For 2011 the wish for a year full of smiles that more and more people join the long road to knowledge, sharing, love, l 'friendship, loyalty and respect.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Ways To Do My Hair For Volleyball Practice
Still on attachment to the seat of Pd
on the facts reported in the press these days about the attack on the provincial and regional headquarters of the Democratic Party in Palermo, via Bentivegna, the student movement expresses its solidarity with the young Red Block, whose symbol was a pretext to turn written on the sidewalk and appeared before the gate of the headquarters of the Democratic Party.
The student movement that rejects challenge to functional attempt to criminalize the struggles and the reasons that it expresses in particular following the protests in recent months, culminating in the big events of 14 and 22 December.
are therefore called upon the journalists to attend the press-conference to be held at the Accademia di Belle Arti busy day on December 30 at 16:00.
Academy of Fine Arti occupata
CAIL (collettivo autorganizzato accademia in lotta)
Collettivo Carlo Giuliani
Collettivo Studentesco Antiautoritario
Coordinamento studenti medi Palermo
Lettere e Filosofia per l'autoriforma
Red Block
Scienze per l'autoriforma
Studentato occupato Anomalia
on the facts reported in the press these days about the attack on the provincial and regional headquarters of the Democratic Party in Palermo, via Bentivegna, the student movement expresses its solidarity with the young Red Block, whose symbol was a pretext to turn written on the sidewalk and appeared before the gate of the headquarters of the Democratic Party.
The student movement that rejects challenge to functional attempt to criminalize the struggles and the reasons that it expresses in particular following the protests in recent months, culminating in the big events of 14 and 22 December.
are therefore called upon the journalists to attend the press-conference to be held at the Accademia di Belle Arti busy day on December 30 at 16:00.
Academy of Fine Arti occupata
CAIL (collettivo autorganizzato accademia in lotta)
Collettivo Carlo Giuliani
Collettivo Studentesco Antiautoritario
Coordinamento studenti medi Palermo
Lettere e Filosofia per l'autoriforma
Red Block
Scienze per l'autoriforma
Studentato occupato Anomalia
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
23 Weeks Pregnant Mucus
on attachment to the regional headquarters of the Democratic Party in Palermo.
Comunicato stampa.
Sull’attacco alla sede regionale del PD a Palermo.
Le parole di smentita apparse ieri sull’Ansa e altre agenzie stampa circa il nostro coinvolgimento nell'attacco dell’altro ieri notte alla sede regionale del PD, si rifà ad una breve conversazione telefonica avuta tra un nostro militante e una giornalista Ansa. Durante tale telefonata we have expressed the need to be aware of the facts and then express any position except that reported the same anxiety and other agencies and newspapers to our total estrangement from the fact in question.
After reading various press on the internet and newspaper articles, we can declare that the whole thing stinks there alquanto.Molti articles to link the attack on the headquarters of the Democratic Party with our statement on our blog ( ) December 24 titled "We distance ourselves from those who take the distance! On the facts of 22 in Palermo, "in which we condemn taken away by some political parties and trade unions as CGIL, Mdu, UDU, Sel, Cobas and also the PD.
It makes us think the very statement of the incident Young Italy, the only political organization that points the finger at us just hours before the news, remember that in our last press release criticized the role played precisely the neo-fascists of Young Italy to create confusion among the students through which they created fictitious initials as "student movement" with the aim to manipulate them. Almost from the beginning of autumn is
that their attempt to unmask these infiltration in the student movement (just see our press on 25 November and 13 and 27 October), with the result that their rallies were attended by a few hundreds of students in front of tens of thousands in the square carried by the student movement and finally with the fact that for many weeks, the students do not fall for it more and therefore Young Italy has not had the opportunity to hold rallies under fictitious initials. When Young Italy has called "the parade of young students of the right" using his initials was a total flop. Now the comrades are trying to get back on the scene criminalizing the hundreds of students who have resisted the charges and tear gas the police and giving "far left" the intent to "raise the climate of confrontation against the police, the institutions and parties to destabilize the country, " addirittura!
Si può dire che ormai il nostro paese è totalmente destabilizzato e in tensione sociale permanente a causa delle politiche antipopolari di questo governo che non fa altro che scaricare la crisi sui lavoratori e le masse popolari, non c’è certo bisogno “dell’estrema sinistra” per questo!
La verità è che forse diamo fastidio a qualcuno in questa città ma non solo…
Pochi giorni dopo i “fatti dell’Umberto”, a Roma in occasione della manifestazione della Fiom del 16 Ottobre, siamo stati tra i pochissimi insieme a proletari comunisti e allo Slai Cobas per il sindacato di classe e a singoli operai, lavoratori e studenti ad interrompere l’intervento the then secretary of the CGIL Epifani screaming for a general strike. Even on that occasion the Minister Maroni had feared the "dangerous infiltrators."
All this to say that we have been keeping both our political battles between workers and between students and between the masses in general, this certainly bothers those who, like after the riots of 14 and 22 in Rome to try to Palermo divide them into good and bad.
This whole thing seems yet another attempt to criminalize the student movement as a whole and in particular those who bring forward radical practices within esso.Non is the first time we find ourselves under attack and trying to criminalize our initials.
Already famous for "facts dell'Umberto", where for a number of leaflets, organized by anti-fascists including our partners, the press has pointed the finger at our organization even speaking of a confrontation never happened in front of the school of neo-fascists Casapound (denied by the same neo-fascist), also reported the first news of the arrest of our comrades, which is not true.
The police later arrested on that occasion during the interrogations he tried to "extract" confessions from the arrested because it claims to belong to our organization, which we promptly denied both we and the detainees themselves. Remember that in the days before “i fatti dell’Umberto”, venne fuori la copertura che la digos dava ai neofascisti di Casapound nelle loro scorribande notturne. Cosa che denunciammo pubblicamente tra gli studenti ei lavoratori e che sicuramente avrà infastidito le due parti complici.
Adesso arriva l'ennesima montatura contro chi si ribella in linea con la “strategia della tensione” che prende corpo nelle dichiarazioni dei ministri Gasparri, La Russa e Maroni riferendosi alla possibilità che “potrebbe scapparci il morto” riferendosi agli scontri del 14 Dicembre a Roma, la storia del nostro paese ci insegna che quando gli esponenti di governo fanno simili dichiarazioni ciò è indice della loro stessa volontà di reprimere più sharply the social movements themselves, and to seek "the dead".
We are not surprised and we do not be intimidated by the umpteenth provocation and frames.
continue our political work is not aware that we are the ones to fear.
Red Block
Palermo 28/12/2010
Comunicato stampa.
Sull’attacco alla sede regionale del PD a Palermo.
Le parole di smentita apparse ieri sull’Ansa e altre agenzie stampa circa il nostro coinvolgimento nell'attacco dell’altro ieri notte alla sede regionale del PD, si rifà ad una breve conversazione telefonica avuta tra un nostro militante e una giornalista Ansa. Durante tale telefonata we have expressed the need to be aware of the facts and then express any position except that reported the same anxiety and other agencies and newspapers to our total estrangement from the fact in question.
After reading various press on the internet and newspaper articles, we can declare that the whole thing stinks there alquanto.Molti articles to link the attack on the headquarters of the Democratic Party with our statement on our blog ( ) December 24 titled "We distance ourselves from those who take the distance! On the facts of 22 in Palermo, "in which we condemn taken away by some political parties and trade unions as CGIL, Mdu, UDU, Sel, Cobas and also the PD.
It makes us think the very statement of the incident Young Italy, the only political organization that points the finger at us just hours before the news, remember that in our last press release criticized the role played precisely the neo-fascists of Young Italy to create confusion among the students through which they created fictitious initials as "student movement" with the aim to manipulate them. Almost from the beginning of autumn is
that their attempt to unmask these infiltration in the student movement (just see our press on 25 November and 13 and 27 October), with the result that their rallies were attended by a few hundreds of students in front of tens of thousands in the square carried by the student movement and finally with the fact that for many weeks, the students do not fall for it more and therefore Young Italy has not had the opportunity to hold rallies under fictitious initials. When Young Italy has called "the parade of young students of the right" using his initials was a total flop. Now the comrades are trying to get back on the scene criminalizing the hundreds of students who have resisted the charges and tear gas the police and giving "far left" the intent to "raise the climate of confrontation against the police, the institutions and parties to destabilize the country, " addirittura!
Si può dire che ormai il nostro paese è totalmente destabilizzato e in tensione sociale permanente a causa delle politiche antipopolari di questo governo che non fa altro che scaricare la crisi sui lavoratori e le masse popolari, non c’è certo bisogno “dell’estrema sinistra” per questo!
La verità è che forse diamo fastidio a qualcuno in questa città ma non solo…
Pochi giorni dopo i “fatti dell’Umberto”, a Roma in occasione della manifestazione della Fiom del 16 Ottobre, siamo stati tra i pochissimi insieme a proletari comunisti e allo Slai Cobas per il sindacato di classe e a singoli operai, lavoratori e studenti ad interrompere l’intervento the then secretary of the CGIL Epifani screaming for a general strike. Even on that occasion the Minister Maroni had feared the "dangerous infiltrators."
All this to say that we have been keeping both our political battles between workers and between students and between the masses in general, this certainly bothers those who, like after the riots of 14 and 22 in Rome to try to Palermo divide them into good and bad.
This whole thing seems yet another attempt to criminalize the student movement as a whole and in particular those who bring forward radical practices within esso.Non is the first time we find ourselves under attack and trying to criminalize our initials.
Already famous for "facts dell'Umberto", where for a number of leaflets, organized by anti-fascists including our partners, the press has pointed the finger at our organization even speaking of a confrontation never happened in front of the school of neo-fascists Casapound (denied by the same neo-fascist), also reported the first news of the arrest of our comrades, which is not true.
The police later arrested on that occasion during the interrogations he tried to "extract" confessions from the arrested because it claims to belong to our organization, which we promptly denied both we and the detainees themselves. Remember that in the days before “i fatti dell’Umberto”, venne fuori la copertura che la digos dava ai neofascisti di Casapound nelle loro scorribande notturne. Cosa che denunciammo pubblicamente tra gli studenti ei lavoratori e che sicuramente avrà infastidito le due parti complici.
Adesso arriva l'ennesima montatura contro chi si ribella in linea con la “strategia della tensione” che prende corpo nelle dichiarazioni dei ministri Gasparri, La Russa e Maroni riferendosi alla possibilità che “potrebbe scapparci il morto” riferendosi agli scontri del 14 Dicembre a Roma, la storia del nostro paese ci insegna che quando gli esponenti di governo fanno simili dichiarazioni ciò è indice della loro stessa volontà di reprimere più sharply the social movements themselves, and to seek "the dead".
We are not surprised and we do not be intimidated by the umpteenth provocation and frames.
continue our political work is not aware that we are the ones to fear.
