Monday, June 7, 2010

Lego Poptropica Games

explained to those with the keffiyeh

In a fit of violent masochism, otherwise I can not explain it, I made the foolish choice to respond - for once - to some of the thousands and thousands of "comments" on Israel on Facebook raised by several young men and women of the Left and Right. Being a forest

inextricable judgments such as "two-weights-and-two-steps," I granted the license to operate a selection, but only to filter out the most disturbing banality and reasoning more cheap, because otherwise I would have to spend the best years of my life to provide logical answers to questions or even those who do not want, because in twenty years - lucky him - he already knows everything.

Needless to say, the picture is bleak: no love for the objective facts, not even those self-evident to a video clip.
In their reasoning, the logic is simply absent, or all subservient to politics: it makes their job much easier than mine.
I only hope that, trivially, I have misjudged them.
Moreover, it is not like them, I can afford the luxury of being imperfect. This

'in mind, let us now answer this forest of clichés.
There will be a while ', I fear, a common place is like a slogan and is formulated in five minutes. A truth requires a little 'more time and quality in the arguments.

A: If Mavi Marmara, the TG4 has defended Israel! They are sold to American and Zionist money!
all know that TG4 is the goal as I have a wardrobe of keffiyeh in my closet ...
Nevertheless, the case counts. Translate: it goes without saying that Faith will always be aligned the positions of Berlusconi, but this time - for a chance - the positions of the government are consistent with what actually emerges from the video.
things happen even to the worst TG. :-)
know what they say: even a stopped clock, twice a day, you're right.
Now, it remains to be seen whether - contrary to the spirit of pure politics - we want to say that Faith is wrong even those rare times that for a simple twist of fate, he happens to be right.

Two: Those of Mavi Marmara were going to bring aid to a population sealed by sea and by land from a military blockade of the Zionist shit that has lasted more than 2 years!
Come ho già puntualizzato in un mio precedente post, il blocco totale israeliano non riguarda affatto ne' viveri, ne' medicine, ne' beni di prima necessita', che possono entrare in quantità e tipologie illimitate. Riguarda solo alcuni tipi di carburanti (non tutti: il diesel è ammesso), alcuni tipi di fertilizzanti (quelli esplosivi, come quelli a base di nitrato di potassio), ed alcuni materiali metallici e plastici. La ragione per cui questi materiali non possono entrare a Gaza è perché con questi materiali si possono costruire armi.

Se l'obiettivo dei pacifisti fosse stato davvero quello di portare aiuti alla Striscia di Gaza, avrebbero semplicemente usato i valichi via terra consentiti.
Nessuno li avrebbe fermati e nessuno glielo avrebbe impedito: ci sono decine e decine di ONG, anche arabe, che ogni settimana utilizzano quegli stessi valichi.

Ma il loro scopo, in realtà, era un altro: loro volevano dimostrare che era possibile far arrivare un carico non ispezionato nel porto di Gaza, per ragioni che di umanitario avevano poco e di strategico, invece, molto.
Israele, dal canto suo, doveva dimostrare che non era possibile, per le stesse identiche ragioni.

Lo ha spiegato e ripetuto il portavoce del Governo Israeliano in TV: nella stiva di una nave si possono trasportare materiali bellici molto, molto più pericolosi che in uno stretto tunnel scavato alla buona sotto il confine con l'Egitto.
Ora, with Iran and Syria who want to dominate the Middle East and are always ready to supply arms to Pakistan and that has even the atomic bomb (he detonated underground in a test a few years ago), to get a load of not inspected Hamas is simply beyond dispute.
Or maybe some right and some Italian Left demand that Israel ran the risk peacefully?
What kind of claim would be?

Three: Palestinians launch rockets with the power of a flask Maradona against those who raised him and destroyed everything!
A Qassam rocket is a crude weapon, but lethal: the Qassam rockets have killed several times (more than " O Pallone 'e Maradòna "!) e sono progettati per essere realizzati con materiali "civili" , quelli ancora disponibili quando è in atto un blocco nell'importazione di armi industriali. Un razzo Qassam è troppo rudimentale per essere preciso (per fortuna!), per cui non trova uso in operazioni militari tradizionali, ma serve comunque ad uccidere civili e terrorizzare i sopravvissuti.
Ricordiamo che nell'inverno del 2008-2009 fu proprio un razzo Qassam caduto troppo presto per un errato calcolo balistico degli uomini di Hamas a causare dei morti in una scuola di frontiera palestinese nella striscia di Gaza. Altro che i petardi di Natale.

