whose legions of warrior-monks ( Sohei ), armed with naginata , threatened the capital. It was practically a monastic congregation, which became very powerful through the acquisition of private property ( Shoen ), were constantly fighting among themselves to increase land and prestige, not hesitating to make their religious and military strength at the same Court. To propitiate the favor of the Emperor, Kiyomori thought well then take action against them: in 1164, he attacked the monks who were causing disturbances with an arrow and hit the big shrine mobile they were carrying. They were joined by other attacks on religious institutions (such as Todaji Nara), which were by him destroyed and looted. With such an appeal to the despotism and violence Kiyomori could receive respect and charges and the ability to deal with the internal politics of the Emperor and the government. In this way, but Kiyomori came in contrast to the Fujiwara family (then quite influential in the Court) and with the Minamoto clan military that supported it. Political opposition eventually lead, in 1156, in the civil war known as Hogen no ran , that turned Hogen era (1156-1158) begun as a dispute over the succession between the 'Emperor retired Sutoku el' reigning Emperor Go Shirakawa . It was the first clash between the Taira and Mianmoto respectively supporters and Shirakawa Sutoku; eventually Kiyomori came out the winner, thanks in particular to the support of Yoshitomo, a leading member of Mianamoto who had passed on his side. However, Yoshitomo, following the death of his father and his brother, fighting in the ranks opposed, could not help but follow the moral norm that "a man can not live under the same roof as the killers of his father": in 1159, then led the Minamoto and Fujiwara survivors against the troops of the Taira gathered in the capital ( Rivolta Heijo ), but was defeated and killed in 1160. There followed many executions that decimated the Minamoto clan, although Kiyomori, in contrast to his cruelty and customs of the time, saved the whole offspring of Yoshitomo, probably prompted by the pleas of a concubine of a rebel, Tokiwa .

emerged victorious by Hogen rebellion and the Heijo, Kiyomori exercised undisputed dominion on the court for about two decades that Rokuhara period (1160-1180), which takes its name from the residence, home to the headquarters of the Taira capital. In this period, Taira replaced the Fujiwara in the role of imperial rulers, taking up the hierarchy of the court and being charged and allocated land in the provinces. As they had done before him Fujiwara, Kiyomori wanted to establish a close link with the imperial dynasty through political marriage, for example by marrying his daughter to a member of the royal family in the hope that an emperor was born Taira. Thus, in 1180 put his grandson on the throne only two years Antoku (1178-1185). But unlike the Fujiwara, the Taira were a family of civil aviation (the kuge ) dedicated to the pomp and ceremony of Court, but were part of the provincial warrior aristocracy (the buke ) were short a clan of samurai, who based his power on the use of force and respect for "Way of the Horse and the Arc" , a sort of moral code of ethics of the warrior.

However, settling in Heianko and forming in effect a new group of courtiers, Kiyomori ended up losing the military support of the provinces and moved away from the martial tradition of the countryside, in addition the despotism which was used to defend position arrived at court, gave rise to general discontent, even among those who were initially allies. It was so easy for Minamoto no Yoritomo (1147-1199), a son of Yoshitomo escaped death after Heijo the revolt, support the cause of the rebel prince Mochihito , and become the leader of a broad coalition anti-Taira samurai who led against Kiyomori from the eastern provinces. War broke out as the Genpei (1180-1185) ended with the expulsion of the Taira from the capital, and their destruction in the naval battle of Dannoura (among others there lost his life the Emperor Antoku child). Went down like this forever Kiyomori of the clan, who died of fever in 1181 just one year after the outbreak of the conflict.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Laundry Room Blueprints

Il mondo letterario del Genji Monogatari Tale of Genji

the beginning of 'the eleventh century, and specifically around the year 1004, the noble Murasaki Shikibu (973-1014?) scrisse il Genji Monogatari (La storia di Genji), considerato il massimo capolavoro della letteratura giapponese e il primo romanzo della letteratura mondiale. Quest'opera trova il suo contesto storico-culturale nella corte imperiale del periodo Heian (794-1185) e fa parte di una ricca e pregevole produzione letteraria e artistica che ruota in modo pressoché esclusivo attorno all' aristocrazia civile (i kuge ) del tempo. Allo stesso tempo, il Genji Monogatari ci offre un quadro vivace e accurato della vita sociale e privata della nobiltà di corte, trascurando, tuttavia, tutto ciò che avveniva fuori dal mondo culturale aristocratico della Capitale, un mondo tanto colto e raffinato quanto elitario e circoscritto.