Red Block
Palermo 28/12/2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Tv Center Pro Aktivierungs
We distance ourselves from those who take the distance! The events of 22 December in Palermo
Palermo last December 22 saw a great new day of action in which thousands of students are back again in the streets against Reform and Gelmini Berlusconi's government.
After the big storm of the palaces of power in Rome last December 14, Palermo, students have held high the flag of the movement, attacking the palace of the Sicilian region that, like the national parliament is home to mobsters and parasites.
In the afternoon a second procession stopped the paralyzing the economic life of the city center and symbolically hit with spray paint and banks and big businesses such as Rinascente.
categorically refuted the version of the major newspapers have spoken of "a violent demonstration in the morning" and "peaceful procession in the afternoon" as written by the Republic, there are neither good nor bad, the student movement is unique and implementing shared practices . In this sense they are right and claim all the practices and actions of this movement, the assault to the regional office, the bins tipped in recent days, the blocks of the city and its wild hubs, symbolic attacks on banks, Mondadori, Rinascente etc.etc.
All this has been implemented by the student movement, which despite its many souls found himself in agreement with these radical practices.
This was possible because the wave motion of 2008, the current movement has learned from the mistakes and grew, he learned to keep out parties and unions institutional (read scheme) also false but left as PD and CGIL beyond. In this sense
provoke a strong sense of indignation the statements of individuals squalid, as organizations to which they belong, that showy relegated to a corner by the students now try to go back to the fore the press complicit compliant.
Statements of MDU-udu-young-sel-pd-CGIL unipablock condemning the clashes on the morning of December 22 in front of the headquarters and the Sicilian Regional throwing objects against the police headquarters in Palermo, pointing to a small group of "violent troublemakers "are simply outrageous, 'It's really sad and disheartening to witness the mortification of the movement made by fringe elements that have little to do with the student population," said John Pagano, secretary of the Young Democrats of Palermo. When did the Young Democrats of Palermo was part of the movement? Are seen only during election periods in the faculties ...
These statements are not only shameful, but they are also in line with those of Interior Minister Maroni and the government in general.
A government that defends the mafia and various dell'Utri, can not afford to speak of "outposts of the fight against the Mafia," referring to the police.
The real fight against the Mafia are outposts of the social movements engaged in the daily social mafia, not the places of power and stop at the same time they are colluding. The fight against the Mafia is indivisible from the struggle against the state, the same police station that a few months ago we sent against dozens of cops in uniform and plain clothes, stopping for a simple anti-fascist leaflets. The same police who sends his servants to punish social protests in the city deserves this and much more.
Outsiders within the movement are the very parties of the left false pd and wild as they would like to dominate their dirty for the movement, the political parasites that when the power is the right play at the center ' opposition for electoral purposes and when it comes to power the center-the "left" which implements the same anti-popular policies of the center-right defends the actions of their government.
extremists? No, just do not forget. Do not forget the Prodi and D'Alema governments, do not forget the Treu Act, which introduced the insecurity in our country, let's not forget the ministers of education and Berlinguer Fioroni, do not forget the bombs on the former Yugoslavia, etc. etc..
And the general strike, which feared the CGIL in Rome October 16 after the square demanded it loudly several times interrupted the speech of its Secretary Epifani? The current secretary of the union's largest in Italy, the Camusso said just the 22 that "according to the CGIL currently there are no conditions to proclaim it"! How many more unemployed, temporary workers laid off and Mrs. Camusso still needs because there are "conditions" to proclaim a general strike?
To this should be clear that MDU and udu (the youth of the CGIL) and the young people of the Democratic Party along with their parent organizations are unrelated to enemy movement, we encourage students to take distance from these shady characters! Who make their own political careers and their social climbing away from the student movement.
But unfortunately it does not end here ...
In recent weeks we have really seen the mobilization of all the "colors": the youth of the PDL, the party of the Gelmini, picking up that other neo-fascists are recycled "in the student movement" pretending protest against the reform of their government and making fun apart from a few students even less idiots who believe it really. We have seen the "left" of that building after it was correctly excluded from the movement, and criminalizes distancing from the movement.
So far nothing new, fascist and reformists have always been functional to power and ruling class. What's more
who also seems to be more internal to the movement, in Palermo on Wednesday 22 was placed against the practices of students took to the streets in the afternoon, delegates and activists of the Cobas Confederation have screamed hysterically in fact against the students who correctly smeared windows of banks and Rinascente. Even more serious is the statement in the press of the delegate of the Cobas Confederation Rina Ansaldi that babbles of political parties should be closer to the demands of young people (but what? The same people who make us suffer their policies, that "distance themselves" and that we condemn?) And again yet another statement of away from the "other" students in the morning.
A tip for all such persons political union more or less institutionalized, the next time you're home!
Now students do not exploit as in 2008!
The reform law, the struggle against this government!
General strike from below!

After the big storm of the palaces of power in Rome last December 14, Palermo, students have held high the flag of the movement, attacking the palace of the Sicilian region that, like the national parliament is home to mobsters and parasites.
In the afternoon a second procession stopped the paralyzing the economic life of the city center and symbolically hit with spray paint and banks and big businesses such as Rinascente.

categorically refuted the version of the major newspapers have spoken of "a violent demonstration in the morning" and "peaceful procession in the afternoon" as written by the Republic, there are neither good nor bad, the student movement is unique and implementing shared practices . In this sense they are right and claim all the practices and actions of this movement, the assault to the regional office, the bins tipped in recent days, the blocks of the city and its wild hubs, symbolic attacks on banks, Mondadori, Rinascente etc.etc.
All this has been implemented by the student movement, which despite its many souls found himself in agreement with these radical practices.

provoke a strong sense of indignation the statements of individuals squalid, as organizations to which they belong, that showy relegated to a corner by the students now try to go back to the fore the press complicit compliant.
Statements of MDU-udu-young-sel-pd-CGIL unipablock condemning the clashes on the morning of December 22 in front of the headquarters and the Sicilian Regional throwing objects against the police headquarters in Palermo, pointing to a small group of "violent troublemakers "are simply outrageous, 'It's really sad and disheartening to witness the mortification of the movement made by fringe elements that have little to do with the student population," said John Pagano, secretary of the Young Democrats of Palermo. When did the Young Democrats of Palermo was part of the movement? Are seen only during election periods in the faculties ...
These statements are not only shameful, but they are also in line with those of Interior Minister Maroni and the government in general.
A government that defends the mafia and various dell'Utri, can not afford to speak of "outposts of the fight against the Mafia," referring to the police.
The real fight against the Mafia are outposts of the social movements engaged in the daily social mafia, not the places of power and stop at the same time they are colluding. The fight against the Mafia is indivisible from the struggle against the state, the same police station that a few months ago we sent against dozens of cops in uniform and plain clothes, stopping for a simple anti-fascist leaflets. The same police who sends his servants to punish social protests in the city deserves this and much more.

Outsiders within the movement are the very parties of the left false pd and wild as they would like to dominate their dirty for the movement, the political parasites that when the power is the right play at the center ' opposition for electoral purposes and when it comes to power the center-the "left" which implements the same anti-popular policies of the center-right defends the actions of their government.
extremists? No, just do not forget. Do not forget the Prodi and D'Alema governments, do not forget the Treu Act, which introduced the insecurity in our country, let's not forget the ministers of education and Berlinguer Fioroni, do not forget the bombs on the former Yugoslavia, etc. etc..
And the general strike, which feared the CGIL in Rome October 16 after the square demanded it loudly several times interrupted the speech of its Secretary Epifani? The current secretary of the union's largest in Italy, the Camusso said just the 22 that "according to the CGIL currently there are no conditions to proclaim it"! How many more unemployed, temporary workers laid off and Mrs. Camusso still needs because there are "conditions" to proclaim a general strike?
To this should be clear that MDU and udu (the youth of the CGIL) and the young people of the Democratic Party along with their parent organizations are unrelated to enemy movement, we encourage students to take distance from these shady characters! Who make their own political careers and their social climbing away from the student movement.

In recent weeks we have really seen the mobilization of all the "colors": the youth of the PDL, the party of the Gelmini, picking up that other neo-fascists are recycled "in the student movement" pretending protest against the reform of their government and making fun apart from a few students even less idiots who believe it really. We have seen the "left" of that building after it was correctly excluded from the movement, and criminalizes distancing from the movement.
So far nothing new, fascist and reformists have always been functional to power and ruling class. What's more
who also seems to be more internal to the movement, in Palermo on Wednesday 22 was placed against the practices of students took to the streets in the afternoon, delegates and activists of the Cobas Confederation have screamed hysterically in fact against the students who correctly smeared windows of banks and Rinascente. Even more serious is the statement in the press of the delegate of the Cobas Confederation Rina Ansaldi that babbles of political parties should be closer to the demands of young people (but what? The same people who make us suffer their policies, that "distance themselves" and that we condemn?) And again yet another statement of away from the "other" students in the morning.
A tip for all such persons political union more or less institutionalized, the next time you're home!
Now students do not exploit as in 2008!
The reform law, the struggle against this government!
General strike from below!

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Testicle Wrapped Around A Hernia
Why antiberlusconismo militant helps Berlusconi
Today I want to present my own argument with the deductive reasoning: let you evaluate.
reproduce below a discussion - which took place on Facebook - between myself and some friends DiPietro, of which omit the identity for privacy reasons. I do not say anything. Get an idea alone.
[FRIEND XXX] - You judge Di Pietro, a executioner.
Typical of you radical (or better than typical of you and AAA), labeled forever ...
Di Pietro is an executioner proud to be the son of peasants. Uncomfortable because it speaks in the face and outspoken.
repeat again that you do not live in Italy and we do not know a *** in the f ** k or what happens, or otherwise filters the sources of your information at your leisure. If I lived in this country and lived the problems of this country, maybe you would see otherwise.
only tell you I'm sorry you're feeling a radical right-wing extremist.
[ME] - I'm right, yes, but free: Mica is a fascist.
E 'Di Pietro much more right than me, with his populist justicialism that applies to everyone, except himself and his son, of course.
[FRIEND XXX] - And if you are right because radical with a card? You could register with FLI or MPA etc ... As usual labels (based on conjecture) not to judge (based on the facts). basically you Di Pietro is just annoying ... The inescapable truth is that you do not love freedom of thought, does not like street protests and then tell me, how we should solve the problems of my country for years is no longer yours? Among other things, Peter has never said to be right or left, it's just a politician who has only one institutional duty to liberate Italy from an abnormality called Berlusconi and henchmen (including Russia) ...
And like all taggers are ready to praise the wrong people (no names .. I Gelmini Tremonti Brunetta E) and hit people "less wrong".
[ME] - If you continue to label the reality according to the same old twentieth-century class conflict, will always elude the understanding of many aspects of today's world.
A world that has changed: Di Pietro, in a time of great crisis of politics and values, seeks to fill the void with new ideas, but with a justicialism to Savonarola.
If you want, and 'the modern version of Girolamo Savonarola, but justice-the - usually - are set aside as soon as you no longer need them. And that's what I hope will happen with Di Pietro.