Un razzo Qassam è composto, essenzialmente, di a carrier made of heavy metal pipes or PVC plastic often, fertilizers such as propellants and a cone containing the explosive material and about 200 fragments of metal, to maximize the killing effect of the explosion.
course, is not the atomic bomb (and luckily!), But if I were a kid with a keffiyeh or a jack-booted skinheads, I would not be closer than 15 meters from one of these things, it explodes. And I'd be well protected behind a thick wall, too.
into account that in the six months prior to the Israeli operations in Gaza, the border town will come an average of fifty a day .

The fact that there were relatively few casualties depends by a number of factors:
  • The Qassam rockets are not powerful warheads;
  • Qassam rockets are inaccurate;
  • activists of Hamas, in terms of ballistic skills, they leave much to be desired worse than the Qassam rockets;
  • Population of the frontier town is trained to reach the nearest shelter no later than a few seconds (given the impact that the launch of a rocket passes only a few minutes, so it is better to take as springs or are dicks. Do this fifty times day on average, day and night, and then we'll talk about).
Not to mention that Iran has recently equipped with Hamas even some missiles Graz Russian-made, much more insidious.

As for the " destroyed and taken off all ", for apart from the fact that the grandparents of shahid Hamas slums have grown rich by selling their weight in gold to rich immigrants possessed of Zionism because they arise in biblical sites (and now want the back for free, even if the place of the shacks, there are entire cities with a lot of infrastructure of primary and secondary), I also ask: what Hamas spends to improve the living conditions of the Palestinians? In the current
territories under Palestinian control, the infrastructure that exists (roads, hospitals, etc.) have been made by virtually all Israelis or by the international community. If Hamas had its own people at heart, instead of using it as a human shield by launching Qassam rockets from the backyards of the homes of civilians and holding meetings of the General Staff in the pediatric wards of hospitals, plan and implement regional development projects and institutional building , like the countries that really want to grow.
raining over their billions of dollars of international cooperation and public private capital.
Instead, Hamas spends all to buy or build weapons to use against the "Zionist Beast", when most of the people of the "Beast" - make no mistake - all he wants to pull yet except for on the "Palestinian question".

Four: In international waters can not send them warnings' to board anyone, unless you are a terrorist or pirate.
And certainly, as a ship carrying an unknown load is free to dock and unload the cargo hold where you think.
The inspections are permissible in international waters when the ship manifest, in communications, or in fact, the intention to dock at a port declared off-limits . Internet
there on purpose: not only use it for porn sites .
addition, if national security is threatened, it is unlawful to do everything you can without unnecessary harm to third parties?

Five: The safety of the Israeli state is directly proportional to the annihilation of the Palestinian people.
typical example of disinformation Komunità kombattenti kol K: That is exactly the opposite and the facts speak for themselves.
Even when Israel is entitled to defend themselves, such as Mavi Marmara, is isolated internationally!
The best time, in terms of international credibility in the short history of Israel was the year of the Nobel Peace Prize to Arafat and Rabin, Rabin decided that after the unilateral evacuation from the territories occupied by settlers.
That was not a great year for Hamas. :-)

Six: Hamas was democratically elected in the Gaza Strip in the same manner as those butchers of the Israeli government or that the criminal Bush in America.
Hamas is, in fact, a mafia clan. Perhaps elected regularly, but has already made it clear that will not allow elections until conditions will not permit it (read: when they are sure to win them).
are the same promises of dictators around the world.
To give you an example of how Hamas who cares about democracy, I think that during the Israeli military operation in Gaza last year, Hamas gave the order to her to shoot members of rival faction Fatah (the one nearest the legacy 'of Arafat), to remove them and to blame the Israelis. Maybe these are for you
democratic methods, but I seem to be more systems by Al Capone.
Israel, for its part, is a parliamentary democracy with a myriad of parties ("every Jew is a party," they tell you there), elected with the proportional system, as was done by us at the time of the First Republic.
and has remained a democracy, despite all the problems he had and he faces.
We'd already slipped in Italian fascism in the past, we have done for much less.
course, it is a democracy "tosta", ma deve esserlo. Se no, sarebbe già scomparsa.