Le espressioni culturali più elevate del periodo si ebbero, infatti, all'interno del ridotto gruppo di nobili che componeva la società di corte di Heiankyo e viveva nel palazzo imperiale o nelle vicine residenze dell'aristocrazia. In questa èlite creativa, dove la cura per l'abbigliamento, per l'etichetta e per le arti determinava lo status e la reputazione di un individuo, le donne , ormai escluse dall'esercizio del potere politico, svolgevano un ruolo culturale rilevante. Infatti, secondo la divisione dei ruoli basata sulla differenza di genere , una delle originali concezioni del periodo Heian, mentre gli uomini erano absorbed by the political commitment, ingenuity women could turn to writing and so dominate the literary world, giving birth to the first masterpieces in kana (or Japanese).

Not surprisingly, many writings of this period, usually nikki (diaries) or monogatari (tales, long and short) were written by the ladies of the court, among which, of course, Murasaki Shikibu. However, the author of the Genji Monogarari know very little. Even its name is uncertain because Shikibu's daughter was called a low-ranking courtier of the Ministry of Rites (Shikibu ) belonging to a minor branch Fujiwara of . The name Murasaki, meaning "purple", derives from one of the protagonists of the novel, Murasaki no Ue . Married with Fujiwara in 999 but was widowed two years later, entered the court Shikibu as a lady's companion Shoshi, one of the wives of the 'Emperor Ichijo , found himself at the center of a brilliant group of women who are passionate about literature . In this environment of fierce rivalry that existed naturally ladies are often manifested in the political intrigues of the court, in love and show off their literary skills.

In this context, Shikibu composed in the first decade of the 'Century XI the Genji Monogatari, his masterpiece. The work, episodic and complex, with a large number of characters is divided into 54 books that tell the story of Genji , an imaginary prince, and his descendants. The story is structured so that each episode that the essays can be enjoyed separately, although they clearly part of a larger whole. The first two thirds describe the youth and the maturity of Genji, the "shining prince" the court of Heian. The rest, however, describes the world after his death. Genji is the ideal courtier - son of an emperor, refined musician, poet, painter and dancer, but is above all a great seducer, who lives several love stories, some fleeting and superficial, more profound and lasting suffered, but in each of these stories shows that touch and elegance that belong in the environment of the Court.

However, Murasaki Shikibu does not just make a record of a long series of lovers, or describe the surface appearance of court life, but also offers a thorough psychological analysis of the characters that populate his novel. But the Genji Monogatari is even more significant when you consider that is the manifest cultural values \u200b\u200bof the aristocracy of Heian , values \u200b\u200bexemplified by the same figure of Prince Genji. One of these is the Miyabi , sort di ideale estetico dell'eleganza, della raffinatezza e di quella cura nei modi, nelle parole e nei sentimenti volta a eliminare ogni grossolaneità e rozzezza. Un'altro ideale estetico che troviamo nell'opera di Shikibu è, poi, il mono no aware (letteralmente, tristezza delle cose), ovvero un senso di ansietà che nasce dalla consapevolezza della transitorietà e della precarietà di ogni cosa terrena. Tale percezione, di chiara matrice buddhista, divenne predominante nella fase conclusiva del periodo Heian (e soprattutto nel successivo periodo Kamakura), ma la troviamo già nel Genji Monogatari nel quale, attraverso la ricorrente metafora della fioritura dei ciliegi o la stessa immagine del protagonista, esprime the idea that the peak of vitality and beauty coincide with the beginning of its decay and decline.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hot Nico Robin And Nami

Il periodo Heian Heian period (794-1185) 3

During the second half of the twelfth century, Japan became a reality in the process of transferring power from the Civil Court and the aristocracy (the kuge ) to the military class, or Samura, forgiatasi warriors around large families (the buke) who had consolidated power in the provinces. Descendants of some collateral branches from prestigious families in the capital or of the imperial dynasty, the buke they feel their political and military when they were involved in disputes over the imperial succession, from one of these dispute era infatti scoppiata una guerra civile nota come Hogen no ran , cioè rivolta dell'era Hogen ( 1156-1158 ), che vide contrapporsi sui campi di battaglia due clan militari delle province rivali, i Taira e i Minamoto , rispettivamente sostenitori dell' Imperatore Go Shirakawa e dell' Imperatore in ritiro Sutoku . I primi (noti anche come Heishi o Heike ) discendevano dal figlio dell' Imperatore Kanmu e avevano stabilito un potere personale nelle regioni del Mare Interno, a ovest, mentre l'altro clan, quello dei Minamoto (o Genji ), creato nell'814 dall' Imperatore Saga , was located in the Kanto region in the east.

