Great participation Regional parade this morning at 8-hour general strike called by the FIOM.
More than 8,000 workers from the Fiat plant in Termini Imerese to shipyards in Palermo and Trapani, the refinery and petrochemical Milazzo, Messina Sicem of the steelworks, the steelworks south of Catania, Siracusa from petrochemicals, the Metra Ragusa workers and many other establishments. The delegations marched through the streets of the Sicilian town home to the Fiat factory. The parade also
students from Palermo, Catania and other areas of Sicily who brought their solidarity with the working class down the streets with it.
It has for months that the student movement shouted from north to south la volontà di scendere a fianco dei lavoratori in occasione di uno sciopero generale.
Uno sciopero generale che i sindacati di regime Cgil-Cisl-Uil-Ugl non hanno la volontà di proclamare, addirittura la Camusso nelle scorse settimane ha dichiarato che “ancora non ci sono le condizioni per proclamare lo sciopero generale”, dopo queste dichiarazioni vergognose ieri il segretario generale della Cgil è stato giustamente contestato a Bologna da 30.000 operai.
Finalmente alla prima occasione dopo il 16 ottobre in cui gli operai scendono in piazza per uno sciopero del genere, il movimento studentesco in tutto il paese ha messo in pratica ciò che ha gridato per mesi: l’unione delle lotte di operai e studenti.
From Palermo
present both high school students from different faculties and university, from Humanities to Science in Agriculture to the Academy of Fine Arts. On the way
attacked with eggs and smoke bombs the union headquarters of UIL rules.
Our piece of Red Block behind the banner "students and workers against fascism want to master the general strike" made by the students of CAIL (collective self-organized fighting academy) and school and university students with a delegation of the Circle of proletarians Palermo Communists shouted slogans all the way "against the crisis of capital we want a general strike," "unemployment, misery and mourning, pay for expensive pay everything, "died on the job we do not want more, Marchionne upside down", "Berlusconi, Bossi and Fini will do the end of Mussolini", "Piazzale Loreto, there are so many street lights, yesterday today Mussolini Berlusconi", " Berlusconi pig, come out now, I'll do us a great process, "if there are many unemployed, and the fault of the owners and not the immigrants."
We sympathized with the social upheavals taking place in Tunisia, Egypt, Albania, Yemen and Jordan.
The procession ended with a flourish in Piazza Duomo in Palermo where all students of different faculties and schools have questioned the representative of the CGIL Serena Sorrentino was forced to stop its intervention in the cry of "general strike", the same slogan with which we stopped in Rome, the former secretary general of the CGIL Epifani.
Definitely a good day of fighting that saw the streets full of workers and students together at last in a significant but not yet achieved the goal of a real general strike of all classes capable of blocking the city and the production as is the case these days in Arab countries and in Albania.
We believe that the way forward is that of the student radicalism of December 14 in Rome where he was not backward but instead has gone on the offensive against the been, his servants in uniform and laying siege to the halls of power.
Such radicalism would be explosive with the combination of the student movement to that of the working class in the first place and workers in general. Unfortunately
in historical moments like these where the main advances and fascism, the Berlusconi government is still standing in some areas of so-called sectarian movement prevailing political choices.
We refer to the shortsighted choice to hold a second place separate from the working of the Cobas Confederation Termini Imerese.
choice shortsighted because it had the result of dividing the "Sicilian square," but in a relative as compared to the 8000 in Termini Imerese Palermo fell in square about 100 protesters cobas almost all members of the public service, few medium and very few university students.
Red Block
Palermo 01/28/2011
More than 8,000 workers from the Fiat plant in Termini Imerese to shipyards in Palermo and Trapani, the refinery and petrochemical Milazzo, Messina Sicem of the steelworks, the steelworks south of Catania, Siracusa from petrochemicals, the Metra Ragusa workers and many other establishments. The delegations marched through the streets of the Sicilian town home to the Fiat factory. The parade also
students from Palermo, Catania and other areas of Sicily who brought their solidarity with the working class down the streets with it.
It has for months that the student movement shouted from north to south la volontà di scendere a fianco dei lavoratori in occasione di uno sciopero generale.
Uno sciopero generale che i sindacati di regime Cgil-Cisl-Uil-Ugl non hanno la volontà di proclamare, addirittura la Camusso nelle scorse settimane ha dichiarato che “ancora non ci sono le condizioni per proclamare lo sciopero generale”, dopo queste dichiarazioni vergognose ieri il segretario generale della Cgil è stato giustamente contestato a Bologna da 30.000 operai.
Finalmente alla prima occasione dopo il 16 ottobre in cui gli operai scendono in piazza per uno sciopero del genere, il movimento studentesco in tutto il paese ha messo in pratica ciò che ha gridato per mesi: l’unione delle lotte di operai e studenti.
From Palermo
present both high school students from different faculties and university, from Humanities to Science in Agriculture to the Academy of Fine Arts. On the way
attacked with eggs and smoke bombs the union headquarters of UIL rules.
Our piece of Red Block behind the banner "students and workers against fascism want to master the general strike" made by the students of CAIL (collective self-organized fighting academy) and school and university students with a delegation of the Circle of proletarians Palermo Communists shouted slogans all the way "against the crisis of capital we want a general strike," "unemployment, misery and mourning, pay for expensive pay everything, "died on the job we do not want more, Marchionne upside down", "Berlusconi, Bossi and Fini will do the end of Mussolini", "Piazzale Loreto, there are so many street lights, yesterday today Mussolini Berlusconi", " Berlusconi pig, come out now, I'll do us a great process, "if there are many unemployed, and the fault of the owners and not the immigrants."
We sympathized with the social upheavals taking place in Tunisia, Egypt, Albania, Yemen and Jordan.
The procession ended with a flourish in Piazza Duomo in Palermo where all students of different faculties and schools have questioned the representative of the CGIL Serena Sorrentino was forced to stop its intervention in the cry of "general strike", the same slogan with which we stopped in Rome, the former secretary general of the CGIL Epifani.
We believe that the way forward is that of the student radicalism of December 14 in Rome where he was not backward but instead has gone on the offensive against the been, his servants in uniform and laying siege to the halls of power.
Such radicalism would be explosive with the combination of the student movement to that of the working class in the first place and workers in general. Unfortunately
We refer to the shortsighted choice to hold a second place separate from the working of the Cobas Confederation Termini Imerese.
choice shortsighted because it had the result of dividing the "Sicilian square," but in a relative as compared to the 8000 in Termini Imerese Palermo fell in square about 100 protesters cobas almost all members of the public service, few medium and very few university students.
Red Block
Palermo 01/28/2011