Sette: Trovo quantomeno razzista fondare l'identità di un paese sull'unica religione di razza (si é ebrei solo per conversione é una trafila lunghissima e che comunque non ti porta mai ad essere veramente ebreo).
Israele è sì la terra degli Ebrei (l'unica al mondo) ma è uno stato laico, in cui la libertà di culto è garantita dalle Leggi Fondamentali.
Provate invece ad aprire una chiesa nella striscia di Gaza: auguri. Ricordatevi però di lasciarmi prima un indirizzo per la corona di fiori.

Quanto alla trasmissione della condizione ebraica , non essendo io né Ebreo né esperto di questioni religiose (sono agnostico), mi devo astenere.
Io sapevo (ma mi occorrerebbero conferme) che una sorta di "sinodo" dei rabbini negli Anni '70 aveva stabilito che uno è Ebreo se sua madre è Ebrea; cioè che l' ebraicità si trasmette per parte di madre.

Quanto alle trafile per la conversione, non ne so nulla.
Vi ricordo però che uno può diventare Musulmano in dieci minuti, con una brevissima cerimonia.
Ma se dopo ci ripensa, è peccato di apostasia; e l'apostasia nell'Islam è punita con la morte. Ogni tanto, le cronache dei giornali ce lo ricordano.

Otto: Israel is a militarized country with the entire population, a country that erects walls to defend themselves.
beautiful daughter (this was a girl who wrote), you have to say?
When cocks are cocks.
The Israelis make all military service (except the Orthodox, which for this evil are regarded by others): Women for twenty months and that's it, while men initially for three years, and then again for a month are called the 'year until the completion of the 40th birthday (I think).
All this is very expensive, money that could be spent in different ways - I do not think that it serves to say, but you never know - Does not like just anyone, especially the soldiers.
The same applies to the wall. No one likes to be behind a wall.
Personally, I find that no wall has ever served in the story, even those who built the communists, so in the end I believe that Israel will pull him down.
But they will still be entitled to try to protect themselves.

Nine: To what extent does this need to "defend itself" can justify the disregard of basic human rights and international conventions?
Apart from that I do not remember which document in the "international conventions" or status of "human rights" is allowed to use the poveri disperati per farsi saltare in aria negli autobus e nei mercati israeliani, o tirare razzi sulle palazzine delle case civili dei villaggi israeliani di confine, ma se uno chiedesse a te fino a che punto sei disposto ad arrivare per non farti ammazzare, tu che risponderesti?
"Fino a dove è necessario", ovviamente.
Perciò che razza di domanda è, scusa?
Se uno venisse da te e ti dicesse: "Senti maaa, ti posso ammazzare per rivendicare le mie istanze di popolo?" tu glielo lasceresti fare, forse?

Dieci: che senso ha fare i conti in tasca e contare i peli del culo ad ogni episodio politico sociale nel contesto palestinese per poi fare SILENZIO sullo schiacciasassi militare economic and media power of the regime of assassins called Israel?
Answer: Israel
a steamroller media? :-D
But if the media give him in the head even when he is right to sell!
Even Reuters gets to make up the picture to go "against" Israel. ... The soul of the steamroller! :-D
to be a steamroller media - the State of Israel if you let him speak - he gets really shit.
How to "deal in his pocket," what do you propose we feel?
leave anyone free to do anything against Israel and asteniamoci by the judge?
and security rights of the people who live and work in Israel? This
Israel è ovvio che non può consentirlo: se hai un minimo di onestà intellettuale, ammetterai che non lo consentiresti mai neanche tu.
Io dico, invece: basta usare due pesi, due misure. Israele uccide dei "pacifinti" che attaccano i soldati a sprangate? Mostri sionisti! Hamas fa saltare un kamikaze in un mercato e fa una strage di innocenti? No, qui è diverso, questo è un atto legittimo di guerriglia...
Ecco. Partiamo da qui: evitiamo certe distinzioni "di comodo".