The Taira, led by their leader Kiyomori (1118-1181), had won the Civil War, defeated in 1156 i Minamoto, who meanwhile were upset by serious internal divisions. Furthermore, after a foiled uprising broke out in 1159 and cappeggiata by Minamoto survivors and family Fujiwara ( revolt Heijo ) Kiyomori imposed the dominance of his clan for two decades (1160-1180 ), which takes name Rokuhara period. In recent years, he moved to Heian Kiyomori where settled themselves and members his family in high positions of the court, he married the daughter of the emperor and, in 1180, did ascend the imperial throne of his nephew just two years, Antoku (1178-1185). In this way, he established a direct control over the Court, with virtually the same methods used by Fujiwara in previous centuries. Kiyomori, however, did not bother to consolidate its position towards the other warrior clans in the province, rather than relying on traditional forms of power, but in doing so, the powerful warrior family, they saw in him an authority able and willing to protect their interests in the country, to this was added the fact that Kiyomori, because of his violence and his despotism, became hated by many, even those who had initially claimed.

And so it came to constitute a anti-coalition led by Taira Yoritomo (1147-1199), one of the Minamoto Kiyomori spared after the uprising Heijo. As a young adult in the custody of a minor branch of the Taira, the Hojo in 1180 Yoritomo in fact challenged the authority of Kiyomori and the Heian Court, taking advantage of the request for help from a prince imperial rebel early leaders military across the country began at his side. The vast army of Yoritomo failed to win the coalition led by Taira: after the death of Kiyomori (1181), the Minamoto took the capital in 1183, I drove the Taira and destroyed the latter in the naval battle of Dannoura ( 1185), in that famous battle, among others, were killed several members of the Court, including child emperor Antoku. From this conflict, known as the War Genpei ( 1180-1185), Minamoto Yoritomo then went unchallenged as a military leader of the country and this would have had a great time to inaugurate a new order and a new phase of Japanese history.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Antique Slipper Chairs

L 'Ascesa della classe guerriera

Col Heian period (794-1185), we are witnessing the decline of the imperial government, which gradually lost power and control over the country, we can never establish a full and effective authority over the other clan. Meanwhile, the actual political and economic power had passed into civilian hands of the aristocracy, led by the most influential family of the Court, Fujiwara . However, even the nobility of the capital had ended up losing control over the political and economic life of the country, remaining attached to the refined court ceremonies and devoting their energies to the arts, poetry and the pleasures rather than the administration of the state. Meanwhile, off stage, away from the literary and artistic splendours of the capital dominated by Fujiwara, other players were slowly laying the foundations for an entirely new Japan. It was the

provincial nobility, composed of powerful local leaders and aristocrats of low rank, generally coming from collateral branches of the Fujiwara or imperial, including imperial family lineage "excluded" , such as Tachibana, the Taira or Minamoto , deprived of the right of succession to the throne, a practice started during the reign of ' Shomu Emperor (724-749), many of these families had chosen to improve their status moving in the provinces, where they could buy high public or assume the direct management of agricultural properties. In addition to the social prestige and political and economic power, these "noble country, often despised by the nobility Central, also took a considerable military force that would have allowed them to enter the protagonists in the political competition, dictating new rules and aspiring to higher positions.

To determine the 'rise of this military aristocracy of the provinces (the buke ) , at the expense of civilian capital (the kuge ), participation of a complex set of economic, social and political one these was the separation between ownership and possession : in poche parole, gran parte della terra coltivabile, pur essendo proprietà privata (detta shoen ) delle grandi famiglie aristocratiche di Corte o di istituzioni religiose, veniva da queste ultime lasciata in affidamento a famiglie dell'aristocrazia provinciale che avevano il compito di amministrarle in loro vece. In questo modo, mentre i legittimi proprietari, risiedenti spesso lontani dalle proprie tenute agricole, finivano per perdere il controllo diretto su di esse, e di conseguenza sui loro proventi, la nobiltà di provincia stava facendosi un' esperienza concreta di governo , consolidando sempre di più il proprio potere su terre e contadini. Inoltre, come ho già accennato sopra, i nobili provinciali riuscirono achieve a military force personnel when, with the coming of the capacity of the central government to maintain order in the country, was asked to organize bodies of fighters to defend their land from bandits, from warrior monks and by criminals of all sorts.

