Monday, January 25, 2010

Blueprint 1988 Ford F-150

Siamo seri: "Avatar" sarebbe un grande film di fantascienza?

is not difficult to predict that "Avatar", the epic science fiction of James "Jim" Cameron, the Oscar will be hoarded, even stealing a different and probably more deserving films like "Invictus" by the great Clint Eastwood.
There are some awards that the film definitely deserves Cameron: photography, visual effects, special effects, sound editing, sound mixing and I do not know if the technology used to shoot the film allows for "Avatar" to take home the statuette for costumes and / or the best animated films ... Dunno, maybe not.

Nevertheless, as a true fan of science fiction, just do not understand all this excitement about a movie that, yes, it can also provide an experience similar to an LSD trip (and are not to tell me that you were inspired by the descriptions Aldous Huxley and Timothy Leary to those, because they simply do not believe), but it is characterized by a banal story, predictable well beyond the limits of the discount. The characters are shallow, stereotypical, some of the real caricatures, and the film is peppered with so many Hollywood cliches than it can objectively put in three hours of film.

The script is trite and the plot even more. Even the "found" science fiction (the planet Pandora, which is a huge neural network, the blades of grass that serve as connectors, etc ...) are all ideas stolen from science fiction stories are decades old.

A great movie, regardless of gender, must have a great story (and, please, someone tell the French, who insist on making movies arthouse facts just everyday film equal to real life that does not happen practically nothing).
"Avatar," did not have it.
A great movie, regardless of gender, must have a script that highlights the charm of intriguing characters, interesting. People who think like the representative of the multinational "Avatar" in the real world do not see why, if not outside the Chiringuito [a localaccio of Bari], but only after the fourth Peroni returnable.

Limiting the sci-fi, are very different films which I have (or, in some cases, they) deserved recognition.
I will mention a few:

Based on a short story of the great master like Philip K Dick, "Paycheck" with Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman, is a science fiction movie with the most intriguing storylines I've ever seen. At first you do not understand one tube, as in "The Matrix" (another great film like that), but as the plot develops, the film turns out to be significant. I recommend it if you like i gialli.

“L'Esercito delle 12 Scimmie” è un film davvero stupendo, con un eccellente Brad Pitt che riscatta l'imbalsamato Bruce Willis, che ruota intorno al desiderio di normalità che è in ogni uomo.

Splendido è anche “Vanilla Sky”, con Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz e Penelope Cruz; e così anche “Alien”, con Sigourney Weaver.

C'è poi “Strange Days”, film di fantascienza con Angela Basset ambientato... nel Dicembre del 1999: i primi dieci minuti di quel film sono l'inizio più adrenalinico mai visto in un film del genere. Peccato che poi il film un po' "si siede", pur restando sempre brillante.

Poi, molto bello è anche “Brainstorm”, un vecchio film con Christopher Walken che ha elementi simili a “Strange Days” (vedere per credere), ma con una storia che va in una direzione diversa ed un ritmo più lento.

Più di recente, ho trovato fatto bene “Io sono leggenda” con Will Smith e “I Surrogati” con Bruce Willis (anche questo ispirato ad un lavoro di PKD, per la verità non uno dei suoi migliori libri).

Ben fatti anche "Linea Mortale" con Kevin Bacon, Julia Roberts e Kiefer Sutherland, “Terminator” (uno) e “Total Recall” con Arnold Schwarzenegger (sempre da un racconto di 'sto benedetto Philip K Dick).

worth, I think, also "The Abyss" (note: "The Abyss", not "Creature of the Abyss"!), With Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio and "The Fly" (a), one of the 80 with Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis.

Bello as "The Cube", even if claustrophobic.

Then, oh, there are two that will curl your nose to many, but they are beautiful: "Until the End of the World" by Wim Wenders (huge and slow, but nice) and, at the opposite end university of celluloid, "Starship Troopers", a film that could be called "commercial", but full of original ideas.

also deserve "Man Time Machine, "films of the 60s with effects laughable, but a very good script, and is a show called" Fantastic Voyage "(not the remake, I speak of the original '60s).




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