[FRIEND XXX] - What the world has changed is true, but I judge because I live on my skin and are not labeled because the laws "to capocchiam", then not too difficult to speak with a fairly pragmatic engineering. You do not love freedom of thought and can not tolerate anyone who thinks he blurted it on TV. Di Pietro you keep him on the balls and all. These are the facts, nothing but class conflicts of the twentieth century.
[ME] - I do not read with head, XXX.
I read well. Very good.
and listen to all.
Di Pietro, simply has nothing to say.
If you want to listen to someone who really has something to say, listen to what they said the crisis Bonino, tobacco or Adinolfi.
heavy things, true. Other
that "she is a rapist of democracy."
Some may say all the bullshit.
[FRIEND XXX] - GIVES YOU UDC? Braaaaavoo! its the worst politicians we have! MERCENARIES PURE making the balance to the right or left where it suits them and then lined up in the middle when they are made out of the coalition! Casini Berlusconi after he kissed the confidence ... And then tell me, if there is a political odor of sanctity ... Di Pietro has no messages to give it only to express opinions and says what he thinks. But you, again, you've got coglioni.Ma worry deeply about him in an interview on LA7 (you might not get on TV in England) has not indicated an intention to govern. Just go away because Berlusconi is doing terrible damage to this country. textual words. The EC BUT YOU HAVE THE BALLS ...
Di Pietro says "she's a rapist democracy !"... and we are horrified for so little? And when He has described the Communists' kettles children "did not you disgusted? Respond to insult with insult. With this crap the government must respond in kind and down to their level and Di Pietro da fit is a farmer.
Go and see the nonsense of the dwarf on YouTube and then we'll talk about ...
[FRIEND YYY] - Di Pietro is defined forcaiolo and executioner. But basically yells for a simple reason. Justice must take its course. This healthy democratic principle since Merlusconi began to climb thanks to money from the mafia has become a little fading. But anyone of us is in credit with the law would be applied, without being labeled as FORCAIOLO.
Among other things, Rio, the concept of Forcaiolo I'll have to go to review.
Forcaioli on Facebook are those who have cried to Mr Messeri to death, without knowing anything. Forcaioli are those that leave the crowd Tartaglia or the urge of the moment, maybe just when the news is still fresh.
I, XXX, and also good Tonino, we ask only that the law is applied, that Berlusconi is on trial.
If we apply your concept of "Forcaiolità" (And allow me the neologism hahahah) then it would also be the Thyssen family, victims of Viareggio station, the families of the stocks of Falcone and Borsellino. Unfortunately you
Di Pietro is on the balls. Why? It 'obvious. Why you do not care that Berlusconi is on trial. I do not want to label as Berlusconi, but you just want to say that if you do not care that an offender is brought to justice, this means that you will have your own advantage.
But this I do not care. I just have to figure out where your actions you want to go.
Add two simple concepts.
1. You're not even liberal. The labor is, take an example.
2. To build a new building will need two things. Demolishing the old and building a new one.
Because the opposition is not made by one person, and even if it is, no one is incapable of doing two things at once, in Italy there is the need Tonino "Eraser" Di Pietro is leading dell'Adinolfi fresh new ideas, both the test Bersani, both Vendola that can touch the hearts of the crowd.
If we want to beat Berlusconi politically, put in your pseudo liberal overseers that we bring to our side a million votes. Most of them are illiterate return colonized by decades of Mediaset. And 'This is the reality of which I speak something, a reality that you do not know. First, because you do not live here, and secondly because you are not in contact with the "peasants" daily, like me and XXX.
Di Pietro and Vendola know how to talk to the people. Have you ever been to a rally Vendola? In one of Cricket?
Vacca. People in the GDP goes down, the case of the third degree and a bicameral not give a fuck about § § o.
Much less if you pay or pension contributions. Imagine the "fathers ...".
[ME] - Let's lists? And do lists. :-)
First: no one here has ever said that Berlusconi should not trial.
According : I would have a "my self-interest" (!) The fact that Berlusconi is not guilty? :-D
But you've smoked you and XXX, tonight, the paper panettone? :-D:-D
And what would this "advantage"? Come on, I want to make a laugh ...
Third: ask Berlusconi is convicted is one thing, all set in a political movement key antiberlusconiana is something else. Di Pietro should thank him, Scilipoti! I DiPietro sull'antiberlusconismo are wholly unbalanced and, if Berlusconi falls, they'll soon be back where they came from all. Or recycle the other parties.
Same thing, if political leadership might emerge a "true" in the Left, unable to return to the country's vision, perspective and hope.
The PD is sick of antiberlusconismo pure and opposition, but at least in PD somebody notices it and asks to go to the proposals before it is too late. Antonio Di Pietro, with its overtones always over the top, is a great help to Silvio Berlusconi, because it allows him to play the part of the "victim-of-the-Left".
Fourth : YYY, I do not speak of motorcycles. I do not like to talk about liberal thinking, just because you lack the basics. Trust me.
From what you say (and write) for years, it is clear to everyone that your not, nor has never been a liberal culture: that you dell'illiberale from me is something that makes you laugh.
remains within the fold of militancy of the Left, that what belongs to you: Take a boarded with the Fascists, that this is your place, no liberal thought. This is stuff for people who know what century they live.
Fifth : Berlusconi, like any other democratically elected President of the Board in a non-totalitarian (!), You must defeat politically, not by the judiciary.
The center will lose not because he took a pickaxe from the likes of Peter, which reinforces Berlusconi however, makes it look a "haunted-by-robes-red" and makes him always "not-me-make-work" but because someone else will be able to join consensus behind a credible alternative political project.
No one has ever won the elections, saying "she's a rapist of democracy, a corrupt and corrupting (or at least not in a country that was passing directly from one dictatorship to another).
This makes only those who have ideas and then makes people see the blood. Peter must have thought: "I wonder how many would want to be here to shout their hatred against Berlusconi ...!» And the" good Tonino "made them all happy. For those people, is a hero. But
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bparty is just another emotional, that speaks to the stomach and not to the head, just like Forza Italy. The only
vera differenza è che Forza Italia parla alla pancia dei furbi, mentre IdV a quella dei fessi.
Sesto : di quello che importa alla "cosiddetta gente", a me non è mai fregato niente. Sai perché?
Perché certa gente (non tutta) prima non capisce "sistema contributivo" e "sistema retributivo", e poi si indigna quando vede quanto le rimane in tasca di pensione. Allora, però, è troppo tardi. Bisognava agire prima.
Certa gente (non tutta) non capisce cos'è il PIL (a meno che non sia " chiù pil pe tutti "), salvo dopo lamentarsi della crisi ma, di nuovo, ormai è troppo tardi. Di nuovo, bisognava agire prima.
E allora, se qualcuno does not read and did not inform, if - in other words - wants to think everything but his head, what do you do? The following go?
[YYY Friend] - That the defeat of Berlusconi by the judiciary is a farce. In fact it is impossible for any politician can defeat Berlusconi legally. It seems to me obvious.
However things are "linked". Indeed, the only fixed idea of \u200b\u200bBerlusconi is to get away with it: we got 38 more on a personal basis.
So who will tell you (that you) want to see Berlusconi defeated politically and not legally an emeritus says bullshit.
If a person is sentenced, ci sono vincitori o vinti secondo te? No, c'è solo una riconduzione alla normalità.
Ma allora esistono i giustizialisti? Ecco l'altra mistificazione della Destra Rio-etichettatrice. I giustizialisti non esistono, infatti se non sbatti fuori dalle istituzioni Berlusconi, non lo puoi processare.
E allora Di Pietro a che serve? Per ricordare ai numerosi analfabeti che Merlusconi è un delinquente. E li ci sta tutto il nostro grande Tonino.
E ora torniamo a noi.
"E allora, se qualcuno non legge e non si informa...Le vai appresso?"
Ecco, qui c'è il Rio che, come dice XXX, non vuole leggere, non vuole capire e continua a blunder.
I repeat.
Berlusconi was elected by 17 million people in the last election.
You, Rio, you have to talk with these people there, you'll need.
all waiting to become educated as you and they can all go to the master Bocchini, you have to translate the basic concepts in modern Italian. Mediaset what he did in 20 years. OK?
Got it? To communicate you need to form and content. You have to "go below them" with the form but not the substance.
The form to communicate to people is to Vendola, and Di Pietro Beppe Grillo. The Content is the opposition.
The schemes are all uniform, or nearly so. Then you do not like, that's another thing. 17 million votes, remember.
"If someone does not read and did not inform" Hahahahahahahah!!
If out of the world, Rio. Come to the bank to fill out to separate garbage collectors, come and unlock the bushes with the ninety-Georgian carer, you come to renew Botti hairdresser in the shirt is ... The phrase you
the continuous me. If anyone (17 million or so) or do not inform law MUST BE INFORMED BY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HIM, otherwise, pensions, fathers CGIL and square, the election, loses again.
But in the end I'm wasting my time. Because you want to do that.
[ME] - Twenty years of Berlusconi ... There are at least as many years that the Left tries to wrest votes in seventeen million Berlusconi dramatized with a circus, endless variations of "She 's a rapist of democracy."
have as many years that the Left - almost always - loses.
I say is right and Mario Adinolfi and 'time to change music.
I repeat, so 'it tightened up: give him a chance to say "I do not work,"' and 'persecution of the Left illiberal "... Maybe even the garbage man
, the nurse and the caregiver with ninety Georgian might not understand what the GDP or contributory scheme, but when they sensed a screaming because he does not know what to say or because they have a message to communicate.
You want a left that is lowering the level of Berlusconi (then, and 'what the Left - in his own way - has been doing all these years). I want a policy to that of a civilized country.
Today I want to present my own argument with the deductive reasoning: let you evaluate.
reproduce below a discussion - which took place on Facebook - between myself and some friends DiPietro, of which omit the identity for privacy reasons. I do not say anything. Get an idea alone.
[FRIEND XXX] - You judge Di Pietro, a executioner.
Typical of you radical (or better than typical of you and AAA), labeled forever ...
Di Pietro is an executioner proud to be the son of peasants. Uncomfortable because it speaks in the face and outspoken.
repeat again that you do not live in Italy and we do not know a *** in the f ** k or what happens, or otherwise filters the sources of your information at your leisure. If I lived in this country and lived the problems of this country, maybe you would see otherwise.
only tell you I'm sorry you're feeling a radical right-wing extremist.
[ME] - I'm right, yes, but free: Mica is a fascist.
E 'Di Pietro much more right than me, with his populist justicialism that applies to everyone, except himself and his son, of course.
[FRIEND XXX] - And if you are right because radical with a card? You could register with FLI or MPA etc ... As usual labels (based on conjecture) not to judge (based on the facts). basically you Di Pietro is just annoying ... The inescapable truth is that you do not love freedom of thought, does not like street protests and then tell me, how we should solve the problems of my country for years is no longer yours? Among other things, Peter has never said to be right or left, it's just a politician who has only one institutional duty to liberate Italy from an abnormality called Berlusconi and henchmen (including Russia) ...