This favored the emergence and development of prominent figures of warriors provincial elite members of local, dedicated military training in the arts (such as archery or fencing), and equipped with armor and horses. It was the ninth between the tenth century, following the decline of the imperial army to conscription, which proved ineffective, the strength and military talents were exercised in ever more exclusive by these professionals of the war, initially called bushi (thugs) or saburai (those who serve), then became known under the name of samurai. Over time, the samurai, originally military and civil servants of the ruling elites, assumed total control on agricultural land, as their military might exceed that of the great families of the civilian, who instead showed a profound contempt for weapons and military activity. In addition, they forged a 'common identity as a class separate from the rest of the company, by acquiring behavior rules, coining their own culture and, above all, establishing in them a network of hierarchical relationships.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Plastic Colored Bracelets And What They Mean

Tengu Tengu

I Tengu are some of the most famous bakemono (monsters) that populate the 'imaginary Japanese folklore. Usually located in forests, they are described in different ways, a tengu can appear in myths such as:
  1. A normal human being.
  2. A man of enormous nose, or too long to be real.
  3. A winged man and / or a squat bird's beak.
  4. A hybrid human / bird with hands and feet with claws.
  5. A bird itself (it tratterrebbe di un caso assai raro).
  6. Vari ibridi dati dalla combinazione delle forme sopra elencate.
A differenza di altre note creature immaginarie, come le kitsune (volpi) o i tanuki (procioni), i tengu non sono ne fastidiosi ne dannosi. Infatti, sebbene alcuni di loro siano decritti come imbroglioni o burloni, in genere, essi vengono visti come insegnanti saggi e degni di rispetto. Tuttavia le descrizioni di Tengu cambiano nel corso della storia, in quanto la personalità e l'obbiettivo di queste creature possono variare a seconda del periodo in cui agiscono. In ogni caso, diversamente che per le kitsune e per i tanuki, mutaforma assai caotici e imprevedibili, dietro the action of a tengu there is always a moral about, even if it is deception, or destruction: in many stories we see them, in fact, revenge killings, or the patience to teach good manners, impatient and thieves .

addition, the tengu were considered the best martial arts teachers , so that several students climbed the mountains in search of them, hoping to learn the magical arts, or those of the finest fighting. Especially the ninja skills was associated with the tengu, but they could also learn techniques ladies, and some warriors assigned, or given saw, the origin of proprie abilità agli insegnamenti di un maestro tengu. Per esempio, tradizione vuole che il noto fratello di Minamoto Yoritomo , Minamoto Yoshitsune , eroe militare del XII secolo, abbia appreso l'arte della spada da bambino da un vecchio e saggio tengu incontrato nella foresta.

Per quanto riguarda le notizie sulle origini dei tengu, anch'esse cambiano nel tempo: talvolta queste creature sono il risultato della trasformazione di uomini , in genere preti buddhisti o shintioisti, che erano stati maledetti dai loro pari a causa di alcuni difetti; in altri casi, sono invece descritti come semidei , demoni o razze di mostri del tutto separate dagli humans. The legends attest to the latter version often speak of tengu nests, hidden with great care on the highest mountains and filled with enormous eggs. The female tengu is rarely mentioned and sometimes it is so different from the male that the two are easily confused into two distinct species.

In addition to popular folklore, the figure of tengu is also found in religious mythology. For example, the Buddhist cosmology, appears as the tengu a rather simple-minded demon who has a single purpose: to distract the faithful from their spiritual journey. In addition, especially in the past were very common in real cults shrines tengu ; equally widespread was the practice of wearing a tengu mask during a religious pilgrimage, among other things, this mask was used in the tragedy of the No theater and still it can often be found hanging on the wall of bars and restaurants typically Japanese.

Text freely translated and processed from the web page .

