William Hague |
E 'known that, in recent days, while in neighboring Egypt crowds break the reign of twenty-Mubarak, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had issued a warning to the people to "expect anything" on the outcome of the motions of the square and "strengthen the power of the State of Israel." The reference was clearly to the possibility 'of establishing in the country of the pyramids of a theocratic regime, a Sunni Islamic Republic hostile not only to freedom' individual and the West, but also to the government in Jerusalem. Of all
response, the British newspaper The Times today reported on its front page a statement by the UK Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, William Hague, calling on Israeli Prime Minister to "soften the tone" by removing "belligerent language, because 'what' could contribute to increased tensions.
Who knows' what it thinks' the Secretary of State of heading more and more 'insistent that says that the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood would like to see the closure of the Suez Canal to block oil and gas supply to Israel and the budget of the Army Egyptian nuclear weapons from Pakistan. So far, no a word about it. How
will have 'found the time to criticize the call for unity' national Netanyahu, when a fundamentalist faction more and more 'powerful states and intentions of war scenarios assume so' terrifying, just do not know.
But that 'I still wonder why and' how, despite everything that is said and done every day, while the politicians of Europe closer I just can not take the role of Israel. The suffering, danger, pain and threats perpetrated against Jerusalem seem simply not enough to count.
is always the first one not to irritate fundamentalist group, a crowd of fanatics to keep quiet, especially in the aftermath the historic speech of David Cameron on the failure of multiculturalism in Britain, which has aroused the indignation of the Islamic religious factions more 'extremist.
You fear the Islamic fundamentalists inside and outside its borders and, therefore, we let it go to statements and gestures that have nothing to do with objectivity 'of the facts and that is not' too simple to define captatio benevolentiae in respect of people who, if able, would like to see us dead or deprived of liberty 'civilians.
I would really see it and hear it, Sir William Hague, if a group of diehard Irish Catholics claimed to want to block the Channel and to acquire nuclear weapons by Corea del Nord. Si preoccuperebbe forse di non urtare la suscettibilita' dei sostenitori dell'IRA?
Questa sistematica adozione di due pesi e due misure , sempre, invariabilmente a favore di formazioni ideologicamente e politicamente antitetiche a noi ed al nostro sistema dei valori, a danno di un piccolo Paese che riesce nel miracolo quotidiano di assicurare democrazia e diritti civili in un contesto di perenne tregua armata, sfugge davvero alla mia capacita' di comprensione.
Una volta, Israele era (e forse, in una certa misura, e' ancora) il cuneo dell'America in Medio Oriente, mentre la controparte araba palestinese era socialista e terzomondista, quindi piu' vicina alla sensitivity 'of the European Left. But this is not 'more' reality 'of the Arab world for a long, long time now: the Arab world today is largely' composed of companies 'in the balance between modernity' and totalitarian fundamentalism - with a propensity for second, the events of recent years would seem to suggest.
What is the point today, Anno Domini 2011, stand on the side of those who - even our fault, of course - totally rejects Western values \u200b\u200band seeks to destroy the only true democracy in the Middle East , to persecute homosexuals, women and subjugate "infidels", replace the institutions with tyrannical regimes, to detonate bombs in our citta' e, in ultimo, cancellare dal mondo qualunque traccia culturale e politica che l'Occidente ha lasciato?
Ma davvero si vuole permettere che tutto questo vada ancora avanti?
Qualcuno mi risponda, se puo'.
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