Monday, February 28, 2011

Remington 870 Talo Edition

him from me there is no claque

claque ['klakwe]
group of people who, for a fee, they lend themselves to applaud a show or an actor

to carry clearly the answer reached me recently by Professor Giorgio Israel, on his blog, that people meet - except fear confermatami unilateral expulsion from the following - in response to my post on my blog ( this ):

Al Sig. Furio Detti.
Un amico mi informa (non ho tempo di esplorare la rete) che lei in suo blog avrebbe pubblicato un post a me dedicato in cui - sotto il simbolo della Kippah (il copricapo ebraico) - si espongono i seguenti paralogismi:
- che avendo io collaborato con la Gelmini sarei un berlusconiano (si potrebbe dire analogamente che sono "fioroniano"...);
- che avendo criticato l'abuso dello slogan "Se non ora quando" sarei berlusconiano (pur prescindendo dai tanti articoli critici che ho scritto, quanto Berlusconi is we will see tomorrow when it launches an attack on my hard Berlusconi for his sortie against the public school).
- that known as the Lele Mora said he hoped that the fascists break the legs of the communist journalists, and since he Berlusconi, I'd hand in hand with those who want to break your legs and so on.
I'm surprised that did not conclude that I am a participant of the bunga-bunga.
Similarly one might conclude that anyone who moves some criticism of capitalism is a communist and being communist is on the same face of the Red Brigades. And with more such examples could exercise this perverse logic para-useful only to stir up hatred and justify lynchings.
That these are his aggressive methods It was already clear by his actions here (and readers of this blog will realize that what my attitude was justified.)
What are his intentions towards me it is also clear.
So, I wonder: do we still here? It's a rhetorical question that does not answer calls.
Be kind enough to sit permanently without sending unnecessary responses, both can continue freely to overthrow his mud elsewhere.

premise dutiful
with the professor and some of its commentators last week I'm involved in a discussion on the thought, that is, if it were independent and separate from the brain. my position clearly materialist and immanent, rather functionalist, was strongly contested by the professor to the point of leading him to not publish my comments, guilty of "aggression" (1).

anyone can follow here if prof. Israel will keep, as I hope and am confident, visible and intact, my post in question will determine if my statements were worth a being shown the door and silenced as a troll. who knows the web sa a quale livello si giustifica il filtraggio dei troll e dei commentatori realmente molesti. pertanto contestai pacatamente la cosa e ovviamente negai l'addebito. il Prof. se ne accorse e l'affaruccio perché affaruccio era venne chiuso.

in seguito il prof. Israel se ne uscì con un commento sulle manifestazioni antiberlusconiane sotto l'egida del "Se non ora, quando".


which well, I recall my previous experience where I was banned for defending review does not conform to that of the keepers of the blog but still want to speak my mind on new post of Professor, I are even allowed to write two lines of response on my own blog : html

which evidently seemed a crimen lese nous to Prof. Israel. as I dared, I, on my blog , challenge the position taken by our illustrious. simply and calmly exposing the hard facts of paradox that arose, namely that:

a. Professor Israel's antiberlusconiani challenging and ridiculing them in place without much complained about Levi - claiming a "copyright" ideological ideal and is simply not justified in claiming and to come to fatherhood (paternity of the sentence is Talmudic, not Primo Levi); free to say your opinion, but others feel it's free with valid arguments and unfounded;

b. il Professor Israel si metteva così paradossalmente in difesa di personaggi decisamente "impresentabili", in difesa di un novero di individui di una certa caratura; soprattutto dal suo doloroso punto di vista si piazzava dallo stesso lato della barricata di personaggi che mai oserebbe apprezzare, questo per far notare che, forse, chi contesta Berlusconi andrebbe semmai incoraggiato e tutti i torti non li ha, e per far notare quanto segue: piuttosto che ridicolizzare gli antiberlusconiani in piazza  facendo il gioco di elementi decisamente "connotati" e tirando acqua al loro mulino, sarebbe stato più saggio scegliere meglio chi cover of censorship. and then complain that the professor you have ideas about the very unclear as to the barricade on which to mount ideally.

c. I think the Professor is therefore a Berlusconi, Berlusconi defended if to ridicule the opponents, I feel happy otherwise. on this are much more willing to change my mind if convinced, on the other two have almost no hope that the topic is questionable.

however, if these are my observations as Israel says "throwing mud" and be aggressive under personal against him, even being a "poking up hatred and lynching" against him or to have at least the same logic ... Well these are charges that quietly, but firmly very seriously and reject the sender with an invitation to re-evaluate and weigh their words carefully, clearly mere . Prof. Israel of course can not be disputed (but would like?!?) to accuse him of being a bungabunghista. Obviously I do not false accusations, but I refer only to the facts, so how could I ever? I'm not a ballista, I believe the correct person and reasonably objective.