And like all taggers are ready to praise the wrong people (no names .. I Gelmini Tremonti Brunetta E) and hit people "less wrong".
[ME] - If you continue to label the reality according to the same old twentieth-century class conflict, will always elude the understanding of many aspects of today's world.
A world that has changed: Di Pietro, in a time of great crisis of politics and values, seeks to fill the void with new ideas, but with a justicialism to Savonarola.
If you want, and 'the modern version of Girolamo Savonarola, but justice-the - usually - are set aside as soon as you no longer need them. And that's what I hope will happen with Di Pietro.
[FRIEND XXX] - What the world has changed is true, but I judge because I live on my skin and are not labeled because the laws "to capocchiam", then not too difficult to speak with a fairly pragmatic engineering. You do not love freedom of thought and can not tolerate anyone who thinks he blurted it on TV. Di Pietro you keep him on the balls and all. These are the facts, nothing but class conflicts of the twentieth century.
[ME] - I do not read with head, XXX.
I read well. Very good.
and listen to all.
Di Pietro, simply has nothing to say.
If you want to listen to someone who really has something to say, listen to what they said the crisis Bonino, tobacco or Adinolfi.
heavy things, true. Other
that "she is a rapist of democracy."
Some may say all the bullshit.
[FRIEND XXX] - GIVES YOU UDC? Braaaaavoo! its the worst politicians we have! MERCENARIES PURE making the balance to the right or left where it suits them and then lined up in the middle when they are made out of the coalition! Casini Berlusconi after he kissed the confidence ... And then tell me, if there is a political odor of sanctity ... Di Pietro has no messages to give it only to express opinions and says what he thinks. But you, again, you've got coglioni.Ma worry deeply about him in an interview on LA7 (you might not get on TV in England) has not indicated an intention to govern. Just go away because Berlusconi is doing terrible damage to this country. textual words. The EC BUT YOU HAVE THE BALLS ...
Di Pietro says "she's a rapist democracy !"... and we are horrified for so little? And when He has described the Communists' kettles children "did not you disgusted? Respond to insult with insult. With this crap the government must respond in kind and down to their level and Di Pietro da fit is a farmer.
Go and see the nonsense of the dwarf on YouTube and then we'll talk about ...
[FRIEND YYY] - Di Pietro is defined forcaiolo and executioner. But basically yells for a simple reason. Justice must take its course. This healthy democratic principle since Merlusconi began to climb thanks to money from the mafia has become a little fading. But anyone of us is in credit with the law would be applied, without being labeled as FORCAIOLO.
Among other things, Rio, the concept of Forcaiolo I'll have to go to review.
Forcaioli on Facebook are those who have cried to Mr Messeri to death, without knowing anything. Forcaioli are those that leave the crowd Tartaglia or the urge of the moment, maybe just when the news is still fresh.
I, XXX, and also good Tonino, we ask only that the law is applied, that Berlusconi is on trial.
If we apply your concept of "Forcaiolità" (And allow me the neologism hahahah) then it would also be the Thyssen family, victims of Viareggio station, the families of the stocks of Falcone and Borsellino. Unfortunately you
Di Pietro is on the balls. Why? It 'obvious. Why you do not care that Berlusconi is on trial. I do not want to label as Berlusconi, but you just want to say that if you do not care that an offender is brought to justice, this means that you will have your own advantage.
But this I do not care. I just have to figure out where your actions you want to go.
Add two simple concepts.
1. You're not even liberal. The labor is, take an example.
2. To build a new building will need two things. Demolishing the old and building a new one.
Because the opposition is not made by one person, and even if it is, no one is incapable of doing two things at once, in Italy there is the need Tonino "Eraser" Di Pietro is leading dell'Adinolfi fresh new ideas, both the test Bersani, both Vendola that can touch the hearts of the crowd.
If we want to beat Berlusconi politically, put in your pseudo liberal overseers that we bring to our side a million votes. Most of them are illiterate return colonized by decades of Mediaset. And 'This is the reality of which I speak something, a reality that you do not know. First, because you do not live here, and secondly because you are not in contact with the "peasants" daily, like me and XXX.
Di Pietro and Vendola know how to talk to the people. Have you ever been to a rally Vendola? In one of Cricket?
Vacca. People in the GDP goes down, the case of the third degree and a bicameral not give a fuck about § § o.
Much less if you pay or pension contributions. Imagine the "fathers ...".
[ME] - Let's lists? And do lists. :-)
First: no one here has ever said that Berlusconi should not trial.
According : I would have a "my self-interest" (!) The fact that Berlusconi is not guilty? :-D
But you've smoked you and XXX, tonight, the paper panettone? :-D:-D
And what would this "advantage"? Come on, I want to make a laugh ...
Third: ask Berlusconi is convicted is one thing, all set in a political movement key antiberlusconiana is something else. Di Pietro should thank him, Scilipoti! I DiPietro sull'antiberlusconismo are wholly unbalanced and, if Berlusconi falls, they'll soon be back where they came from all. Or recycle the other parties.
Same thing, if political leadership might emerge a "true" in the Left, unable to return to the country's vision, perspective and hope.
The PD is sick of antiberlusconismo pure and opposition, but at least in PD somebody notices it and asks to go to the proposals before it is too late. Antonio Di Pietro, with its overtones always over the top, is a great help to Silvio Berlusconi, because it allows him to play the part of the "victim-of-the-Left".
Fourth : YYY, I do not speak of motorcycles. I do not like to talk about liberal thinking, just because you lack the basics. Trust me.
From what you say (and write) for years, it is clear to everyone that your not, nor has never been a liberal culture: that you dell'illiberale from me is something that makes you laugh.
remains within the fold of militancy of the Left, that what belongs to you: Take a boarded with the Fascists, that this is your place, no liberal thought. This is stuff for people who know what century they live.
Fifth : Berlusconi, like any other democratically elected President of the Board in a non-totalitarian (!), You must defeat politically, not by the judiciary.
The center will lose not because he took a pickaxe from the likes of Peter, which reinforces Berlusconi however, makes it look a "haunted-by-robes-red" and makes him always "not-me-make-work" but because someone else will be able to join consensus behind a credible alternative political project.
No one has ever won the elections, saying "she's a rapist of democracy, a corrupt and corrupting (or at least not in a country that was passing directly from one dictatorship to another).
This makes only those who have ideas and then makes people see the blood. Peter must have thought: "I wonder how many would want to be here to shout their hatred against Berlusconi ...!» And the" good Tonino "made them all happy. For those people, is a hero. But
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bparty is just another emotional, that speaks to the stomach and not to the head, just like Forza Italy. The only
vera differenza è che Forza Italia parla alla pancia dei furbi, mentre IdV a quella dei fessi.
Sesto : di quello che importa alla "cosiddetta gente", a me non è mai fregato niente. Sai perché?
Perché certa gente (non tutta) prima non capisce "sistema contributivo" e "sistema retributivo", e poi si indigna quando vede quanto le rimane in tasca di pensione. Allora, però, è troppo tardi. Bisognava agire prima.
Certa gente (non tutta) non capisce cos'è il PIL (a meno che non sia " chiù pil pe tutti "), salvo dopo lamentarsi della crisi ma, di nuovo, ormai è troppo tardi. Di nuovo, bisognava agire prima.
E allora, se qualcuno does not read and did not inform, if - in other words - wants to think everything but his head, what do you do? The following go?
[YYY Friend] - That the defeat of Berlusconi by the judiciary is a farce. In fact it is impossible for any politician can defeat Berlusconi legally. It seems to me obvious.
However things are "linked". Indeed, the only fixed idea of \u200b\u200bBerlusconi is to get away with it: we got 38 more on a personal basis.
So who will tell you (that you) want to see Berlusconi defeated politically and not legally an emeritus says bullshit.
If a person is sentenced, ci sono vincitori o vinti secondo te? No, c'è solo una riconduzione alla normalità.
Ma allora esistono i giustizialisti? Ecco l'altra mistificazione della Destra Rio-etichettatrice. I giustizialisti non esistono, infatti se non sbatti fuori dalle istituzioni Berlusconi, non lo puoi processare.
E allora Di Pietro a che serve? Per ricordare ai numerosi analfabeti che Merlusconi è un delinquente. E li ci sta tutto il nostro grande Tonino.
E ora torniamo a noi.
"E allora, se qualcuno non legge e non si informa...Le vai appresso?"
Ecco, qui c'è il Rio che, come dice XXX, non vuole leggere, non vuole capire e continua a blunder.
I repeat.
Berlusconi was elected by 17 million people in the last election.
You, Rio, you have to talk with these people there, you'll need.
all waiting to become educated as you and they can all go to the master Bocchini, you have to translate the basic concepts in modern Italian. Mediaset what he did in 20 years. OK?
Got it? To communicate you need to form and content. You have to "go below them" with the form but not the substance.
The form to communicate to people is to Vendola, and Di Pietro Beppe Grillo. The Content is the opposition.
The schemes are all uniform, or nearly so. Then you do not like, that's another thing. 17 million votes, remember.
"If someone does not read and did not inform" Hahahahahahahah!!
If out of the world, Rio. Come to the bank to fill out to separate garbage collectors, come and unlock the bushes with the ninety-Georgian carer, you come to renew Botti hairdresser in the shirt is ... The phrase you
the continuous me. If anyone (17 million or so) or do not inform law MUST BE INFORMED BY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HIM, otherwise, pensions, fathers CGIL and square, the election, loses again.
But in the end I'm wasting my time. Because you want to do that.
[ME] - Twenty years of Berlusconi ... There are at least as many years that the Left tries to wrest votes in seventeen million Berlusconi dramatized with a circus, endless variations of "She 's a rapist of democracy."
have as many years that the Left - almost always - loses.
I say is right and Mario Adinolfi and 'time to change music.
I repeat, so 'it tightened up: give him a chance to say "I do not work,"' and 'persecution of the Left illiberal "... Maybe even the garbage man
, the nurse and the caregiver with ninety Georgian might not understand what the GDP or contributory scheme, but when they sensed a screaming because he does not know what to say or because they have a message to communicate.
You want a left that is lowering the level of Berlusconi (then, and 'what the Left - in his own way - has been doing all these years). I want a policy to that of a civilized country.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Safenet Superpro Ultrapro
fifteen years have passed since Mike and I Nicol sat in a lounge overlooking a magnificent garden of Kloofnek alnumero a road at the foot of Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa, as guests of a sympathetic friend, Sister Magdalene, a German nun.
In these years I've changed so many houses, cities and continents, while Mike Nicol, apart from a brief period in Berlin, lives in Cape Twon. Despite the relocation, travel, change here is that after some time, our dialogue has never stopped. I believe that art is a special place that has no roots in any particular place or space. We find ourselves with just a row or we would say today with a click.
struck me as a writer his beautiful Good Looking Corpse , a fascinating book set in South Africa in 50 years at the time of the legendary Drum magazine around which would gather the greatest artists and intellectuals of the time blacks. It struck me because it did not consider to represent South Africa should necessarily be literary writers such as Nadine Gordimer o J.M. Coetzee, ma che c'erano altri scrittori che non ponevano la questione sudafricana solo come una questione tra bianchi e neri.