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How To Delete Jibjab Account

Le scuole buddhiste del periodo Heian

During Heian period (794-1185), a great transformation took place Buddhism, but to understand it, you should take some steps back. First of all, this religion was born in India in the sixth century BC and came from China and Korea come concezione puramente intellettuale, atta a rafforzare e legittimare il potere centrale, rappresentato allora dal clan Soga e dalla casa imperiale. Infatti, quando il buddhismo fece ufficialmente il suo ingresso in Giappone nel 538 , a fare presa sulle classi elevate non furono tanto le originarie concezioni di questa religione (come l'atteggiamento pessimistico verso la vita, la reincarnazione e il nirvana), quanto piuttosto l'arte, la letteratura, i cerimoniali e i poteri magici che accompagnavano la sua filosofia. Inoltre, fino all'VIII secolo, il buddhismo rimase strettamente confinato all'aristocrazia di corte, senza che le sei cosiddette sette di Nara coinvolgessero il resto della popolazione.

However, a substantial change in the situation occurred in the period in question, namely the early ninth century, when the mainland came two new schools of thought that are more spread among the people, both of which were introduced by two monks who had accompanied the diplomatic mission to China by the 804 . One of these monks, Kukai (744-835), otherwise known as Kobo Daishi (Daishi means "great teacher"), brought with him from China to the teachings of Tantric Buddhism as his headquarters and founded a monastery mont on and Kuya , end South of the capital. So he introduced the Shingon (literally, "true word"), an esoteric sect, which had, however, one aspect populations with spells, incantations and other rituals for the dead. Shingon gained great popularity at court, just as it placed emphasis on ritual magic, also regarded as local manifestations Japanese Shinto gods of universal Buddhist deities, it also contributed to both theological and institutional merger of the two religions.

The other monk return dall'ambasceria dell'804, Saicho (767-822), also known as Dengyo Daishi, instead promoted the construction of a large monastic complex on Mount Hiei-zan , located northeast of the Heian: given that the north-east was considered an unfavorable direction, SAIC, to protect the capital from the evil influences , had chosen Mount Hiei-zan as an ideal place in which to build his school, the Tendai sect of (the name comes from m shame Tiantai where the Monaco had learned the doctrine in China). It was an eclectic school, according to which all living things could become a "Buddha", ie to achieve a state of enlightenment through a series of practices (studies, meditations and invocations), this doctrine was great success at all levels of society, becoming a state religion, as he was able to absorb elements from various religions and schools (both Buddhist Shinto) and adapt to different levels of individual understanding.

Over time, the monastic complex of these two schools were able to become real centers of power alternativ to the imperial court. In fact, they had started to buy weapons and to get warrior monks (called Sohei ), not only to settle internal political disputes and doctrinal or other schools, but also to seize by force of large agricultural areas. Emblematic the case of the Tendai sect, whose Enryaku-ji temple on Mount Hiei-zan was at the time of SAIC, the hub of a complex of more than 3000 buildings: its many monks came to be an army in wartime and even hordes of bandits who, starting from 'the eleventh century, carried out sporadic but devastating raids in the city. In addition, these seven also contains a magic-religious that often used to intimidate and threaten the imperial government. So the latter, while not looking directly threatened its autonomy by the presence of Buddhist temples around the capital (as had happened instead in the Nara period ), was gradually deprived of many landholdings, and therefore the real power, new religious institutions.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Painting Aluminum Duck Boat

Il periodo Heian Heian period (794-1185) 2

A Heiankyo , the court reached its peak in many respects: the nobility of the capital led a life of well-being and refinement, visible in the splendor of the artistic and literary production, with its refinement and his impeccable etiquette, it was competing with the courts of every time and place, leaving to mankind examples of the best art and literature of the ancient world. At the same time, however, the principles of modern Kyoto and courtiers, engaging in pleasant pastimes and clever speeches rather than allowing the administration of the State, ended to lose control on the real world outside the court, meanwhile, still enjoying a certain autonomy and a climate of relative peace and stability, they developed the first forms of a national culture, becoming more and more distanced from the Chinese model .

Indeed, following the decline of the T'ang dynasty in 907 , Japan had maintained that he had severed relations with the continent so far, and already in ' 894, it was decided not to send diplomatic missions in China, because of the serious unrest in place. From the ninth century, along with political contacts ceased then the enthusiasm for everything that was Chinese, while he was maturando una cultura autoctona , in grado di assimilare e adattare ciò che aveva fino ad allora acquisito da oltremare. In questo modo, nascevano in Giappone forme artistiche e letterarie originali e autonome, nonostante la Cina classica continuasse a godere di alto credito presso l'elite dominante.