I estimate the professor on a personal level, but this does not oblige me to share and applaud each of its output automatically (when the share are clear and generous with awards ), or requires me to shut my opinion discordant, without necessarily be unfair (it is a lie) and wrong (it is not intellectually justified nor justifiable) accused of throwing mud, stir up hatred ... etc. ... with a slight bitterness (not huge, but ... hot). however, the charge is exponentially out of proportion to the scale and on about what I wrote.

and this is another charge that move to Professor Israel and to acknowledge this time have spoken the truth, especially in the phrase:

That these are his aggressive methods it was already clear by his actions here ( and readers of this blog will realize that my attitude was justified).

"Readers of his blog," this is true . true in the sense that only accepts comments that are not overdriven one micron from its pensiero e dalla sua retta opinione investita di suprema "auctoritas", perché gli altri commentatori appena appena difformi Lei prima li ridicolizza in due battute e poi li censura e mette alla porta, e con modi ancora più bruschi di quelli riservati al sottoscritto (si veda come ha risposto al prof. Zamarra, additato al suo fiero disprezzo per una frase idiomatica che francamente meritava al limite una divertita osservazione).  e questo Lei lo fa abbastanza sistematicamente, per verificarlo basta scorrere il Suo blog per intero.

vede caro Israel, io I do not pretend to impose Starla who is sympathetic or popular / despised by you, but I think I have the right to speak my mind on tolerance almost non-existent that you apply to people who are nice, congenial, and of course appropriate to his blog and the disproportion between the comments made and your reactions very resentful, and on the subway and on the paradigm that you have to "aggression."

and above is my sacred right to defend myself from his remark that making unfounded accusations are absolutely not an instigator of hatred, lynching un lanciatore di fango sulla sua persona. queste accuse non le merito e sono assolutamente infondate.

vuole sapere quali sono le "mie intenzioni" su di Lei - che crede, anzi sa  di conoscerle già - sorbole, Lei ha anche poteri telepatici?

semplicemente interloquire con Lei, se vuole anche aspramente in termini di argomenti e di critica alle idee, perché la reputo persona intelligente ma ahimé decisamente intollerante alle opinioni differenti dalle Sue. né mai sul mio blog mi sognerò di censurarla o deriderla o denigrarLa indipedentemente dalle sue idee . 

but she puts her mouth and stop at the door even after - as in your last post - I spoke this time agree with your findings. short also in my case (but not only in my, in fact) it is she who take it personally, devaluing my work because my only and not for the arguments that lead .

and this is a precise way to build a claque , certainly not paid (not the defendant is never that), but strongly selected in order to get to you before anything else that fans absolutely committed beat her hands with his elbows sticking to the torso. bravo clap clap clap very good professor. Please, do not do as the "King George" English courtiers had paludenti and forced to sit upright for hours ...

I do not do it on my blog hosted anyone as long as no checks and heavily, and before I decide to select comments ... there and wants to handle. She and her commentators have any idea are welcome at my house.
I do not make claque, I love the ideas.

excuse me, and it is estimated to have her as a professional (not defined in the case and shod that in my post critical of his line) and its other valuable observations that I find this sad and strange for you in the future will tell us who had a claque and who takes really, between me and you, to taste debate and mutual enrichment.

assure you that I have nothing personal and hateful to her, but I can not hide that, while she accuses others of aggression does not hesitate to give the "gonzo" to a third party (here ) .

short, nepppure She is a little lamb, do you?

in respect and compliments. without no malice, at least on my part.

ends here, unless your a welcome clarification, my comments.


1. Here's an example of my aggression by trollaggio:

Leibniz is simply refuted by this banal observation: the thought is a function, the organ in the brain.

It is true that the function seems to separate how to separate the abstract "movement" by rottelle and physical support that move.

But simply - even a child would understand - there is no movement without wheels. You can have a gear that does nothing, still. Fine, but you will never function without the clock mechanism.

Verification: a brain can also exist without ideas, but an idea will never exist without a brain.

ideas, soul, etc. ... not exist without the physical support of which they are mere functions. Mistaken for reality itself is only metaphysics, a bad habit of philosophy, very hard to die so seductive. Metaphysics is fortunately been demolished by Nietzsche. Do not mistake a real object to its function.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

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before it drops the eyelid ...

chapeau to our Venturik.
but my pippementali!

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and via another blog ...

it pains me to remove the roll from my personal blog, primarily because I want to avoid at all costs the self, but opened the door to an open and transparent.

blog is also a matter of "friendship" and reciprocity in the sense very, very lato, e trovo quantomeno ipocrita rinviare a bloggers che con il sottoscritto non si comportano con un minimo di reciprocità, chiarezza e trasparenza.

pur restando fermo il principio che ogni blogger sia "re a casa sua", trovo assurda la condotta che certi hanno ed è la seconda volta che mi succede di intervenire in maniera estremamente pilotata e parziale, malgrado le mie intenzioni come commentatore dei post altrui. nel senso che se è vero che mi si dà voce per un commento, non pubblicarne altri tre o quattro in proporzione per una questione che modestamente oserei reputar censoria, ma travestita da "profiling" o selezione dei commenti mi pare sia cosa che travalichi chiarezza, onstà transparency and intellectual debate.

patience, so. sometimes you have no regrets, to take on the maxim that you do not lose much to drop someone.

this time, is affected to the blog Wolfstep. sin but we are not islands and a reasonable minimum basis of honesty among us should make us better than too many others.

place here the last message to Uriel, keeper of the blog Wolfstep:
------------------------------ ---------------
kind Uriel

can I ask a favor?

remove all my comments to your blog?
I have a personal policy: If I speak in a blog, I would like to be quoted verbatim or with reasonable breadth in my thinking, not in crumbs (who happens to fan always convenient to view the host). I do not I contribute claque.