Mi colpì poi il fatto che conoscesse bene l'opera di Italo Calvino e che sapesse recitarne delle frasi in Italiano.
Cosi chiacchierando via etere, grazie alle tecnologie sofisticate del web, ho raccolto qui la nostra conversazione avvenuta nei giorni della sua partecipazione al London Crime Book Festival, che quest'anno ha visto ospite d'onore proprio il Sudafrica.
VALENTINA - Dovendo sintetizzare South Africa in a few words today as you describe it?
MIKE - I think he meant that South Africa is a country with something special. But it is not. South Africa is not the best and / or worse than other countries in mondo.Siccome is the place where I live, obviously infleunza pease my narrative. Being a writer here today is very challenging. The heaviness that weighed its recent past, there is a feeling that we are doing something new.
VALENTINA - certain prints showed some episodes that took place in South Africa that have been described as racism in reverse. Are they real? If yes, what is the ideology and the spirit which inspires them?
VALENTINA – Su Youtube sono inciampata in un video intitolato “Soweto Reverse”, dove si ipotizza a titolo di provocazione, un Sudafrica dove il ruolo che era dei bianchi durante l'apartheid è oggi dei neri e viceversa. Pensi che sarebbe mai pensabile un ritratto per il futuro del paese?
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Table Mountain from Kloofnek |
In these years I've changed so many houses, cities and continents, while Mike Nicol, apart from a brief period in Berlin, lives in Cape Twon. Despite the relocation, travel, change here is that after some time, our dialogue has never stopped. I believe that art is a special place that has no roots in any particular place or space. We find ourselves with just a row or we would say today with a click.
struck me as a writer his beautiful Good Looking Corpse , a fascinating book set in South Africa in 50 years at the time of the legendary Drum magazine around which would gather the greatest artists and intellectuals of the time blacks. It struck me because it did not consider to represent South Africa should necessarily be literary writers such as Nadine Gordimer o J.M. Coetzee, ma che c'erano altri scrittori che non ponevano la questione sudafricana solo come una questione tra bianchi e neri.
Mi colpì poi il fatto che conoscesse bene l'opera di Italo Calvino e che sapesse recitarne delle frasi in Italiano.
Cosi chiacchierando via etere, grazie alle tecnologie sofisticate del web, ho raccolto qui la nostra conversazione avvenuta nei giorni della sua partecipazione al London Crime Book Festival, che quest'anno ha visto ospite d'onore proprio il Sudafrica.
VALENTINA - Dovendo sintetizzare South Africa in a few words today as you describe it?
MIKE - A lively town, fatal, exciting, frustrating, intriguing, colorful, maddening ... a place to live.
VALENTINA - Athol Fugard said that "it is a porivilegio for a writer to be born in South Africa. What do you think he meant by those words? And what does it mean for you to be a writer in South Africa in 2010?
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Mike Nicol |
VALENTINA - How has your writing in fifteen years of democracy?
MIKE - Not much. During the apartheid my writing was critical of the prevailing political order. In this democracy is critical of the government.
VALENTINA - certain prints showed some episodes that took place in South Africa that have been described as racism in reverse. Are they real? If yes, what is the ideology and the spirit which inspires them?
MIKE - I personally never experienced racism against the black and remain skeptical about this. The comments of the ANC Youth League leader seem childish and inapporpriati often expressed by people anxious to advertising. These people are very dangerous, I do not understand, their ravings, all as the ravings of the right are assurdi.
VALENTINA – Su Youtube sono inciampata in un video intitolato “Soweto Reverse”, dove si ipotizza a titolo di provocazione, un Sudafrica dove il ruolo che era dei bianchi durante l'apartheid è oggi dei neri e viceversa. Pensi che sarebbe mai pensabile un ritratto per il futuro del paese?
MIKE – Direi proprio di no.
VALENTINA – Come vedi il Sudafrica di Jacob Zuma? Di che tipo di leader ha bisogno il Sudafrica per continuare il cammino della democrazia riducendo la criminalità e garantendo diritti a tutti?
MIKE – Zuma è un presidente inefficace. Abbiamo bisogno di un leader capace di prendere decisioni, ma forse la democrazia soffoca una certa tipologia di leadership.
VALENTINA – Quindici anni fa parlavi di “willingness to kill”, esiste ancora?
MIKE – Certo. La violenza ha molteplici aspetti: furti nelle casi, furti d'auto, agguati sulle strade, abusi domestici, un'attitudine generalizzata di denigrazione verso le donne. Come nazione, non abbiamo mai dato valore alla vita umana e nonostante la nostra Carta dei Diritti, ancora non ne diamo.
VALENTINA – In Italia una delle questioni più urgenti è l'immigrazione. Cosa pensi del massiccio flusso di migranti che dall'Africa si riversano in Europa?
MIKE – E' un evento naturale e accadrà in forma sempre maggiore. Persone senza prospettive di vita si spingono inevitabilmente verso mete più attraenti.
VALENTINA – Chi sono gli immigrati oggi in Sudafrica?
MIKE – Molti dall'Africa centrale, Angola e Mozambico. Molti vivono alla giornata come guardia macchine, domestici, prostitute, facendo qualsiasi cosa per guadagnare soldi.
VALENTINA – Mi racconti la realtà degli slum sudafricani? Conosci progetti attivi mirati a riqualificarli al di là degli interventi internazionali?
MIKE – Gli slum faranno sempre parte delle nostre città. Consideriamo una popolazione di circa 45 milioni di persone che è sostenuta da un sistema di tasse (escluse le tasse dell'IVA) che solo 5 milioni possono pagare. Tenuto conto di questo divario tra I soldi generati e I soldi necessari per sostenere l'intera popolazione, sembra inevitabile che gli slum esistono ed esisteranno for a long time. Yes, there are projects but are quite ineffective compared to the rapid population growth.
VALENTINA - Mike what has changed in sixteen years of democracy?
MIKE - Much has changed positively, even if these changes were mainly the class media.Se you are poor it is unlikely that your condition will improve, if anything, deteriorated. In education there are not enough graduates, illiteracy is still high. The health system has collapsed and is becoming an increasingly heavy burden on taxpayers. We have the highest HIV statistics. The lack of work means that it does most of the population survives on a few opportunities.
VALENTINA - How to get to crime fiction? How does your country influence your writing?
MIKE - I found myself writing crime fiction because I felt the need to write something different. In fact, I wanted to write a very different kind of book than I had previously written. Something where the story was important, where readers could be agganciati da una storia avvincente che potessero leggere ovunque. La crime fiction mi ha offerto questa possibilità. Inoltre mi ha offerto un modo efficace per commentare la società in cui vivo, tuttavia tengo a precisare che la mia scelta di scrivere questo nuovo genere non ha niente a che vedere con l'esplosione di violenza in Sudafrica. La mia attenzione resta comunque sui temi politici e sociali:la corruzione, le riforme del paese, il divario sociale.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Talent For The Adult Film Industry
Play I some music: (dis a) reggae music!
Play I some music: (dis a) reggae music!
Roots, rock, reggae: dis a reggae music!
Roots, rock, reggae: dis a reggae music!
Hey, Mister Music, sure sounds good to me!
I can't refuse it: what to be got to be.
Feel like dancing, dance 'cause we are free;
Feel like dancing, come dance with me!
Bob Marley cantava cosi nel 1976. Un invito a stare insieme, a condividere la passione per la musica, il ballo, la libertà. La muscia reggae ha una funzione also social in Kenya. Tell us about dreams, hope, justice, equality, the fight against oppression and in these issues above all young people want to identify.
Gl slogans are equally effective: Zion, More Fire, Rastafarai, One love, Jah nobles, "Colour for Coulour, skin for skin".
Representatives reggae by storm in Kenya and making up the soundtrack of Nairobi as Mombasa, Kisumu Nakuru as ranging from the classic Bob Marley, Bunny Wailer, Denis Brown, Gregory Isaacs, Jacob Mille up to Fantan Mojah, Richie Spice, Sizzla, Anthony B, Damian Marley, Morgan Heritage, Sizzla, Tanya Stephens, Capleton, Buju Bantu, Mighty Culture, Cully Buds, Jah Mason, Warrior King, Morgan Heritage.
From their powerful amplifiers, matatu stand out on the streets of Nairobi noisy and busy promoting reggae music did not stop. Some cars also have the video then on the way the image of Jamaica's run to the tune of more recent successes you here and that the streets of Kingston (Jamaica) become those of Nairobi without any major differences with their problems and Their dramatic poetry
Damian Marley is the youngest son of Bob Marley. In his text reaffirms the power of speech. Damian says that the "pen is stronger than the knife," ma questo lo disse prima Franz Kafka. Si intende che molti giovani cresciuti per le strade di Kingston Town o di Nairobi o di Johannesburg riescono a recepire il messaggio da Damian Marley piuttosto che da Kafka che presumibilmente è molto lontano dalla loro realtà.
Marley Jr, parla di un mondo di gelosie, di calamità, di abusi di potere, di attori fantocci che inventano realtà ambigue, di poliziotti che abusano del loro potere e fanno giustizia da sé per convenienza e tornaconto.
In this world of calamity /Dirty looks and grudges and jealousy/And police weh abuse dem authority/Media clowns weh nuh know 'bout variety/Boom! /Clean and pure meditation without a doubt/Don't mek dem take you like who dem took out./Jah will be waiting there we a shout / Jah will be waiting there! /In this world of calamity./Dirty looks and grudges and jealousy /And police weh abuse dem authority /Media clowns weh nuh know bout variety /Single parents weh need some charity/Youths weh need some love and prosperity/ Instead of broken dreams and tragedy/By any plan and any means and strategy.
(Damian Marley – The Road to Zion)
Contro la guerra, le parole della canzone di Bob Marley War, sono in realtà le parole di Hailé Selassie Ras Tafari, in esse è racchiusa la sua grandezza e giustezza, mi spiega Peter.
That until there no Longer / First Class and Second Class Citizens of Any Nation / Until the color of a mans skin / Is of no more Significance Than The Colour Of His Eyes / Me say war. / That until the basic human rights / Are Equally guaranteed to all, / Without Regard to Race -/Dis to war.
( Bob Marley - War)
Richies Spice is an artist who focuses attention on the life of the street, standing on the side of boys and children, with emphasis on their rights:
I hear dey cryin out mama / i hear dem cryin out love / dada dey need a rightful place / dey need to shelter from storm from / children are cryin out for love / cryin out love / children cryin out for love cryin out love / ic burdens rounds dada streets / street side Becomes DERE daily school / they need some proper education / they need to learn from the golden rule / gift For Every kids / For Every kids love / For Every bread kids / When dats from world wud be change / take it from root / Teach Youths from truth from / to teach youth from roots yeah.
