Saturday, December 15 at 16:00 was held in Palermo demonstration in support of the peoples of the Maghreb, particularly Tunisia, which in recent weeks are in revolt against their regimes to gain basic rights such as bread and work.
The procession of about 300 protesters formed largely by Arab immigrants, marched through the streets of Old Town, passing in front of the prefecture and stopping for a few minutes in front of the Embassy of Tunisia, where morning office hours there was a sit-in, then go and finish where he started: at Piazza Castelnuovo.
Present at the parade even high school students, university students and workers.
Among the slogans thrown from the parade stood out, "Ben Ali murderess." Our
piece consists of school and university students as well as the Red Block a representative of the Academy in self-organized collective struggle that are fresh fresh employment lasted more than a month and ended with the occupation of un'auletta. Also present in the piece workers belonging to the circle of working class Communists. The piece has also launched other slogans such as "The proletariat has no country, internationalism, revolution!", "Maghreb, Italy," Palestine fascist police, police murder, "" imperialist war can be stopped only if it advances the People's War! " .
From Piazza Castelnuovo began a public meeting where many immigrants have also got word referring to news about what is happening at this time in Tunisia received from family and friends.
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