I'd like to hear in private reply to my post, and my richueste for clarification, you know it is called "simple good manners."

I take this opportunity to tell you that I remove the link to your blog. sin, I'm sorry because I think it's a loss for all and to me first, I liked your contribution to the blogosphere but I find little more than ignoring the post correctly answer at least not in a private home to specific questions.

thanks and hello.

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each other when they are dirty

the same cloth are the slabs, the moon and the sandals, the woman of the same stuff, lute, and the cuckoo, from the same cloth horse, sword and warrior of the same material as wood , the fool and the donkey.
( ruling Brahminical )

pictures: what Catholics have done with the soul , no animal soul would ever dream of doing to his conspecie.

when they're together.
when they think of to spend time with their claque personale.
quando credono di giocare in casa.

è in questi momenti che bisognerebbe ascoltare i cattolici , il clero, non quando il loro capo teutonico pontifica urbietorbi , per noi soprattutto "torbi" (nel senso di torbidi), non quando rilasciano agli appecorati giornalisti i loro comunicati stampa, trascritti su carta filigranata, bollata e vergatissima, non quando li vedi davanti alle telecamere in mondocanevisione. perché (sia chiaro, dopo le ripassate giacobine e napoleoniche) quando parlano ufficialmente agli altri - atei, cervelli pensanti, individui capaci di empatia, teste libere - tutto sommato si limitano, si mettono un po' of muzzle, blunt, and misrepresent their real thought. are always aggressive and dual purpose and in words, but control.

I always say to everyone I know:
"Want to know what church? Attended the priests for years." yours truly did.
"Want to know what Catholicism really, listen to Radio Maria." because when they think of talking to friends who jumps out of the ears real teaching, the word thought, the thought that you Word what would really . manifests itself - among friends and in confidence - better if cloistered in secrecy, but also during a radio conversation between the brain and complacent collusion.

and this stuff is revealing, because it makes me vomit. and reveals what empty, false, hypocritical are the window-dressing basted by the clergy to maintain a prestige stumped from the eighteenth century Enlightenment and modernity and tolerance taxes but never spontaneously accepted.

time to tear the veil of lies, we think Padre Livio Fanzaga (Order of Scolopi) on Radio Maria.

a short statement to introduce our sincere which opens the wonderful world of Catholic piety and ecumenism:

source: Wikipedia (I have omitted the titoletti for compactness)

Born in 1940 in Dalmine, Dalmine fraction (BG), a working class family He attended elementary school in the establishment of Dalmine. He felt the vocation 12 years and was impressed by the oratory of a three-day retreat Don Milani. In 1954, at age 14, was helped by his father to overcome bad references Casellani the pastor of Dalmine, which he believed was too lively for the role, to enter the seminary at the Scolopi where he overcame the high schools in one year, to attend high school classic Finale Ligure. The choice of the fathers Scolopi was dictated by the possibility of working with young people and go on a mission. In 1957
continued his studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome of . He was ordained priest on March 19 1966 in the same year he graduated in Theology with a thesis entitled The heavenly Jerusalem in Revelation , Rapporteur for having a Jesuit priest.

From 1966 to 1988 Father Livio played the priestly service in Milan : he was assigned to the parish of St. Joseph Calasanz , where he followed the young oratory for three and a half years. During this period he attended the ' Catholic University of Sacred Heart , majoring in philosophy . Among the classmates of Father Mario Livio was Shack with whom she lived the university context of 1968, meeting with Don Luigi Giussani and especially with Don Luigi Negri , which appreciated the Catholic reaction the crisis of '68 and the vehemence of catechesis for young people. In 1970
Livio father left for a year on a mission in Africa in Podor in northern Senegal, an area dominated Islamic . There he founded the cultural center of Podor. Later the government awarded him the chair of medieval philosophy at the University of Dakar . Having then ill with tuberculosis had to return to Italy for treatment. Milan remained in the parish until 1988 . There he built the Library of the Church of St Joseph Calasanz and continued his pastoral experience with young people by designing and implementing the project of post-confirmation, a catechetical formation that accompanies the young confirmation marriage. Later he joined the faculty of political science without graduate with an examination of the end. [1]

From 1985, following a pilgrimage to Medjugorje , has become one of the most fervent supporters of the Marian apparitions, and from that moment he began working with Radio Maria , who was then a small radio parish based in Arcellasco d ' Erba, becoming director in 1987 and expanding the diffusion throughout Italy. Today Radio Maria is part of a great global radio network, with 58 broadcasters in 50 countries that broadcast in local languages. Data Audiradio estimated at 1,644,000 listeners daily average in Italy in the 1st half of 2009 [2] .