(Richie Spice .- Children Crying out for love)
Damian Marley Still, it reflects the everyday life of Kingston where the boys to survive are forced to live a life on the fringes of legality, and here the streets of Kingston and become those of Nairobi.
Welcome to Jamdown, poor people a dead at random / political violence, can not done! Pure ghost and phantom, the youth / Dem get blind by stardom / Now the Kings Of Kings a call / Old man to Pickney, so wave unno hand if you with me / To see the sufferation sicken me / Them suit no fit me, to win election Them trick we / Den Them do not do nuttin at all ...
teaches love of neighbor, sharing, fighting to keep the peace, the environmental message is very strong, I think of Peter Tosh e alla sua canone “No nuclear war”:
No Nuclear War
We don't want no nuclear war
With nuclear war we won't get far
I said that We don't want no nuclear war
With nuclear war we won't get far
Said no, just another holocaust
It's just another holocaust
And we can't take no more.
reggae music asks questions, important questions about the role that each may have to change things. Fantan Mojah says in his song: If You Had The Power to Change Just One Thing What Would It Be? Well change the system me see my self as a bless of art of and a mission because i see it as one way (why me Jah Jah) .
Play I some music: (dis a) reggae music!
Play I some music: (dis a) reggae music!
Roots, rock, reggae: dis a reggae music!
Roots, rock, reggae: dis a reggae music!
Hey, Mister Music, sure sounds good to me!
I can't refuse it: what to be got to be.
Feel like dancing, dance 'cause we are free;
Feel like dancing, come dance with me!
Bob Marley cantava cosi nel 1976. Un invito a stare insieme, a condividere la passione per la musica, il ballo, la libertà. La muscia reggae ha una funzione also social in Kenya. Tell us about dreams, hope, justice, equality, the fight against oppression and in these issues above all young people want to identify.
In Kenya reggae is a status symbol, a way of being, talking, walking, dress ... aesthetic symbols of this kind of music or not only that, they are numerous and all have a common denominator in the colors of Jamaica, yellow, black and green (the yellow sun of Jamaica, black people and the green of veegtazione ' Caribbean island.), the face of Haile Selassie and the leaves indicates or more of marijuana. Indivisible the relationship between reggae music and marijuana. " The reggae music was born in Jamaica - explains Peter - was music to the poor, the street, a music of protest against the injustices of an unequal society and the marijuana was sifaretta of the poor, with just a few cents everyone could smoke it. Even today, with winds in Kenya shillings so you can smoke ganja cigarette prejudice of the poor. " Beyond the economic, marijuana is considered for its beneficial effects a kind of key to the meditation and considered by many access to meditation and considered by many grass sacred that its property of facilitating the flow of thoughts and ideas.
Representatives reggae by storm in Kenya and making up the soundtrack of Nairobi as Mombasa, Kisumu Nakuru as ranging from the classic Bob Marley, Bunny Wailer, Denis Brown, Gregory Isaacs, Jacob Mille up to Fantan Mojah, Richie Spice, Sizzla, Anthony B, Damian Marley, Morgan Heritage, Sizzla, Tanya Stephens, Capleton, Buju Bantu, Mighty Culture, Cully Buds, Jah Mason, Warrior King, Morgan Heritage.
From their powerful amplifiers, matatu stand out on the streets of Nairobi noisy and busy promoting reggae music did not stop. Some cars also have the video then on the way the image of Jamaica's run to the tune of more recent successes you here and that the streets of Kingston (Jamaica) become those of Nairobi without any major differences with their problems and Their dramatic poetry
Marley Jr, parla di un mondo di gelosie, di calamità, di abusi di potere, di attori fantocci che inventano realtà ambigue, di poliziotti che abusano del loro potere e fanno giustizia da sé per convenienza e tornaconto.
In this world of calamity /Dirty looks and grudges and jealousy/And police weh abuse dem authority/Media clowns weh nuh know 'bout variety/Boom! /Clean and pure meditation without a doubt/Don't mek dem take you like who dem took out./Jah will be waiting there we a shout / Jah will be waiting there! /In this world of calamity./Dirty looks and grudges and jealousy /And police weh abuse dem authority /Media clowns weh nuh know bout variety /Single parents weh need some charity/Youths weh need some love and prosperity/ Instead of broken dreams and tragedy/By any plan and any means and strategy.
(Damian Marley – The Road to Zion)
Contro la guerra, le parole della canzone di Bob Marley War, sono in realtà le parole di Hailé Selassie Ras Tafari, in esse è racchiusa la sua grandezza e giustezza, mi spiega Peter.
That until there no Longer / First Class and Second Class Citizens of Any Nation / Until the color of a mans skin / Is of no more Significance Than The Colour Of His Eyes / Me say war. / That until the basic human rights / Are Equally guaranteed to all, / Without Regard to Race -/Dis to war.
( Bob Marley - War)
Richies Spice is an artist who focuses attention on the life of the street, standing on the side of boys and children, with emphasis on their rights:
I hear dey cryin out mama / i hear dem cryin out love / dada dey need a rightful place / dey need to shelter from storm from / children are cryin out for love / cryin out love / children cryin out for love cryin out love / ic burdens rounds dada streets / street side Becomes DERE daily school / they need some proper education / they need to learn from the golden rule / gift For Every kids / For Every kids love / For Every bread kids / When dats from world wud be change / take it from root / Teach Youths from truth from / to teach youth from roots yeah.
(Richie Spice .- Children Crying out for love)
Damian Marley Still, it reflects the everyday life of Kingston where the boys to survive are forced to live a life on the fringes of legality, and here the streets of Kingston and become those of Nairobi.
Welcome to Jamdown, poor people a dead at random / political violence, can not done! Pure ghost and phantom, the youth / Dem get blind by stardom / Now the Kings Of Kings a call / Old man to Pickney, so wave unno hand if you with me / To see the sufferation sicken me / Them suit no fit me, to win election Them trick we / Den Them do not do nuttin at all ...
teaches love of neighbor, sharing, fighting to keep the peace, the environmental message is very strong, I think of Peter Tosh e alla sua canone “No nuclear war”:
No Nuclear War
We don't want no nuclear war
With nuclear war we won't get far
I said that We don't want no nuclear war
With nuclear war we won't get far
Said no, just another holocaust
It's just another holocaust
And we can't take no more.
reggae music asks questions, important questions about the role that each may have to change things. Fantan Mojah says in his song: If You Had The Power to Change Just One Thing What Would It Be? Well change the system me see my self as a bless of art of and a mission because i see it as one way (why me Jah Jah) .
Non è difficile riconoscere in Marcus Garvey il padre spirituale della Jamaica e il referente di tutti i rastafara-I: "Voglio muovere il cuore di ogni uomo nero perchè tutti gli uomini neri sparsi nel mondo si rendano conto che il tempo è arrivato, ora, adesso, oggi, per liberare l'Africa e gli africani.”
Valentina Acava Mmaka and Peter Kuria Asamba
Valentina Acava Mmaka and Peter Kuria Asamba
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
How Long After Kidney Failure
Report on protests in Palermo on 14/12/2010
anger and courage, here are two words to describe a day full of students from Palermo day 14/12/2010.
The day begins with fighting concentrated in several parts of the city's high school students to Massimo Palermo, the network of student collectives to Politeama, university to university town, the Academy of Fine Arts from its headquarters in the center.
from the various concentrations will develop three large rallies that have gone through paralyzing the city streets again, in the meantime, another group at the airport joined the strike of the airport.
roadblocks in the city center using the bins dell'immondizia al centro degli incroci, lanci di oggetti, uova e palloncini ripieni di vernice in alcuni luoghi simbolo come la sede di Confindustria e della Camera del Commercio. CEPU e Mondadori assaltate dai manifestanti.
Piccole provocazioni da parte dei servi del potere che davanti la Mondadori si avvicinno scortando un'agente della DIGOS che filmava tutto.
La risposta degli studenti non si è fatta attendere ... compatti in due cordoni, faccia a faccia con gli sbirri gli urlavano contro "chiediamo istruzione ci danno polizia è questa la loro democrazia" e "siamo tutti antifascisti" mentre le uova ricominciavano a volare.
Il corteo dopo infine si è sciolto davanti la prefettura lanciando un'assemblea pomeridiana organizzativa.
It also enhanced by the decision of the unemployed, the ATA staff and social co-organized with the COBAS SLAI for mayor of that class took to the streets in solidarity with the students. The Academy of Fine Arts in the first place followed by other students that participation was greeted with joy by launching an operation on his megaphone and all followed by the slogan: "against the crisis of capital we want a general strike! Strike, strike, general." Later, the workers and the unemployed continued their march, occupying the building of the Province of Palermo until late afternoon. The city was literally paralyzed for the whole morning with more than 30 thousand students in the streets of the old town the airport, port and train blocked!
From this day of struggle we can draw some conclusions: the student movement
yesterday showed that there is a need to raise the bar of the struggle that students are not afraid and want to fight to the end. In Palermo
blocks such as the hours they had not seen for decades, and most importantly it is interesting to note that it was not just a clique to overthrow bins, throwing objects, etc., but it was a large group that had the support of the whole procession.
We screamed for months, now the students have spontaneously understood that the parades are not enough, not enough to scream but you have to rebel against his disagreement with force against a state unworthy to be overthrown.
against the Berlusconi government and the governments of

The day begins with fighting concentrated in several parts of the city's high school students to Massimo Palermo, the network of student collectives to Politeama, university to university town, the Academy of Fine Arts from its headquarters in the center.
from the various concentrations will develop three large rallies that have gone through paralyzing the city streets again, in the meantime, another group at the airport joined the strike of the airport.
roadblocks in the city center using the bins dell'immondizia al centro degli incroci, lanci di oggetti, uova e palloncini ripieni di vernice in alcuni luoghi simbolo come la sede di Confindustria e della Camera del Commercio. CEPU e Mondadori assaltate dai manifestanti.
Piccole provocazioni da parte dei servi del potere che davanti la Mondadori si avvicinno scortando un'agente della DIGOS che filmava tutto.
La risposta degli studenti non si è fatta attendere ... compatti in due cordoni, faccia a faccia con gli sbirri gli urlavano contro "chiediamo istruzione ci danno polizia è questa la loro democrazia" e "siamo tutti antifascisti" mentre le uova ricominciavano a volare.
Il corteo dopo infine si è sciolto davanti la prefettura lanciando un'assemblea pomeridiana organizzativa.
It also enhanced by the decision of the unemployed, the ATA staff and social co-organized with the COBAS SLAI for mayor of that class took to the streets in solidarity with the students. The Academy of Fine Arts in the first place followed by other students that participation was greeted with joy by launching an operation on his megaphone and all followed by the slogan: "against the crisis of capital we want a general strike! Strike, strike, general." Later, the workers and the unemployed continued their march, occupying the building of the Province of Palermo until late afternoon. The city was literally paralyzed for the whole morning with more than 30 thousand students in the streets of the old town the airport, port and train blocked!