Undici: si starnazza sull'aggressione di pacifici militari israeliani che pacificamente assaltavano una nave straniera in acque internazionali armati fino ai denti e che per aver subito qualche LEGITTIMA sprangata, visto che i pirati erano loro, hanno giustamente ammazzato 9 persone e ferite altre...
Se avessero "assaltato" la nave, avrebbero usato i cannoni o i siluri. Avevano tutti i mezzi per affondare la nave e tanti saluti ai "pacifinti".
Invece, come mostrano i video, si sono calati dall'alto per prendere il controllo del natante e condurlo al porto di Ashtod per i controlli, la sola cosa che interessava agli Israeliani. Lo avevano pure preannunciato via radio. E hanno fatto esattamente lo stesso con le altre nove navi.
Che razza di "assalto" sarebbe?
Come se io prima di rubarti il motorino, ti chiamassi sul cellulare per dirtelo; poi, verificato che non ci sono esplosivi nel bauletto, te gave it back.
soldiers even touched the bridge, that "pacifinti" took them to locked.
As for the "legitimate locked," I would like to see you get barred from one that says "Do not you shoot me: mine are locked legitimate" and then talk about it. If a locked
attacks, Molotov cocktails and knives of armed men, who do you expect to get in return? Pats, maybe?
Many of the dead, after all, were active fundamentalists have tried deliberately provocative, some with the intent to die as martyrs. Although there is ample evidence of this in San Internet.

'I'm stuffed shirt of the land is bought If deflate 1) because it is not even 1 / 10 of the extension now occupied by Israel. Practically the first settlements around Jerusalem and in Jaffa. 2) you have not ever seen that a nation is born with the simple accumulating land would be purchased ... all good. And please avoid the usual tale of the 'desert' because it was a regular Ottoman prefecture.
When he founded the modern state of Israel in 1948, just after the Second World War, Palestine was a British protectorate, not a prefecture Ottoman ...
The city of Tel Aviv, the second and most modern city in Israel, about 400 thousand people today, was built on land purchased by the British by building a cooperative Jewish. There are also photos of the time, where you see a bunch of future tenants filthy Zionists "pose ... On a bleak and barren land that will become one of the most vital and dynamic in the Middle East. There are cards, there are photos, there is everything. With
Haifa and Jerusalem, which you mentioned you, you already have the three largest cities in the country, and have done a significant portion of the population. Please note that, despite being a nation, the total area of \u200b\u200bIsrael is just a little 'bigger than that of Puglia, but Israel, to a considerable extent, is desert.
I've been there. Other than "the land of milk and honey "!
God, the Jews, He cheated: in my opinion, there are the details for a contract termination.

:-) Then, of course, there are also the conquered lands: take the Golan Heights, the ones that President Giorgio Napolitano would like to restore to Israel, Syria and Lebanon (great idea, so 'when Hezbollah launch their rockets at Israeli towns, they can take better aim and have an appropriate range).
Israel had conquered in 1967 with the Six Day War, but could miss out, with another war.
Wars moving boundaries and changing the status quo.
But it's true: there is only one country - except very small - that he was born without military conquests.
But why are unlawful only those of Israel, this just does not understand.

Thirteen: Israel is not a nation but merely a gigantic geopolitical!
And why, has never been a Palestinian nation in history, perhaps? This
Palestinian nation is not perhaps an geopolitics?
Have you ever heard of before the 70s, the State of Palestine?
What is the difference?
See? Always two weights and two measures.
Cosi 'will not get anywhere.
the Palestinians everything is permitted, while Israel is not allowed anything.
Is permitted only for the Jews die. As at the time of Auschwitz.
Bravo: Hitler would be proud of you.

Fourteen: If someone "just wants to exist" and to do so, who was thrown into the sea before him, as far as I can legitimately be wiped out.
Su Chi was the first "could be discussed endlessly. First there were the Jews (!), Which - for the truth - they have always continued to live in Palestine over the centuries, despite various diasporas, long before this becomes a "Zionist Movement" established as such.
Ask yourself why.
Because there is, and always an unbreakable bond between Palestine and Jewish people.
them away from there is like trying to expel the Arabs from Mecca: a sociological and historical nonsense.

And anyway, until proven otherwise, is that Hamas wants to "jettison" the Israelis, not the other way.
If Israel really wanted to annihilate the Palestinians could do so quickly, given its overwhelming military superiority. Instead
the State of Israel to defend itself is limited: they just want to live safe, do not do ethnic cleansing, as you tell the newspapers of the Left.
really wanted to do ethnic cleansing which would geopolitical advantage in doing it with a dropper?
Hope that Syria and Egypt do not notice, perhaps?
In fact, Most of the Israelis, and I think also of the Palestinians, the whole 'war is not fed up.
And, as far as I'm concerned, it is decided for the "two states, two peoples" and goodnight.