Livio Fanzaga personally leads several radio, in particular the Remarks to the press of the day and Catechesis every morning from Monday to Saturday, Catechesis youth on Friday nights and other radio programs, where the material is then merged in numerous publications. In

Remarks to the press of the day [3] , the most-watched broadcast of Radio Maria with about 1.7 million listeners daily [4] , Livio Fanzaga comment on the news appeared on the main newspapers Italian, with special attention to Catholic newspapers ( Future and L'Osservatore Romano ). The topics cover the current religious but also the major political, economic and social Italian and foreign. In his broadcast Livio Fanzaga often referred to as daily La Repubblica or Il Corriere della Sera as "anti-Christian newspaper" or "Masonic" when they publish articles that criticize actions and positions taken by the Catholic Church.

At the recall referendum in 2005 on IVF made repeated calls to ' abstention, in line with the Italian Episcopal Conference
In an interview in July 2008 said [6] :

"  Il messaggio più coinvolgente di Medjugorje è che il cristianesimo , prima di essere una dottrina, è un rapporto personale di amore con Dio. [...] La prima volta che sono venuto a Medjugorje era il 15 marzo '85 . [...] "Qui c'è la Madonna ", mi sono detto, dunque il cristianesimo è l'unica religione vera! Perché la Madonna è "cattolica"! Questa è stata la forza che ho trasmesso nei programmi di Radio Maria. Su quest'idea ho costruito il palinsesto di Radio Maria come annuncio della verità nella carità.  »

Padre Livio, nell’ambito dell’evangelizzazione, ha a cuore il tema del demonio e come le sue manifestazioni si palesino nella vita degli uomini. Nel libro da lui pubblicato “Il falsario. La lotta quotidiana contro Satana.” , richiamando i contenuti della dottrina cristiana e del Magistero della Chiesa, Fanzaga ricorda che Satana, l'avversario di Dio e il nemico dell'uomo, è tanto più pericoloso quanto più nascostamente svolge la sua opera; la sua incessante seduzione costituisce un pericolo che occorre smascherare, affermazioni che sono perfettamente in linea con il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica. Nel gennaio 2008, commenting on the controversy and student of the faculty of ' University "La Sapienza" of Rome that preceded the decline by the Holy See that the invitation rector of' University was addressed to Pope intervene because the inauguration of the academic year, said [7] :

" do not rule, as some newspapers, that there are satanic groups among these students, as groups of atheists that have as slogan "hate church", "kill Christ" or something like that. These are small groups at the edge of Satanism, among other things ... Here, by the way, dear friends let us have no illusions: Satan is everywhere, even in ' University. No wonder that there are teachers with a lot of horned trident and tail. So let us have no illusions, dear friends, because deep down, do not worry, there is hatred God, Christ hatred, hatred against the Church . Behind these figures there is always the evil one, rest assured that this is so: I do not I may be wrong about these things, because you said, you know? If you go there with those people there and spray them with holy water , leaves out the fire ... Smoke! If they smoke splash of holy water, the people there smoke! Out goes the smoke, see? As in the most awful exorcisms. "

returned later on the same topic during an interview [8] :

" His planned visit was misinterpreted. It was to be the inaugural speech of a great intellectual and the university was the right place. Then politics took over. "

In a subsequent transmission [9] reiterated his theological conviction, which is behind the attacks on Church and the Pope there is always the work of Satan.
About the influence of Satan on the "evil" of the world, the same Father Livio in the text have arrived since the end? deepens and clarifies the concept:

«  Negare l'azione di Satana nell'ultima tappa della storia che stiamo vivendo, significa allontanarsi radicalmente dalle prospettive del Nuovo Testamento e del Magistero della Chiesa . L'atteggiamento opposto ed ugualmente errato è quello di chi esaspera la potenza e l'azione del Maligno, come se il mondo non fosse sotto il potere di Cristo e il cristiano non lo potesse vincere con la testimonianza della fede. A questo riguardo anche gli scenari più foschi che ci vengono descritti dalla Parola di Dio, soprattutto laddove si descrivono i combattimenti degli ultimi tempi, si concludono tutti con la vittoria di Cristo e dei credenti. The Christian, therefore, does not underestimate the hardships, struggles, temptations and seductions that mark his journey and of the Church in this world, but he knows that Christ has already won and that the future is in his hands. "

In 2006, the Bishop of Vittorio Veneto, Mgr. Joseph Zenti, Livio father rebuked in a letter [2] , since according to him the programs of "Radio Maria" with ongoing issues concerning devils, exorcism and invoices "bring confusion and suspicion cast even on family members and spouses ..." letter that Father Livio replied:

" Zenti Meanwhile, the Bishop, who has often praised the Radio, said he was sending me a letter that I However, I never received. The charge of promoting the bills, however, I indignantly rejected by sending a letter of my books. [10] "

During the radio program Youth Catechesis [11] explained the theory secondo cui Hitler avrebbe ordinato il genocidio di 6 milioni di ebrei perché odiava Gesù Cristo , anch'egli ebreo. In seguito ha precisato che tale affermazione era basata su un articolo pubblicato anni prima su Avvenire [12] .

