Sunday, January 23, 2011

One Ounce Silver Value Columbus, Oh

Students and workers joined in the fight!

is not an empty slogan or linked to past and outdated ...
Even today we see the employers 'attacks on workers' rights and, primarily, the working class, education or interference always attack most unbearable of Confindustria, the Catholic church and state in our schools and faculties.
This becomes a necessity of the union battles between students and workers, a union that frightens the rulers for several reasons: students and young people in general are the future, a future that would cancel but that students do not want give up and they have shown during these months of mobilization cause problems in power until the great battle of December 14 in Rome, where dozens of thugs in uniform if they are taken to his heels and the palaces of power, with their parasites inside, were besieged. Padron
Marchionne Fiat blackmailing workers but in fact the entire working class and workers putting in question the fundamental rights, such as strike, won decades ago with the struggles.
This real fascism master based on blackmail, where you accept the agreement or imposed by Marchionne or threatened closure of establishments by sending home thousands of workers and their families must be resisted.
Faced with all this Camusso of the CGIL believes that there are still the conditions for a general strike!
We cried with a loud voice "general strike" on Oct. 16 in Rome during the event metalworkers FIOM repeatedly interrupting the former secretary of the CGIL Epifani.

As students who have no future we want a general strike because we accept the challenge to employers and government, as well as our peers in Greece, the United Kingdom, Tunisia, Algeria, Albania and so they have already begun to be felt with the facts, in squares against "their government" and against the same global system that causes all this misery: capitalism!
As young revolutionary act in deeds and not words for "students and workers uniti nella lotta” non rimanga uno slogan inflazionato ma lavoriamo perché diventi nei fatti una alleanza rivoluzionaria capace di cambiare realmente la vita di milioni di giovani e lavoratori!

Finalmente la FIOM si è decisa a proclamare lo sciopero generale di 8 ore per gli operai metalmeccanici, aderiamo e partecipiamo in massa!
In Sicilia la manifestazione operaia sarà giustamente a Termini Imerese dove da anni gli operai subiscono il ricatto di chiusura dello stabilimento ancor prima di quello di Pomigliano e di Mirafiori.
Se gli operai si mobilitano in massa come hanno dato prova nel 2001 a Termini Imerese non è scontato che lo stabilimento venga chiuso!
Per questo è giusto manifestare a Termini Imerese Friday, January 28!

After the first big no in the referendum worker / Pomigliano blackmail and now that of Mirafiori, the streets alongside the workers actually merging our struggle with them, exchanging experiences in the square and real solidarity and class! Concentration

9:30 am Piazza della Vittoria (Termini low)
8:30 am Departure by bus from the subway station entrance Orleans university avenue of science.

For info: 3498113576;


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