Il 31 Maggio scorso, una piccola flotta di dieci navi con a bordo uomini e donne di diverse nazionalità autodefinitosi "pacifisti filo-palestinesi" è salpata da Cipro alla volta del porto di Gaza, trasportando a bordo un carico di aiuti umanitari per la popolazione palestinese. Pur pienamente consapevole del blocco navale imposto alla Striscia di Gaza da Israele per ragioni di sicurezza nazionale, la "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" - come la piccola flotta chiamava se stessa - ha volutamente total naval blockade forced the Israeli Navy, pointing straight out of Gaza.
As is well known to everyone, including the "peacemakers" pro-Palestinians, the Gaza Strip is controlled by Hamas, an organization considered as terrorist by the U.S. and Europe and whose stated purpose is "thrown back in sea, "the Israelis and recover all of Palestine.
E 'is known, moreover, that it is coming from Gaza, the vast majority of shahid, the poor desperate recruited by Islamic fanatics to become "martyrs of Islam" that are blown up in buses or markets, by slaughter of civilians, and always comes largely from Gaza missile graz and Qassam fired at the housing (again, civilians) from the suburbs of cities and villages, Israeli border.
goes without saying that the Israeli government to monitor goods entering the Gaza Strip is a matter of national security and should be treated with due seriousness. For this reason, for years Israel allows access to the Strip only loads thoroughly inspected and does not allow the entry of materials that can be used to make weapons. The prohibition does not apply, of course, neither food nor medicine, nor any other essential items which, when inspected, pass the border without problems and without limitations on the quantities and types.
few figures (source: ) only in the second week of May 8, from the passes of Israel have gone to the people of Gaza 1,535,787 liters of diesel, 91 trucks of flour, 76 trucks Fruit and vegetables, milk and cheese 39 trucks, 33 trucks of meat, 48 trucks of clothing, 30 trucks of sugar, seven trucks of medicines, 112 trucks of food animal, 26 trucks of hygiene products, while 370 have gone sick Palestinians to Israeli hospitals.
And to those who object, saying: "But Fiamma Nirenstein is a dirty Zionist! Your sources are biased!" I say apologetically. I tried to ask for the Hamas' website, but I have been threatened with death. Try it you, if you are friends, or ask any neo nazi give you a hand in the dialogue: it seems they intend to wonder.
All this to say that there is or ever was a problem of supplies to the Gaza Strip: Just follow the official channels, that is, just leave the army to the cargo inspections. This
known for years: they knew the "peacemaker" and now you know you too bimbiminkia with the keffiyeh.
Here is the video on the tube in which the radio operator of the spear of the IDF (IDF) announced the "Mavi Marmara" (the only ship of the fleet refused inspection of cargo) that is to enter into Palestinian waters, where there is a total naval blockade. The operator then calls the "Marmara" to proceed to the Israeli port of Ashdod for inspection of cargo, after which the goods would continue overland to the border of Gaza under the close observation of the crew of the "Marmara ".
The video, in English and subtitled for bimbiminkia is here:
Nine out of ten ships have accepted the invitation of the Israeli Navy and they did en route to Ashdod. There, the loads are inspected before their eyes and then continued to Gaza crossing points using standard ground. But, as you see and hear in the YouTube video aboard the "Mavi Marmara" not felt the same way.
Now, excuse me if I turn on neurons in the weekend, but you have to put yourself in the shoes of a country in a permanent state of siege as Israel.
Just try it for two minutes, okay?
So far, the IDF has had to worry about the Qassam missiles Iranian transported to Gaza through the narrow tunnel dug under the Egyptian border.
Now imagine if you could never afford the risk that a whole not inspected cargo arrived in Gaza!
will seem bad, it will seem illegal because it occurred "in international waters" (it is not: it makes sense), it will seem "fascist", you sembrerà come vi pare, ma Israele ha il dovere morale verso la propria popolazione civile di non fare arrivare uno spillo nella Striscia di Gaza, senza che non sia stato prima ispezionato con cura.