Nel merito dell' evoluzionismo Livio Fanzaga sostiene che [13] :

«  In merito alla conciliazione tra fede ed evoluzionismo, io non prendo posizioni drastiche su questo argomento; comunque sia, esiste un evoluzionismo ateo e materialista come quello di Darwin and his modern followers, see for example Richard Dawkins , and there is also a Christian theory of evolution, involving the intervention of God the Creator and the evolution of the world sees as an ongoing project , a project which is accomplished by God the Creator, then we say there is a version atheistic and materialistic evolutionism but there is also a version of evolution compatible with faith. I do not take a position between creationism and evolution, in my opinion is an open scientific debate that still needs many insights "

This clarification was necessary after the same period was, ironically, defined as the theory of evolution:

" a story in which he believes only The Republic and Courier [...] because all the latest scientific research, more prepared, more serious we are told that man has already appeared on earth suddenly there was that man [...] a being in full possession of his mental faculties [14] "

Fanzaga Livio claims so that to motivate the appearance of man on Earth Darwinism would be inappropriate, because in his opinion it would not explain the specificity of man compared to other living beings and the existence of 'soul .

short, a degree in theology at the Gregorian University in Philosophy and the Catholic and the director of Radio Maria our demonstrates an acumen and an aptitude for thinking, an openness of mind, a depth of talent and a propensity for rational conversation that would dwarf Spinoza and Kant, as can be heard below:

that mean? Yes, the thing, the assertion, the number is definitely run to the toilet bag (or as close to the toilet) for its crass ignorance, his obtuse blindness, his abysmal idiocy.

of the stable beyond my views on animals, and beyond the practical considerations, philosophical and experiential still lead me to consider how certain the ' humanity " animals, especially when compared to the" bestiality "of the Human I will start remembering rather pleased at this "philosopher" as follows.

while the legionnaires nailed his inspiration to two sticks on Golgotha \u200b\u200bthe Hindu texts, the Vedas ( वेद ), were already the oldest work of Indo-European culture and had already completed - and then usually coded after hundreds if not thousands, of years of development - twenty centuries! mankind had to his credit twenty centuries of philosophical, spiritual and religious when the founder of his "band" stretched the sock on the cross. while the Bible goes back fifteen centuries before Christ.

Christianity now has half the experience and expertise of Hinduism (Buddhism and resulting in large part, though next to Christ). in his crass ignorance on our mocks and gives the "stupid" people who draw on a much older philosophy and continually reinterpreted, but two pergamenucce the Gregorian and Catholic. both institutions of Europe which wallowed in the mire of pork when India and Africa rose Islamic libraries, medical schools and schools related to intent to universities - such as Al-Qarawiyyin in Morocco, founded in the ninth century (formally became universities After Bologna, reputed the oldest in the world, but it was Koranic school or madrasa already dedicated to the liberal arts even from the foundation). is not it a coincidence that our Bergamo is probably also close to the world that currently throw dung on other cultures in the name of "Christian roots of Europe as Po ...

spoke of the Hindu Atman ( आत्म ) the self, the breath of life, the very essence of sentient beings, and our handsomely if the laughter is like now. between the two is obvious where it is the ability to see, read il reale, o almeno l'onesta attitudine a provarci. anche se non crediamo affatto né all'esistenza di un'anima separata e distinta dal corpo né all'immortalità, troviamo che la visione induista meriti ben altro che la derisione dell'ignoranza di questo individuo, i cui orizzonti speculativi ci paiono a dir poco angusti, miserabili, infimi, ottusi, incolti e assolutamente indegni di un dibattito filosofico e religioso.

siamo cattivi? avrà mai pensato, il clero, che gli animali abbiano un'anima... ogni tanto sì, ma solo qualche volta: infatti la chiesa romana li benedice, nella persona dello stesso papa ( qui ), solo per riempire the squares of the faithful or make a good impression with that the rest of humanity that animals treat them well every day. in short, clearly shows that according to the church that soul is transferred into the body of these beings empty if and only if it leads dindi and handouts in case! miracles of faith! or only when you need to make a good impression . then there would be things to say about the nature of Christianity and Catholicism as the religion of love if these are the premises and the real beliefs of the most influential members of his clergy. pace of compassion for the innocent and the last. here we are animals as automata and nothing more. to grace!

thing we confirm and we thank our for having given evidence and proof, if ever there is a god there's more inside any beast that under certain heads of wood, which languages \u200b\u200bhave words for wood and wooden heads to which we dedicate with affection the old saying Hindu (Donkeys separately).