Intanto, uno dei segni più evidenti dell'aumentato distacco dai modelli cinesi fu l'elaborazione, avvenuta nei secoli IX e X, di un nuovo sistema di scrittura: si tratta del kana , il sillabario giapponese, nato dalla trasformazione dei caratteri cinesi ( kanji ) in simboli fonetici privi di ogni significato specifico. I kana venivano utilizzati assieme ai kanji in una struttura grammaticale native, other than the Chinese also were divided in turn into two distinct primers, each made of about 50 signs, an italic ( hiragana) and the other non-italic ( katakana).

At first, the kana primers, were used mainly by women court that, in general, did not have enough to write in Chinese culture, however, the most learned men, disdained to use their own language to write works important, because knowledge of classical Chinese culture continued to be a prerequisite and a hallmark of aristocratic status. So while the male aristocracy continued to compose written in Chinese, generally of poor quality, their ladies, experimenting in the composition of d iari ( nikki ) and tales (monogatari ) in "Japanese", gave birth to the first prose literature in this language. It was in this context, therefore, that the court lady M urasaki Shikibu wrote, around 1004 the Genji Monogatari (The Tale of Genji), which tells the amorous adventures and maturation psychological Genji, an imaginary prince. considered the first novel in the prose of history , the Genji Monogatari is the most prominent literary works of the period Heian and it remains among the greatest of all time. It also provides useful information, if not indispensable, the social and cultural life of the imperial court at the time, and on the same courtiers and their total disregard for the epoch-making changes that were happening then in the agricultural provinces.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Kate's Playground Cigarette

Il periodo Heian Heian period (794-1185) 1

At the end of the eighth century, the 'Emperor Kanmu , serving from 781 all'806, wanting to escape the influence of Buddhist temples that stood all around the imperial capital of Nara , decided in 789 to transfer the court to Nagaoka ; there, however, conspiracies e assassini, nati da dispute per la successione al trono, lo costrinsero a spostare nuovamente la sede del governo. Così, nel 794 , fondò Heiankyo (letteralmente, "capitale della pace e della tranquillità"), poi ribattezzata Kyoto , che da allora sarebbe stata la capitale ufficiale per più di mille anni, fino al 1868 . Costruita come Nara secondo lo schema urbanistico a griglia cinese, questa città rappresentò il principale cento politico, sociale e culturale del Giappone per quasi 4 secoli, un periodo che prende appunto il nome di era Heian .

Si tratta di un momento decisivo per la storia giapponese, in quanto con esso giunge completed the break between two realities: that of the imperial court , home of the 'aristocracy learned leading a life more prosperous and sophisticated manner, and that of rural provinces, where he formed and was gradually strengthening new warrior class, or Samura, who, at this time, would replace the central government institutions in the management of the state. In fact, with the sharpening of the contradictions of the land system, which emerged in the Nara period , the ruling dynasty was gradually losing control of social, economic and therefore political on many agricultural areas of the archipelago, and its inhabitants. Even the attempts by Kanmu and his three successors to restore the principles set out in the Code Ritsuryo , put an end to 'inevitable decline of imperial power .

benefit from this situation, even before the provincial warrior aristocracy, was the Fujiwara clan, who managed to have an 'almost absolute influence on the imperial dynasty, drastically limiting the personal power of tenno . Through a 'marriage policy skilled el' year of the regency, the Fujiwara, the Court ruled it for most of the period in question, in particular between 967 and 1068, period of time it takes its name to "gov ernment of regents " (or sekkan seiji ) Fujiwara. However, their influence was scaled by the institution of government of the emperors in withdrawal (or teach ), also called "rule of the cloister." According to this practice, already implemented in the past but has become quite common by the end of the century, an emperor abdicated soon to get rid of any outside interference; enthroned an emperor very young, he would then checked in lieu of a regent. With this strategy, in 1086, the 'Emperor Shirakawa so he could free himself from Fujiwara and counter their dominance on the Court.

However, both the government of the regents that the government of the cloister, along with many other games of various power and intrigue, inevitably ended up damaging the cohesion and effectiveness of the central government and contributed to the further loss of control Real nation, particularly over economic resources. Meanwhile, outside of the Court more and more the power of the heads of provincial warrior bands and the countryside, far from the glitz of Heiankyo, were laying the foundations of a different Japan, the feudal Japan.