Friday, February 11 Casapound neo-fascist organization has announced the launch of the book "No pain" by Domenico Tullio, with the presence of the author and activist organization and the president of Casapound Gianluca Iannone.
The presentation of the book will be none other than that of the Mondadori Via Ruggero Settimo.
We believe a serious provocation that is given the opportunity, makers of the famous library, for these individuals to propagate the "ideals" such as racism, sexism and homophobia.
Casapound is an 'organization openly neo-fascist with an image that artificially "new" and "modern" and praising the Fascist leader, recalling that historical period that has seen our country the scene of violence and attacks on workers and young women by the regime Fascist Italy was reduced to rubble selling off the Nazi invader. We believe that the shameful
Mondadori make way for "initiatives" like those brought by individuals from north to south "newsworthy" for their efforts in the attack on disabled people, homosexuals, students who struggle against the Gelmini reform, by what are good servants of power.
not allow that these shady characters unfold organizing the presentation of a book drive propaganda.
Our city has shown more than once in the sewers the ability to repel those individuals who can act only protected by the police.
We invite all genuine anti-fascists on Friday February 11 to 16 hours before the sit-in anti-fascist Mondadori announced by all the companies and anti-fascist organizations in the city, to express their disapproval and outrage.
Red Block
Palermo 09/02/2011
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