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the theater you deserve 2 revenge

autproponendosi as an experiment about the hypocrisy of the media and people .
ne condivido le conclusioni, non il metodo - si poteva "trollare" in altro modo e non su una bambina morta .

per me troll - e imbecilli - restano, ma quel che salta fuori è interessante e la lettura che ne fa Net1News è interessantissima. e la condividiamo appieno, specialmente le righe che seguono:

AGGIORNAMENTO - Il gruppo Yara Zombie ha cambiato nome e descrizione . Ora si chiama " Caso Yara tra falso buonismo e moralismo bigotto ". Hanno tolto anche tutte le foto che avevano creato polemiche e hanno così added a powerful reverse. "You were afraid," they write on the board, but we say that this change can be seen as an awareness in us over the top. The new version aims to only highlight the hypocrisies and contradictions of the people when faced with such cases .

Here is the description of the group : "Well, if we have come this far is because the objective of the directors of the group was reached. And that demonstrate the total hypocrisy of the same members, who can Directive cry only a mother television. And just for the most extreme cases, see Taricone, Scazzi, etc. .. But for the thousands of deaths in Libya, for children who die every day from hunger or are mistreated, the workers who die at work every day to bring home the bread, no thought. As if you like to share a thought or feel-good link is enough to make you earn a place in heaven. As usual, there are now many people outraged at this group, but not outraged at the media speculation that make Barbara D'Urso and company. But, as happened with Sarah Scazzi, in a week you will have already forgotten everything. And so will you die a second time Yara. My compliments, the "good" always triumphs. "

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put four things in the blender along with the Web:

an atrocious crime against a teenager;
a nation of sheep manipulated ready to lynch (at least in words);
a portal autoschedatura mass;
uninformed journalism, disinformante, respectable and bourgeois

and you have a dirty little theater of meanness in which actors and audience overlap and scandalously equally shamefully deserve each other. you hate real, compact, slimy, fat, full, frothy, dense, neromerda against which normally - but only when it is born of the anger of individuals and for reasons that usually involve entire peoples - each "service provider and web content 'stirs the fiery sword of censorship , and when it is caused by human cruelty and involves masses of torturers / executioners / forcaioli crazy is greeted by the bourgeois press and the managers themselves as legitimate Web test of "good hearts of the people."

people, mind you, not the fault of the wicked, but the blame has to do with the priorities of all unpacked and the utter incoherence and free, knowing that four of five months they avrà bellamente dimenticato la ragione, anche perché la spazzatura mediatica cara a questo sistema assassino e idiota sostituirà Yara con un'altra triste vittima in nome della quale ci sarà ancora e inutilmente tragica occasione di svelare i bassi istinti del popolo medializzato. un popolo che, a parte ostentare lacrime internettiane e fruire del piacere vouyerista del cordogliocondiviso , come già innumerevoli volte provato , se ne fregherà mezza pippa dell'ennesima vittima, scaduto il tempo dovuto dell'assuefazione da sdegno, a parte chi sciaguratamente ne resterà come ogni volta segnato a vita.

stavolta tocca alla cerchia di persone che Yara really knew and loved her: a few dozen. the sun which could and should go - would do the trick - my solidarity and my true embrace of completely unknown and end.

but the others ... the others have all my contempt. Troll Troll, executioners who rant and journalists Scazzi like perbenistissimo Alessandro Sala del Corriere della Serva that doth here the curtain of platitudes, and unleashes all his right-thinking livoretto armored. Ammaniti once again the tale of the "cowardly anonymity of the Web" as you know any kid who knows how to grab a keyboard that any activity on the internet and leave a detectable trace from which si risale all'IP. ma ai disinformatori professionisti, ossia troppi giornalisti tesserati, è più comodo credere (per ignoranza informatica?) o far credere (per ordini di mera scuderia padronale?) che esiste l'anonimato su Internet. Sala, ah Sala, dedicasse almeno un decimo dello sdegno per questi poveri stupidi troll (amministratori di una trollata di successo, vista la marea di incazzati con le vene in rilievo sulla testa) alle cazzate che scrive il suo giornale e ai crimini commessi dai poteri forti di cui è megafono, saremmo davanti a qualcosa che pallidamente potremmo ancora chiamare informazione onesta.

ma siamo invece al tristo teatrino dell'odio di massa contro 5 troll imbecilli
hate unrealistic, temporary, ephemeral, impotent , inconclusive and tickling the system - and who pulls the strings rejoicing among us knows that we are busy menarci ... - Worthy of angry sheep and matte Roaring blood sharpened his teeth with rusty rasps against bestiality and stupidity in man Fecciabook up, rather than for those who are really angry fuck their rights e le fotte in culo slabbrandogli tutti i giorni l'ano a corda tesa di violino. 

foto: pecora comune sodomizzata dai poteri forti

ma quest'ultimo non è su Facebook e non trolla da imbecille. ed è sopra di noi, che se la ride.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Which Country Has The Largest Breast Sizes

theater you deserve the inhuman machine indexing

penso che questa cosa qua dia la misura esatta di come il mondo e il web trattino i casi strazianti della cronaca. cercavo ulteriori notizie sulla sciagura di Yara Gambirasio e mi son trovato su Google alle prime occorrenze sta roba :

porn websites that use it to gain on Google indicizzzazioni .
any comment is superfluous! every word, bland.

