it pains me to remove the roll from my personal blog, primarily because I want to avoid at all costs the self, but opened the door to an open and transparent.
blog is also a matter of "friendship" and reciprocity in the sense very, very lato, e trovo quantomeno ipocrita rinviare a bloggers che con il sottoscritto non si comportano con un minimo di reciprocità, chiarezza e trasparenza.
pur restando fermo il principio che ogni blogger sia "re a casa sua", trovo assurda la condotta che certi hanno ed è la seconda volta che mi succede di intervenire in maniera estremamente pilotata e parziale, malgrado le mie intenzioni come commentatore dei post altrui. nel senso che se è vero che mi si dà voce per un commento, non pubblicarne altri tre o quattro in proporzione per una questione che modestamente oserei reputar censoria, ma travestita da "profiling" o selezione dei commenti mi pare sia cosa che travalichi chiarezza, onstà transparency and intellectual debate.
patience, so. sometimes you have no regrets, to take on the maxim that you do not lose much to drop someone.
this time, is affected to the blog Wolfstep. sin but we are not islands and a reasonable minimum basis of honesty among us should make us better than too many others.
place here the last message to Uriel, keeper of the blog Wolfstep:
------------------------------ --------------- kind Uriel
can I ask a favor?
remove all my comments to your blog?
I have a personal policy: If I speak in a blog, I would like to be quoted verbatim or with reasonable breadth in my thinking, not in crumbs (who happens to fan always convenient to view the host). I do not I contribute claque.
I'd like to hear in private reply to my post, and my richueste for clarification, you know it is called "simple good manners."
I take this opportunity to tell you that I remove the link to your blog. sin, I'm sorry because I think it's a loss for all and to me first, I liked your contribution to the blogosphere but I find little more than ignoring the post correctly answer at least not in a private home to specific questions.
thanks and hello.
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