bad luck of being the Chosen People
are no Jew, I am a (former Christian, now simply) agnostic, but I'm interested in culture for over twenty years of Israel and, hence, to Judaism as an essential part of that culture.
I would like in this post, speak of Judaism as seen by a non-Jew, but I want to do it my way: ironically where possible, using metaphors of "light" and absolutely irreverent.
not doing it with the intention to offend anyone, just to make more fluent reading.
And because I am like that.
I take full responsibility for what I write, of course, provided they do not send me home the "pacifists" the Mavi Marmara, in which case retract anything without restraint. :-)
First of all, let me tell you something.
Unlike members of the other two "religions of the Book," Jews have never gone out looking for "Judaize" the world.
Although - like all of us - they too have done a little 'ethnic cleansing in ancient times (think of Jericho, for example), all the wars that the Jews have fought and still fighting, they have served and are only to protect their habitat, Israel, as far as possible and keep it safe.
In history there have never been "cross-Jewish." In history there are
mai state "jihad ebraiche".
Ci sono state, ed ancora ci sono, guerre combattute da un popolo che dice, all'incirca: «Noi siamo Ebrei. Noi viviamo in Israele. Per una volta nella storia, lasciateci in pace!»
Gli Ebrei, inoltre, sono un popolo particolare: si considerano "il Popolo Eletto" che, ad un occhio superficiale - ed in giro ce ne sono tanti - può sembrare un'affermazione un po' snob; un po' come dire: «Noi siamo il Popolo Eletto, quindi voi altri fate un po' come vi pare, drogatevi, fate sesso non sicuro, tanto state lì solo per fare volume». :-)
Ma la storia ci insegna invece una lezione del tutto diversa: lungi, lungi, (l'ho già detto, "lungi"?) from being a blessing, God's covenant with the People of Israel, rather like a disaster.
For some strange reason, because of the Covenant, the rest of the world has always regarded Jews as the only employees authorized to enter someone's name in the list of "VIP" of God, after all, were the chosen people! They had received the Ten Commandments directly by the author!
Throughout history, Jews and other men with big egos think they are facing the Jews in order to obtain a "stamp of official approval of God," a kind of "Divine patronage" for their businesses.
Among these, for example, Napoleon Bonaparte and Muhammad, whose doctrine of persecution and expulsion of Jews from the Arabian Peninsula comes from the fact that he has sought to be recognized as a new prophet by the local Jewish community and he felt that there was always answer a waiting list as long as that for a specialist visit to the ASL of Caltanissetta.
other hand, all those who wanted to replace some ideology instead of God, as Hitler or Stalin, were always on the agenda the notation "get rid of the Jews." Besides, if you want to hit hard God, we must first deal of its "allies land", no?
Consequently, there is no other nation in the history of the world that has been systematically persecuted for virtually any reason, as Jews.
Think about it.
The Jews had no army dangerous.
They had some powerful behind a nation that could threaten yours.
not trying to convert.
Despite the bullshit of the Nazis, and the Revisionist Movement Five Stars, no control over the economy at all (just in case ... Hollywood, but that's another story).
They did nothing to others, if not reject Jesus of Nazareth and Mohammed as their prophet, just because they wanted to continue to live their faith as it was .
They were in search of new prophets. Point.
It 's a crime that?
Yet many in the world made them to feel extraneous and unwanted everywhere, even at home.
If a group of journalists from the Jerusalem Post runs a (esilarante!) parody of "We Are The World" to denounce the systematic misinformation in an anti-Jewish in the mass media around the world, someone feels entitled to get in the street and to insult the Jews of the Ghetto of Rome.
If Hamas launches Qassam rockets Housing civilian Israeli towns and Israeli border, after six months of protests unheeded, in response to invade the Gaza Strip, some condemning Israel for the attack. "
As if you take me to punch him in the face and I do not react but protest, protest, protest and then, after six months, I break the balls, I'll break your face e. .. it's my fault.
"For Israel will not forgive anything," wrote Angelo Panebianco in italics in the Corriere della Sera on Friday.
Other than the Chosen People ...!
In reading some political statements, I often wonder what is it that some Left and Right would like some Jews.
Maybe that would be allowed to wipe out peacefully, without always occupy the front pages of newspapers with their "absurd" claims , guy who can not afford to convey a cargo ship not inspected at a port controlled by a terrorist organization , whose stated purpose is to "thrown back to sea the Israelis?
The "privilege" of the Chosen People - especially those living in Israel - is constantly being taken from fish in the face by people who do not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bthe problems of the Middle East, and that in the past is doomed to religious totalitarianism, Nazi-Fascist or Communist for much less than what the Israelis run every day.
A beauty. One might say that you do not make pacts with the Devil, but even God laughs.
I am agnostic and therefore I do not mean religion, but if the world were to be reborn, and God wanted to make a new covenant with someone, dear Jewish friends, let brotherly advice. Do as the TV program "Your Business": ringraziate Dio, rifiutate "il pacco" ed andate avanti.
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