Saturday, February 12, 2011

Suzanne Pritchard Gallery

Another victory of anti-fascists from Palermo!

Again in Palermo has been prevented from the squalid activities organized by local neo-fascists.
The first victory was collected with the cancellation by Mondadori propagandistic presentation of the book "No pain" written by Domenico di Tullio militant Casapound. on neo-fascists of this organization. The anti-fascist movement
Palermo has presided for more than two hours, the Mondadori to denounce the serious choice of nationality by the library to host such an initiative.
This time the so-called "fascists terzo millennio” hanno provato a fare il salto di qualità organizzando una loro iniziativa alla Mondadori nella centralissima Via Ruggero Settimo.
Il sit-in indetto appena due giorni prima dagli antifascisti palermitani ha scongiurato che individui portatori di odio razziale, sessismo, omofobia in una parola fascisti, avessero la possibilità di poter fare la loro sporca propaganda in un luogo pubblico.

Gravissimo che la Mondadori abbia concesso un loro spazio a tali individui che a seguito dell’indizione del sit-in antifascista la stessa Mondadori ha annullato l’evento ma solo per posticiparlo di circa un mese, il 23 marzo.
Nonostante le perdite economiche che ha subito ieri pomeriggio conseguentemente al presidio antifascista and the militarization of police, carabinieri and Digos, the wolf has lost the hair but not the fault continues to persevere and thereby making themselves complicit in condoning fascism, the Mondadori publishing house that will assume its full responsibilities.

Despite the proclamations and the press and web-based threats by neo-fascist Casapound and other formations as well as the Directorate of Youth Policy Raoul Russo to present and participate, however the presentation which was held on the sidewalk in front of the library, the Their presence even in shade. The comrades of
Casapound explain on their blog that the presentation has been postponed for "logistical problems" ... The truth
is that the rabbits were confined in their seats to get their chatter.

Equally serious statements by the Directorate of Youth Policy Raoul Russo, who, to the criminalization of our organization, once again, declaring that he would come to the presentation of the book to the streets to give solidarity to Casapound.
that the fascists in double-breasted as Russian and fascistelli self-styled revolutionaries (who are protected and supported by their patrons sitting in the chair) had links to denounce him for some time.

In a city where youth unemployment is rampant, where the school drop out rate is as high and where the deterioration of many neighborhoods compels many young people to fend for unskilled workers if they become spent mafia, it's not clear what practical face
the commissioner of youth policy in part pocketing thousands of euro and Stars in your seat.
Evidently our councilor has better things to do than protect his godchildren squads openly.
We know that the politicians who govern at all levels is difficult, but we invite the Russian commissioner for the next time to be speaking, if it really came yesterday afternoon to find dozens of young men and young anti-fascists would have certainly had the right treatment that she deserves someone like him.

Red Block
Palermo 12/02/10


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