Workers community expresses its full support to the proletarian masses and popular in Algeria and Tunisia who are in revolt for bread and work against regimes reactionaries, subservient to the French bourgeoisie and imperialism and western Algeria in genere.La police and the army shot and killed in Tunis and Algiers, but the revolt did not stop!
proletarian and popular revolt that spread for days in Tunisia and Algeria with the wide participation of young students and workers is un forte segnale di riscossa contro i regimi di questi paesi asserviti e complici dell’imperialismo in primis quello francese e italiano.
In questi paesi la borghesia locale al potere fa affari con le borghesie imperialiste svendendo le risorse nazionali come il petrolio mentre il popolo vive nella miseria, in Tunisia il 70% della popolazione è formata da giovani di cui il 30% è disoccupata. A tutto questo si aggiunge l’aumento dei prezzi dei beni di prima necessità come pane e olio che rende veramente difficile la sopravvivenza della popolazione.
In queste condizioni l’unica alternativa per i giovani maghrebini dovrebbe essere quella di lasciare il loro paese in cerca di fortuna, ma per dove?
I giovani maghrebini che arrive in Italy or other EU countries are to "welcome" racist laws, are confined in detention centers and real lager called CIE with the sole guilt of being "illegal." Some young people interviewed in recent days have said that after studying and graduating in Tunisia prefer to remain in their country than their future rather than take a trip with the risk of dying at sea or be imprisoned for doing nothing or end the window cleaner in our city.
After the uprising of young people in the heart of Europe imperialist from Athens to London, Paris and Rome now even the young people of the Maghreb challenge head-on the state to ask for their rights basic things like bread and work.
Everything started when the young 26 year old graduate Mohamed Bouaziz but street vendor, police seized his cart with the merchandise, the extreme choice was to cover themselves with gasoline and set themselves on fire.
What comes to mind parallels with Norman Zarcone, young Palermo plurilaureato who came to the same extreme choice, throwing himself into space from the Faculty of Humanities of Palermo, having realized that despite all the cards in this system would guarantee a decent future.
Faced with all this social mess produced by the capitalist system, the revolt of young North Africans is just and holy.
Il presidente tunisino Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali ha ordinato la chiusura di scuole e università e ha definito i giovani ribelli “terroristi”. Terroristi sono i governi della borghesia che impongono al popolo una vita di stenti e che hanno ordinato ai loro servi in divisa di sparare sulla folla, solo in Tunisia ci sono stati quasi 100 morti, il governo locale ha censurato tutto ciò parlando di 20 morti e dichiarando che la polizia ha sparato per legittima difesa. Sappiamo dai media indipendenti e dai blog locali che sono tutte falsità!
Anche in Algeria dal 5 gennaio è scoppiata la rivolta per gli stessi motivi e anche li la risposta del governo è stata analoga a quella del governo tunisino.
La nostra solidarietà must necessarily be directed towards this main objective of our struggle, the Berlusconi government, a staunch ally of these regimes as a trade partner. In this the statements of Foreign Minister Frattini went well beyond the hypocritical statements of U.S. officials who have formally condemned the repression and violence as if they were on the same plane. Frattini gave full support to the Tunisian regime stating: "no ifs, ands or buts condemn all forms of violence against innocent civilians, but also to support a government like Tunisia, which has paid a price in blood for terrorism: we are always on the part of the fight against terrorism. "
front of the complaint and the falsity of the Italian media you need to extend information and solidarity on this issue among students, workers and the workers because they become aware that here, as in Tunisia to make sure that you do not pay for the crisis of the bosses takes tens and hundreds of these that are addressed a first step towards political and social revolution to end this barbarous system based on the profit of man by man.
proletarian communists Palermo Circle Red Block
proletarian and popular revolt that spread for days in Tunisia and Algeria with the wide participation of young students and workers is un forte segnale di riscossa contro i regimi di questi paesi asserviti e complici dell’imperialismo in primis quello francese e italiano.
In questi paesi la borghesia locale al potere fa affari con le borghesie imperialiste svendendo le risorse nazionali come il petrolio mentre il popolo vive nella miseria, in Tunisia il 70% della popolazione è formata da giovani di cui il 30% è disoccupata. A tutto questo si aggiunge l’aumento dei prezzi dei beni di prima necessità come pane e olio che rende veramente difficile la sopravvivenza della popolazione.
In queste condizioni l’unica alternativa per i giovani maghrebini dovrebbe essere quella di lasciare il loro paese in cerca di fortuna, ma per dove?
I giovani maghrebini che arrive in Italy or other EU countries are to "welcome" racist laws, are confined in detention centers and real lager called CIE with the sole guilt of being "illegal." Some young people interviewed in recent days have said that after studying and graduating in Tunisia prefer to remain in their country than their future rather than take a trip with the risk of dying at sea or be imprisoned for doing nothing or end the window cleaner in our city.
After the uprising of young people in the heart of Europe imperialist from Athens to London, Paris and Rome now even the young people of the Maghreb challenge head-on the state to ask for their rights basic things like bread and work.
Everything started when the young 26 year old graduate Mohamed Bouaziz but street vendor, police seized his cart with the merchandise, the extreme choice was to cover themselves with gasoline and set themselves on fire.
What comes to mind parallels with Norman Zarcone, young Palermo plurilaureato who came to the same extreme choice, throwing himself into space from the Faculty of Humanities of Palermo, having realized that despite all the cards in this system would guarantee a decent future.
Faced with all this social mess produced by the capitalist system, the revolt of young North Africans is just and holy.
Il presidente tunisino Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali ha ordinato la chiusura di scuole e università e ha definito i giovani ribelli “terroristi”. Terroristi sono i governi della borghesia che impongono al popolo una vita di stenti e che hanno ordinato ai loro servi in divisa di sparare sulla folla, solo in Tunisia ci sono stati quasi 100 morti, il governo locale ha censurato tutto ciò parlando di 20 morti e dichiarando che la polizia ha sparato per legittima difesa. Sappiamo dai media indipendenti e dai blog locali che sono tutte falsità!
Anche in Algeria dal 5 gennaio è scoppiata la rivolta per gli stessi motivi e anche li la risposta del governo è stata analoga a quella del governo tunisino.
La nostra solidarietà must necessarily be directed towards this main objective of our struggle, the Berlusconi government, a staunch ally of these regimes as a trade partner. In this the statements of Foreign Minister Frattini went well beyond the hypocritical statements of U.S. officials who have formally condemned the repression and violence as if they were on the same plane. Frattini gave full support to the Tunisian regime stating: "no ifs, ands or buts condemn all forms of violence against innocent civilians, but also to support a government like Tunisia, which has paid a price in blood for terrorism: we are always on the part of the fight against terrorism. "
front of the complaint and the falsity of the Italian media you need to extend information and solidarity on this issue among students, workers and the workers because they become aware that here, as in Tunisia to make sure that you do not pay for the crisis of the bosses takes tens and hundreds of these that are addressed a first step towards political and social revolution to end this barbarous system based on the profit of man by man.
proletarian communists Palermo Circle Red Block
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