Link to this "people" is:

not report the matter to Police Post for exposing the fact that a link is n on offense, but that does not make it any less despicable strategy!

Chaotic Tcg Generator

CSI does not live here

just to point out the differences between propaganda and security-telerincoglionente harsh reality, the body of Yara Gambirasio was a few hundred meters from the police command that coordinated the research. under the nose as they say.

all the difference between so-called "telesbirro" and the Italian reality. yet another slap on a number of illusions in which lull us every day.

that Yara rest in peace. and all the others begin to question no longer put up wanted by a representation of the real power system, and reality, the "true".

Friday, February 25, 2011

Watch Free Peliculas En Espanol

summary of publishing "RB" - or more force yourself ... if this

mi rivolgo di cuore all'ufficio governativo X che ha scritto il volantino con le minacce ai vertici della Croce Rossa.

anche il più ebefrenico dei giornalisti che abbia letto più di tre comunicati originali dei brigatisti può confermare che quelli lì scrivevano indigeribili mattoni al molibdeno diaman-cementato di rarissima e arditissima densoviscosità verbale in irriducibile marxleninistese, al cui confronto la pur rodata e ostica produzione di "Lotta Comunista" sembra la D'Addario o una media ospite di "Amici". il vostro testo oltre a mancare di questa characteristic of true stylistic disclosed, in addition to missing the minimum technical terminology to make it rise to the role of bloodthirsty Pippone, states:

"After Christ Sicily
soon give a medal
also a bar and Garavaglia!
Where the justice does not reach ordinary
comes proletarian!
renewed all our goals and our operational
live the armed struggle for freedom and

are they? filastrocchette? songs? poem? so ... guys, you write them better than anyone sgam.

paid a former Red Brigades or 20 cents per line or you need to try harder!

Mom Put Me Over Her Knee


Against the butcher Libyan Gaddafi and his "friend" Berlusconi.

26/02/11 Today the streets around the world under the slogan "so many people fight one" shows solidarity with the struggles of all peoples of the world.
In particular, those people still struggling for self-determination and national independence as the Basque people, the people of Northern Ireland, the people sarhawi, the people Tamil and many others.
On a day like today we can not give our solidarity to all those Arab people who are social revolt against their rulers.
The social upheaval in the Arab countries has now reached all the countries of North Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt), Yemen and Bahrain in the Arabian Peninsula, Syria, Jordan and the Palestinian Territories in the Middle East and "likely" to be extended to other African and Asian countries ... After the fall of dictators
Tunisian and Egyptian Ben Ali and Mubarak, Gaddafi also now in danger of being dethroned after 42 years in power. Rather than yield his power is not hesitating to order his loyalists and mercenaries to carry out a vero e proprio massacro: già si parla di 10.000 morti in tutta la Libia con una punta di mille morti nella capitale Tripoli in un paese che conta circa 6 milioni di abitanti.
Tutto questo massacro in meno di una settimana con l’uso di mercenari e bombardamenti dell’aviazione sui cortei e su interi quartieri popolari, già giungono i primi video dei massacri e delle fosse comuni.
Ancora una volta il governo italiano, cosi come durante le rivolte in Tunisia ed Egitto, si dimostra essere uno tra i più strenui sostenitori di questi regimi sanguinari.
Un filo nero lega il nostro governo a questi regimi, un filo nero che si chiama petrolio e gas, che si chiama investimento dei padroni italiani e Confindustria in questi regioni “dimenticandosi” convenience to human rights. Again
be alongside these people mean to be fighting against the Berlusconi government and the governments of all owners in close continuity (D'Alema, Prodi, Berlusconi) are complicit in these massacres leaning politically, economically and militarily these schemes:
weapons supplied to the army and Libyan mercenaries are mainly supplied by Italy, in fact
permissions to Italian exports to Libya in 2009 were approximately € 111.8 million, up from about 93 million of 2008 (in particular, bombs, torpedoes, rockets, aircraft and electronic equipment).
E 'worth remembering that in recent ten years several agreements have been concluded with the Gaddafi regime
The Agusta Westlands, a Finmeccanica Company, has sold 10 helicopters AW109E Power between 2006 and 2009, worth approximately EUR 80 million.
a result of the agreements contained in the Treaty of Benghazi in May 2009, the Guardia di Finanza undertook the delivery of the first three patrol boats to the Libyan navy to patrol the Mediterranean Sea, followed in February 2010 by three other boats.
Finmeccanica has signed agreements with the Libyan company:
in October 2009 signed a deal worth 300 million euro for the construction of a large system of protection and border security.

