Sunday, February 27, 2011

Increased Cervical Music Sign Of Pregnancy

the theater you deserve 2 revenge

autproponendosi as an experiment about the hypocrisy of the media and people .
ne condivido le conclusioni, non il metodo - si poteva "trollare" in altro modo e non su una bambina morta .

per me troll - e imbecilli - restano, ma quel che salta fuori è interessante e la lettura che ne fa Net1News è interessantissima. e la condividiamo appieno, specialmente le righe che seguono:

AGGIORNAMENTO - Il gruppo Yara Zombie ha cambiato nome e descrizione . Ora si chiama " Caso Yara tra falso buonismo e moralismo bigotto ". Hanno tolto anche tutte le foto che avevano creato polemiche e hanno così added a powerful reverse. "You were afraid," they write on the board, but we say that this change can be seen as an awareness in us over the top. The new version aims to only highlight the hypocrisies and contradictions of the people when faced with such cases .

Here is the description of the group : "Well, if we have come this far is because the objective of the directors of the group was reached. And that demonstrate the total hypocrisy of the same members, who can Directive cry only a mother television. And just for the most extreme cases, see Taricone, Scazzi, etc. .. But for the thousands of deaths in Libya, for children who die every day from hunger or are mistreated, the workers who die at work every day to bring home the bread, no thought. As if you like to share a thought or feel-good link is enough to make you earn a place in heaven. As usual, there are now many people outraged at this group, but not outraged at the media speculation that make Barbara D'Urso and company. But, as happened with Sarah Scazzi, in a week you will have already forgotten everything. And so will you die a second time Yara. My compliments, the "good" always triumphs. "


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