From this day of struggle we can draw some conclusions: the student movement
yesterday showed that there is a need to raise the bar of the struggle that students are not afraid and want to fight to the end. In Palermo
blocks such as the hours they had not seen for decades, and most importantly it is interesting to note that it was not just a clique to overthrow bins, throwing objects, etc., but it was a large group that had the support of the whole procession.
We screamed for months, now the students have spontaneously understood that the parades are not enough, not enough to scream but you have to rebel against his disagreement with force against a state unworthy to be overthrown.

against the Berlusconi government and the governments of
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again on December 14
In the great battle of Rome students and working class rebels won, the status of the owners has been put in check.
After Genoa, the biggest battle in our country, in every town there was struggle and rebellion, the confederal unions parliamentary parties and former MPs have nothing to do or are out of control and in some cases.
Now the struggle continues in every city in every job we must take a stand in support of the student movement for freedom of the students arrested and stopped, the reform must fall Gelmini, Berlusconi's government must fall with the general strike with the force of the mass movement and should be crossed out the door to every government of the bosses,
for proletarian communist revolution needed
-PCM Italia15 December
In the great battle of Rome students and working class rebels won, the status of the owners has been put in check.
After Genoa, the biggest battle in our country, in every town there was struggle and rebellion, the confederal unions parliamentary parties and former MPs have nothing to do or are out of control and in some cases.
Now the struggle continues in every city in every job we must take a stand in support of the student movement for freedom of the students arrested and stopped, the reform must fall Gelmini, Berlusconi's government must fall with the general strike with the force of the mass movement and should be crossed out the door to every government of the bosses,
for proletarian communist revolution needed
-PCM Italia15 December
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great mobilization of the release of the great proletarian communist mobilization of December 14
The student movement and parts of the country movimentoproletario the streets are real and the real opposition, representing tens of thousands who will be in place in each cittàpossibile, representing hundreds of thousands of workers and students, temporary workers and unemployed took to the streets and fight in these two mesisarebbe served today the general strike to overthrow the governocomunque, to say the weight and force of movement workers' and popular, not to leave only the extraordinary movement of students in Corsos this is not the responsibility falls on the CGIL, the suadirezione didestra, its subservience to the opposition parlamentarequesta day goes down in history primarily for questocoloro facing the tail of direction of the CGIL, nonl'attaccanoapertamente, now betray the real interests of the labor movement estudentescola FIOM had the consent and support of all its members and dellamaggioranza working for the general strike, but it said, got away with a sel'è allagiornata dioggi hypocritical statement of participation in the Roman Empire, is what happens in other nuulla cittàquesto does not save the soul of Landini and his group dirigentegli FIOM workers need a union of class and a class strutturasindacale, does not guarantee that the current fionm for questoservel'unità working for the union of class - even without a struggle control'attualegruppo manager Fiom, This objective is not in parliament raggiungibilementre rite of the status of the sale suoisbirri facing the movement to respond with violence to the best of our people statoalla students, temporary workers, laborers, cassintegrati precarious, earthquakes, and immigratiresistere oppose state violence and necessary, but it comes tempoche the best defense is attack, the political strength of organized chenelfuoco class struggle in close connection con le masse, possa imporre leragioni della classe operaia, del movimento studentesco, delle massepopolari , ragioni che si basano sull'esercizio della forza per latrasformazione sociale e politica per la rivoluzione necessariaoggi è un giorno importante per aprire questa strada, contro la viaparlamentare ed elettorale per l'alternativa rivoluzionaria
proletari comunisti -PCm Italia14 dicembre 2010
The student movement and parts of the country movimentoproletario the streets are real and the real opposition, representing tens of thousands who will be in place in each cittàpossibile, representing hundreds of thousands of workers and students, temporary workers and unemployed took to the streets and fight in these two mesisarebbe served today the general strike to overthrow the governocomunque, to say the weight and force of movement workers' and popular, not to leave only the extraordinary movement of students in Corsos this is not the responsibility falls on the CGIL, the suadirezione didestra, its subservience to the opposition parlamentarequesta day goes down in history primarily for questocoloro facing the tail of direction of the CGIL, nonl'attaccanoapertamente, now betray the real interests of the labor movement estudentescola FIOM had the consent and support of all its members and dellamaggioranza working for the general strike, but it said, got away with a sel'è allagiornata dioggi hypocritical statement of participation in the Roman Empire, is what happens in other nuulla cittàquesto does not save the soul of Landini and his group dirigentegli FIOM workers need a union of class and a class strutturasindacale, does not guarantee that the current fionm for questoservel'unità working for the union of class - even without a struggle control'attualegruppo manager Fiom, This objective is not in parliament raggiungibilementre rite of the status of the sale suoisbirri facing the movement to respond with violence to the best of our people statoalla students, temporary workers, laborers, cassintegrati precarious, earthquakes, and immigratiresistere oppose state violence and necessary, but it comes tempoche the best defense is attack, the political strength of organized chenelfuoco class struggle in close connection con le masse, possa imporre leragioni della classe operaia, del movimento studentesco, delle massepopolari , ragioni che si basano sull'esercizio della forza per latrasformazione sociale e politica per la rivoluzione necessariaoggi è un giorno importante per aprire questa strada, contro la viaparlamentare ed elettorale per l'alternativa rivoluzionaria
proletari comunisti -PCm Italia14 dicembre 2010
Gall Stones In Unborns
On the road you do meet interesting, exciting casual encounters, we approach closely to people and landscapes, meetings that may change life but only the perception of an idea, a fact.
To destroy a house should be a day to rebuild it can take months, maybe years. When I talk to wise Maasai Ntoke bold awareness of the plight of his people, in a chance encounter at Namanga, the border between Tanzania and Kenya, I can not help but go over with the memory of all the suffering indigenous peoples around the world have suffered from men's dreams of conquest or the indiscriminate economic and political interests of governments.
Reaffirming that all peoples contribute to the diversity and richness of civilizations and cultures that are an integral part of the common heritage of mankind. E 'premise that one of the cornerstones of the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples signed by as many as 143 countries 13 September 2007. In it highlight the fundamental principles governing their protection and survival. The identity and cultural heritage of each individual and reinforces its meaning when it comes to an entire people is expressed through it, lives and gives meaning to their existence.
Ntoke not familiar with this document, ignore it given that Kenya is one of the eleven countries that have refrain from concluding. And even if I knew you would know that everything it contains would have no influence to the indigenous peoples of the earth is spared from enormous international power games.
In 2002 the government of Daniel Arap Moi, had entered into a contract with the Canadian multinational Tiomin for the exploitation of Dongo Kundu , the land of the Digo, Kenya in the south, rich titanium.
The program for the exploitation of Dongo Kundu that the Digo language means "red earth", provided that the Digo leave their land, their only source of survival, and they moved to other areas, which would build a port for the docking of ships and landing of sophisticated machinery for the extraction of titanium and the realization of the latter a piece of coral reef was cut to facilitate access from the sea of \u200b\u200bvehicles and for twenty-five years the corporation had a free hand to extract the precious ore, after which time the earth would be uninhabitable and barren for the effect of all chemicals used . A 'equation, which means destruction and loss.
said that it is undeniable that the annihilation and the weakening of indigenous peoples always corresponds to the destabilization of the environmental balance. Its natural resources, inspiring dreams of conquest and power of governments, the impact that industry has had to exploit them, have caused enormous damage to the environment with dramatic effects on the entire planet. Only in Kenya, to cite a few examples, we are faced with real attacks on the biodiversity of lakes Nakuru and Naivasha, polluted by pesticides and any type of chemical used in the cultivation of products destined for European markets.
Indigenous peoples have lived for millennia in harmony with the natural environment. And 'their way of life, their ancestral knowledge who can balance the environmental balance, following a natural law of compensation which has the primary intent to preserve and pass on the importance of self.
In the recent history of humanity and the struggle for the conquest, there are countless acts of deprivation of fundamental rights at the expense of indigenous people just think about American Indians, the Ojiek in Kenya, the Aborigines of Australia, The Great Andamanese in India, the Shuar in Ecuador.
Try to imagine if one day we become in danger of losing our language, not dress up more of our clothes, eat foods unknown to us, could no longer live in our lands, the places to which we are bound, can not sing our songs. Imagine if one day tell us that we were forced to migrate against our will. All legitimate questions that leap to our minds and objectively, but which have only one thing certain, if someone is not a government, an institution, today or tomorrow to ask us to leave, will be the task of a natural disaster to force millions of men in real biblical Exodus.
conversation with the Director East African Wild Life Society , Ali A. Kaka, pone l'accento su una domanda che dovremmo fare nostra: Qua ndo l'uomo scoprirà la precarietà della sua esistenza sulla Terra? Questa domanda è solitamente messa da parte e ignorata come se non lo riguardasse con il rischio di accorgersene solo quando i disastri naturali sopraggiungeranno senza possibilità di soluzione.
La preoccupazione di Ntoke per le sorti del suo popolo e di riflesso di altri popoli, aggiungiamo noi, sono allarmanti: “ se distruggiamo il nostro stile di vita, per costruirne uno nuovo possono volerci migliaia di anni. Cosa faremo quando non avremo più terre per i nostri pascoli? Come faremo a vivere' e che fine faranno i nostri desturi, le nostre tradizioni”?
E' un dovere assumersi l'impegno di preservare le culture tradizionali indigene: esse costituiscono un tassello del grande mosaico della storia umana e la perdita di uno solo di questi tasselli significa la perdita di un pezzo della nostra esistenza.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
How To Give A Dog A Shot Of Penicilin
A comment on the project for Italy's "The Week"
Two weeks ago, preceded by a faint echo of the media, has started a new publishing project that is arousing interest in both political and journalistic'm talking about the launch of the weekly The Week ", directed by journalist and blogger Mario Adinolfi, di area PD.
Chiariamo subito una cosa: i temi toccati da "The Week" non sono certo nuovi.
Si parla del tradimento del patto intergenerazionale a danno di quelli nati a partire dal 1970, del precariato, dell'assenza di prospettive presenti e future per le giovani generazioni, insomma delle questioni già affrontate da molti in Italia, a partire da Giuliano Da Empoli nel suo celebre libro "Un Grande Futuro Dietro Di Noi", pubblicato nell'ormai lontano 1996.
Si parla anche delle problematiche relative al vuoto di rappresentanza degli under-40 in campo politico, sociale, mediatico ed imprenditoriale; le stesse di cui discutono da tempo, tra gli altri, anche i " rottamatori " che fanno capo al sindaco PD di Firenze Matteo Renzi.
La prima, grande differenza rispetto al passato sta, semmai, nel dibattito mediatico che è seguito al lancio del settimanale: a parte diverse trasmissioni televisive che si sono occupate del tema, a distanza di pochi giorni, Barbara Spinelli prima e, in maniera più obliqua, Giovanni Sartori poi, hanno pubblicato - rispettivamente - su "La Repubblica" e sul "Corriere della Sera", editoriali sul tema della mancanza di prospettive delle giovani generazioni.