LA LORO LOTTA E' LA NOSTRA LOTTA!Contro le politiche dei governi che, come in Italia, affamano il popolo e non danno futuro ai giovani Contro i regimi imperialisti USA/Israele/Europa che, con la complicità di governi corrotti, saccheggiano le risorse di questi paesi, costringendo intere generazioni all'emigrazione e ad un destino di sfruttamento senza alcun futuroPER IL DIRITTO DI TUTTI I POPOLI ALL'AUTODETERMINAZIONE

Circolo proletari comunisti Palermo

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pool Of Blood After Dog Poops

FDM is not a

figure Shit, even Figuradimmmmerda! with emphasis on sound and full of sores "m"!

take a wicked tyrant who is about to fall and cling tooth and nail to power.

take a country comes to terms with this tyrant and concludes with lui un trattato di amicizia e collaborazione.
prendete lo stesso paese che ha al governo un buon amico e baciamano del tirannello in oggetto.

prendete lo stesso paese che tratta il tirannello impazzito coi guanti di velluto triplo strato ultrasoffice con vitamina E, che lo "non lo disturba" mentre compie i primi allegri eccidi di massa e che solo agli ultimi 5 minuti ne condanna (solo a parole) l'azione ma non interviene di certo.... e mantiene un ambasciatore (peraltro non particolarmente efficiente nell'unica cosa che ora dovrebbe fare, viste le recenti cronache )

ora se you were the tyrant ... at least expect the people of this country and journalists arriving in saliva ... gratitude. maybe shove a few more for you to lie more in the face less fierce and less hands filthy with blood.

and instead?

your men and thugs to beat up journalists in that country just arrived.
and friend to the government and its foreign minister, not only are covered with infamy with this friendship, but get this beautiful result:

se non si chiama questa una Figura di Merda?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cervical Polyp Removal Cost

Sleeping Beauty

in Grecia sta succedendo questo .
in Libia questo .
in Egitto e Tunisia è già successo e ancora non si sa cosa ne verrà fuori...

e noi così.

Religious Retirement Songs

the only Italian with a moral

in un paese di vigliacchi irresponsabili, gran maestri internazionali dello Scaricabarile©, servi prezzolati e leccaculo strutturali venditori di menzogne, politicanti imbelli to the aggressors and criminals who masquerade as traitors to the victims and genetic ...

this guy here is the only one who should bow down:

source Corriere della Ser (v)

------------------ -------------------------------------------------- A mini -----------
incident has upset.
searches with dogs and helicopters
the bangs and the smile of the child mug shot, would you give him thirteen years. Instead Busetti Daniel is a twenty year old in the throes of confusion and fear. Not a Majorana or a Late Mattia Pascal, Pinocchio is not a fleeing or anchovy in Toyland by magic ended in Wonderland. The fact is that, like certain famous people have disappeared in history or literature, is unavailable for the moment. Closed nightmare of guilt without guilt beyond repair. Daniel is twenty years old, exactly, and is a bricklayer. He disappeared on Saturday night in Bergamo after provoking an incident. At about 21:30 was in the car with a friend, a mix of driving lost control and ended up against another car with three women inside. No deaths, no injuries. He had time to help his friend to get out, but perhaps did not realize that the other passengers if the car had escaped with bruises. All except him unharmed, Daniel, probably not so much affected by the impact that fear (or perhaps become frightened by the impact), who suggested, in the first chaos after the explosion, on the sly to get away and disappear. Leaving behind only a text message intended for his girlfriend: "I had an accident megagalattico. I love you. Good-bye. " Already adjective, "megagalattico," should have pointed the disproportion between the banal chronicle of events and the whirlpool of his fantasy of doom. Not to mention the ultimate salute. Nothing more than that phone message, but enough to cause concern hiding a final chissà dove, chissà come. Invece, come quei lupi solitari o quegli orsi che si aggirano nei centri abitati in cerca di cibo, Daniel è ricomparso. Prima tra Romano di Lombardia e Covo, sempre nelle sue zone, dove lo hanno cercato con i cani e un elicottero, poi in Valchiusella, Piemonte, dove ha scambiato qualche parola con i volontari di una comunità spirituale: «Ho avuto un incidente, sono scappato, ho avuto paura, ma voglio tornare a casa» . Pare che in precedenza fosse andato in un pronto soccorso per farsi medicare al viso abbandonando la carta d’identità. Il desiderio di riabbracciare la famiglia non ha coinciso però con l’azione, e Daniel, forse pentito forse ricaduto nel gorgo del panico, it was delivered back to the spot to reappear in the Canavese Tuesday. Approached by police and his father (who decided to participate actively in research and broke it called multiple times by name) has climbed a fence and has fled into the bush. Fortunately, we are no longer in the 50's, when a farmer from Avola, Paolo Gallo, was pretending to be dead (killed by his brother) reappeared, alive and (almost) well, after seven years in a village not far away. And we're not even yellow in literature. Today, in reality, those who are afraid (especially when young) in the first place is afraid of himself, who is not afraid not afraid of anything or anyone. © REPRODUCTION
RESERVED and it is logical that it seems crazy.

from us if you are Italian and drunk driving kill a family, or do you dry a woman with a fist, all have thousands of excuses (well we have seen in the comments the case of the Roman boy who killed a nurse at the station and beat Romanian), neighbors assaulting officers to defend yourself. if you are Romanian or foreign, however, another story ......

for us' this boy is a hero.

perhaps the last, in a country where the collective moral stature would suck a dog shit.