Pertanto, nel tentativo di prendere il controllo della "Mavi Marmara", soldati dell'IDF si sono calati sul ponte con gli elicotteri, perché un blocco navale totale non è uno scherzo: è un blocco navale totale. Non è lì tanto per essere violato.
I soldati, come mostra il video, erano armati, ma non hanno né puntato le armi né tanto meno aperto il fuoco.
Chi, per fare disinformazione a scopo politico, sostiene che i soldati abbiano sparato per primi, è semplicemente smentito dalle immagini a dozen different videos on YouTube, which show that physical aggression is clearly playing the "pacifists."
not just come close to the bridge before they could even touch the ground, the soldiers were immediately attacked and brutally taken from a locked "peacemaker."
I exaggerate? Do not believe us?
Watch this video on the Tube:
If I may say so, the chef recommends the second 0:45 and 0:58, those in which - respectively - a soldier is thrown overboard after being stunned with punches, kicks and sit down and that another is severely beaten with iron bars by four "Operators of Peace and Love" at the same time.
Several Israeli soldiers ended up in hospital, two have reported serious and deep wounds from edged weapons. Why
on board the "Operators of Peace and Love" there were several weapons, the IDF showed.
The picture you see above: they are called bars of respect, tolerance, sticks, knives and a few good pacifists Molotov cocktail to seal the fellowship with other religions of the Book.
There are plenty of videos on the tube where it is seen that the "peaceful" have been using them all: have fun. Do not go only on the sites " porn." At that
point, the soldiers returned fire and nine people have died, which is exactly what the Islamic activists infiltrated the naive pro-Palestinian peace-makers had hoped for: a beautiful media bomb to explode in the face of Israel.
And when it's right is right: it should act as the Islamists have devised and implemented a plan simple, but effective. This
maritime interdiction operations over out of control is the most spectacular own goal from the time of the operation the Israeli media anti-Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.
But who says that Israel prevented a crew Innocenti to bring relief to the Palestinians, must be approached with a sense of painful pity, because there is an orgy of evidence to disprove that.
think that for days the names of some of the dead remained unknown, simply because the crew of the "Mavi Marmara" is refused (!) To identify them.
Take off the neck of the keffiyeh, which will stop the flow of blood to the brain, and ask yourself why.
Why the names of dead harmless pacifists were there from the start?
Do not think just because they were not all of the "peace"? :)
- Among the dead, in fact, there Haydar Ali Bengi, 39, student at the Islamic University of Al Azhar in Cairo, called "the Harvard dell'integralismo" e vicino alla IHH, una organizzazione turca autodefinitasi "umanitaria", in realtà un gruppo para-terroristico islamico anti-occidentale, che protegge la jihad e ogni gruppo fondamentalista e estremista;
- poi c'è Ali Ekber Yaratilmis, 55 anni, volontario IHH;
- e c'è anche Ibrahim Bilgen, 61 anni, tra gli organizzatori dell'Islamist Felicity Party in Anatolia, un'altra delle ormai numerose organizzazioni che aggregano il fanatismo islamico in Turchia.
Potete ascoltarli tutti sul Tubo (San Internet!) in un servizio di Al Jazeera mentre, prima di salpare per Gaza, inneggiano canti antisemiti e rilasciano dichiarazioni che non sfigurerebbero in a video claiming an attack by Al Qaida. Here
served: .
And now, for all bimbiminkia among you, explains the apparent reason for the delay in the names of the dead: the Islamists who have devised the plan knew that in order to fully exploit the disruptive effect of the initial media was not necessary News spread quickly that could mitigate the (presumed) brutality of the events.
will agree with me - or at least I hope - that the media impact of the initial "Israel kills for sport of the poor innocent peace" is very different from "Israel kills terrorists mixed in among naive pacifists and naive. "
So, the bomb explodes early media with maximum intensity and then when the finger is pointed at all of" the Beast "Zionist" is also quietly leaked the news uncomfortable.
Or maybe you already knew that some of the dead - how to say - a little peace 'heterodox ?
Greetings to your neurons,
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