Fifteen: sophists and none of the usual (many are hired) he tore his clothes on the continuing repression and exclusion demolition violations daily in the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank from Israel. That according to the rules of civilized living illegally and militarily occupied territories is not his for decades.
Now if you keep this in context, always and continuously, then we can talk about that particular turn, but at this point, seen under a light truly objective.
E - in defiance of the same rules of civilized life - no shipment peace has never left for Darfur to provide support to the people slaughtered by the Janjaweed Muslims. Not in Eritrea. Neither ethnic wars in the Congo. The reason is simple: those deaths, although numerically higher than those of Palestine, are not the real purpose, which is anti-American politics.

If the goal really were peace, law and the liberation of the oppressed, these areas of the world would be far more central in the activities carried out by so-called "pacifists."
But it is not so.

Perciò non illudetevi: dei Palestinesi e degli Israeliani in sé non frega un cazzo a nessuno, nel mondo. Né agli stessi arabi, né alla Sinistra radicale italiana, né agli Americani.
Questo è solo lo strascico di contrapposizioni che si sono originate ai tempi della guerra fredda, quando l'America usava Israele come cuneo nel Medio Oriente e l'URSS cercava di spazzarlo via armando e/o finanziando l'OLP, la Siria, la Giordania e, ai tempi del presidente Nasser, anche l'Egitto.

Gli Israeliani sono odiati da tutti, in Medio Oriente, perché tutti i paesi confinanti vogliono estendere la propria egemonia nell'area: per questo "usano" quei poveretti dei Palestinesi.
Che gli other Arab countries do not care about the Palestinians, you not perceive how they treat them when they have at home: worse than dogs, while in Israel there are thousands of Palestinians who either live and work, or working just four and then shall bear checkpoints in the morning and an equal number in the evening, making the commute from the West Bank.
In other countries in the Middle East, the Palestinians can not have a job, or may not have a house or - even - not even own property: treated worse than dogs. Nothing but talk.

Sixteen: Israel does not even have a Constitution.
Wrong. Britain, the oldest democratic country in the world, non ha una Costituzione (ma non per questo non è una nazione democratica; anzi).
Israele ha nove Leggi Fondamentali, che - nel quadro del sistema giuridico - sono documenti scritti che hanno sia il contenuto che il rango di una di costituzione.
In pratica, è la stessa cosa, solo che la costituzione è un documento unico approvato "tutto insieme", mentre le nove Leggi Fondamentali (che stabiliscono il ruolo del Parlamento, quello del Governo, i diritti dei cittadini, eccetera) state definite ed approvate una alla volta, in tempi diversi, nell'arco di 40 anni.
Scelta logica per un Paese che, prima di darsi un'identità "finale", ha scelto di ricevere i segnali della storia.
Ad ogni modo, l'avere o meno una costituzione non vuol dire nulla sul piano della democraticità di un Paese: la Siria, uno dei Paesi più fascisti del mondo, ha una costituzione; come ce l'aveva l'Iraq di Saddam Hussein.
La Gran Bretagna, come già detto, no.

Diciassette: Parlando poi delle varie nakba, mi dispiace, ma ad iniziare la faida sono stati i sionisti.
Questa - scusate - è ignoranza pura. Bisogna avere le fette di prosciutto sugli occhi e nelle orecchie per non aver mai sentito parlare delle decine e decine di volte nella storia in cui i Musulmani hanno oppresso, privato dei beni, espulso o ammazzato gli Ebrei. E pure i Cristiani, dall'altra parte.
Or maybe you think it all started with Hitler?
How do you think we have arrived Jews, for example, in Italy? Many Sephardim expelled from Spain (Edict of Queen Isabella of Castile). Other
that "the Zionists have begun."
order to "start" forget that it takes a state and an army.
From Roman times until 1948, Jews have never had a state.
So, if you started them, tell me how did this "oppression"? They pulled the crocheted skullcaps
the hordes of Saracens?

I greet you with a nod, because I dropped my arms,



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