In un momento in cui la politica è caratterizzata da una cronica mancanza di idee, un ulteriore elemento di grande interesse è costituito dalla presentazione, nel in this week, a project in Italy: this is a poster divided into 10 point program, articulated in 25 proposals which, in the opinion of the writer, deserves closer analysis.
Overall, this is a very large project that requires even a few points for a revision of the Constitution. As a result, the project has been completed, you require a long time.
The good news is, however, that the 25 proposals have their own utility even if implemented individually, which still makes sense to try to bring forward those to easier implementation.
do not have rights to bring the full manifesto, for which there rimando all'articolo dal titolo "L'Italia che faremo", pubblicato sul n. 3 di "The Week", uscito il 10 Dicembre 2010 (in foto, la copertina).
Però, vorrei presentare qui di seguito una personalissima disamina dei principali punti programmatici (sintetizzati in blu) , a cui ho aggiunto miei commenti e, alla fine, anche alcune mie perplessità (in rosso) .
- - - - - - -
Elezione diretta a turno unico del Presidente della Repubblica, con poteri simili a quelli del presidente USA e, come lui, in carica cinque anni e rieleggibile una sola volta.
Per questo e per altri punti, mettiamo subito da parte la legittima obiezione sui tempi di realizzazione della modifica costituzionale e sulla sua fattibilità, soffermandoci - invece - sull'eventuale utilità ed opportunità della proposta, dal punto di vista del riequilibrio generazionale .
Tra le ragioni alla base della scarsa capacità della politica di rappresentare le istanze degli under-40 , il mancato ricambio generazionale e l'eccessiva farraginosità dei meccanismi decisionali tra ed all'interno dei partiti costituiscono senza dubbio due tra le cause più importanti.
Pur essendoci quasi metà del Paese che ha meno di 40 anni, la percentuale di parlamentari born after 1970 is minimal, not to mention the positions "of power," entirely in the hands of previous generations.
An electoral system in turn is able only to undermine logic called "Round Table" and in the hands of voters a more direct decision-making power, bypassing the "mediation" of the party secretaries.
The majority, together with the power entrusted to an executive president directly elected by the people, determine the best conditions to promote profound changes, the only perspective that can return to the generations are not included.
Many of the points of the manifesto aim to create exactly this type of condition.
Also to facilitate the generational della classe dirigente ed un processo decisionale più rapido e meno "mediato" sono i punti in cui si propone una sola Camera di rappresentanza nazionale eletta con sistema maggioritario puro, il dimezzamento del numero dei parlamentari, il limite massimo di 15 anni complessivi in carica per i deputati, come anche per i Sindaci ed i Presidenti regionali.
Interessante è pure la proposta sui referendum abrogativi e propositivi nazionali e regionali, dietro presentazione di firme certificate del 2% appena degli aventi diritto, e con un quorum valido se votano il 25% degli elettori. Vista la numerosità degli under-40 , soltanto con i referendum ce n'è abbastanza da far feel the breath on the neck and change forever the work of all local and national politicians.
Another key aspect is the 'institutionalization of primary elections for the establishment of electoral lists of parties . There is no doubt that the Democratic Party primaries have thus far reserved most of a surprise to the secretariat of the party and their formalization and institutionalization appears as a necessary way to any project of generational change.
But it is the No points 8, 9 and 10 is really crucial to the battle of the balance between generations. to collect 50 billion euro per year and finance as well - at least in part - the support policies are insecure, it is proposed, in fact:
stabilization should be achieved within two years after the conclusion of the employment contract and lead, as the contract becomes more rigid, reduce the cost of corporate worker, or a decrease in both the tax burden which refer to 'company, the monetary compensation is paid, so as to encourage companies to stabilize the employment and economic return even greater risks borne by the worker precarious.
A final important issue has the attention of the poster on the financing of education and research on new technologies related to the environment. In essence, it is recognized that without research the country simply has no prospects of long term and that the levels of research funding in Italy should be raised to the European average . Also interesting
the establishment of an aerial to total tax exemption for the first three years for the benefit of new companies led by "young" , although virtually any detail in the document lacks al riguardo.
Nel contempo, la diffusione capillare della banda larga dovrebbe favorire una minore mobilità legata al lavoro (una cosa che, personalmente, io già sperimento ogni giorno qui in Gran Bretagna) ed un sostegno al trasporto pubblico, per ridurre la dipendenza dagli idrocarburi.
Tralascerò, invece, i punti sull' election day, le elezioni regionali di metà termine, il "Senato regionale", la riforma della giustizia, l'implementazione del principio di sussidiarietà , nonché la trasformazione dei partiti politici in associazioni riconosciute dalla legge, senza finanziamenti pubblici né rimborsi elettorali di alcun type and subjected to checks by the Court of Auditors, not because they are interesting in themselves, but why not related to the theme of generational balance.
Among other things, the document on a complex issue - no, complicated, very intricate - as the principle of subsidiarity, there is no indication of any character to implementation, so we can only say: "Yes, in principle, agree or disagree, but any assessment of merit is impossible.
Non è un documento perfetto, e lo si può - anzi lo si deve - migliorare ed approfondire. Diversamente dal passato, oggi internet ed i social network possono favorirne dissemination and provide a means to broaden and enliven the debate and discussion on the various program points.
Perhaps, unlike in the past, internet and social media can also make a difference, I do not know.
But what I know is that it's worth trying anyway. Why
Adinolfi on one thing he is certainly right: Italy can only change ourselves and if we do not, we only ones to pay.
(Rio, born in 1970 )
PS. If you wish, you can subscribe to "The Week" by going here .
I did, and after three numbers, I'm not sorry at all, indeed.
Update: "The Week" has decided to make freely accessible manifesto for Italy on its website.
You can find it here: U.S. = 28510a7ce4c382a2
Two weeks ago, preceded by a faint echo of the media, has started a new publishing project that is arousing interest in both political and journalistic'm talking about the launch of the weekly The Week ", directed by journalist and blogger Mario Adinolfi, di area PD.
Chiariamo subito una cosa: i temi toccati da "The Week" non sono certo nuovi.
Si parla del tradimento del patto intergenerazionale a danno di quelli nati a partire dal 1970, del precariato, dell'assenza di prospettive presenti e future per le giovani generazioni, insomma delle questioni già affrontate da molti in Italia, a partire da Giuliano Da Empoli nel suo celebre libro "Un Grande Futuro Dietro Di Noi", pubblicato nell'ormai lontano 1996.
Si parla anche delle problematiche relative al vuoto di rappresentanza degli under-40 in campo politico, sociale, mediatico ed imprenditoriale; le stesse di cui discutono da tempo, tra gli altri, anche i " rottamatori " che fanno capo al sindaco PD di Firenze Matteo Renzi.
La prima, grande differenza rispetto al passato sta, semmai, nel dibattito mediatico che è seguito al lancio del settimanale: a parte diverse trasmissioni televisive che si sono occupate del tema, a distanza di pochi giorni, Barbara Spinelli prima e, in maniera più obliqua, Giovanni Sartori poi, hanno pubblicato - rispettivamente - su "La Repubblica" e sul "Corriere della Sera", editoriali sul tema della mancanza di prospettive delle giovani generazioni.
In un momento in cui la politica è caratterizzata da una cronica mancanza di idee, un ulteriore elemento di grande interesse è costituito dalla presentazione, nel in this week, a project in Italy: this is a poster divided into 10 point program, articulated in 25 proposals which, in the opinion of the writer, deserves closer analysis.
Overall, this is a very large project that requires even a few points for a revision of the Constitution. As a result, the project has been completed, you require a long time.
The good news is, however, that the 25 proposals have their own utility even if implemented individually, which still makes sense to try to bring forward those to easier implementation.
do not have rights to bring the full manifesto, for which there rimando all'articolo dal titolo "L'Italia che faremo", pubblicato sul n. 3 di "The Week", uscito il 10 Dicembre 2010 (in foto, la copertina).
Però, vorrei presentare qui di seguito una personalissima disamina dei principali punti programmatici (sintetizzati in blu) , a cui ho aggiunto miei commenti e, alla fine, anche alcune mie perplessità (in rosso) .
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Elezione diretta a turno unico del Presidente della Repubblica, con poteri simili a quelli del presidente USA e, come lui, in carica cinque anni e rieleggibile una sola volta.
Per questo e per altri punti, mettiamo subito da parte la legittima obiezione sui tempi di realizzazione della modifica costituzionale e sulla sua fattibilità, soffermandoci - invece - sull'eventuale utilità ed opportunità della proposta, dal punto di vista del riequilibrio generazionale .
Tra le ragioni alla base della scarsa capacità della politica di rappresentare le istanze degli under-40 , il mancato ricambio generazionale e l'eccessiva farraginosità dei meccanismi decisionali tra ed all'interno dei partiti costituiscono senza dubbio due tra le cause più importanti.
Pur essendoci quasi metà del Paese che ha meno di 40 anni, la percentuale di parlamentari born after 1970 is minimal, not to mention the positions "of power," entirely in the hands of previous generations.
An electoral system in turn is able only to undermine logic called "Round Table" and in the hands of voters a more direct decision-making power, bypassing the "mediation" of the party secretaries.
The majority, together with the power entrusted to an executive president directly elected by the people, determine the best conditions to promote profound changes, the only perspective that can return to the generations are not included.
Many of the points of the manifesto aim to create exactly this type of condition.
Also to facilitate the generational della classe dirigente ed un processo decisionale più rapido e meno "mediato" sono i punti in cui si propone una sola Camera di rappresentanza nazionale eletta con sistema maggioritario puro, il dimezzamento del numero dei parlamentari, il limite massimo di 15 anni complessivi in carica per i deputati, come anche per i Sindaci ed i Presidenti regionali.
Interessante è pure la proposta sui referendum abrogativi e propositivi nazionali e regionali, dietro presentazione di firme certificate del 2% appena degli aventi diritto, e con un quorum valido se votano il 25% degli elettori. Vista la numerosità degli under-40 , soltanto con i referendum ce n'è abbastanza da far feel the breath on the neck and change forever the work of all local and national politicians.
Another key aspect is the 'institutionalization of primary elections for the establishment of electoral lists of parties . There is no doubt that the Democratic Party primaries have thus far reserved most of a surprise to the secretariat of the party and their formalization and institutionalization appears as a necessary way to any project of generational change.
But it is the No points 8, 9 and 10 is really crucial to the battle of the balance between generations. to collect 50 billion euro per year and finance as well - at least in part - the support policies are insecure, it is proposed, in fact:
- The immediate elimination of retirement pensions (warning: not for those who retire at age 65! Those are the old-age pensions. The retirement are those which you are entitled when he gained seniority minimum contributions as used, for example, pensions for baby).
- The establishment of an inter-generational solidarity tax of 10% in respect of all the pensions of more than 1,500 € (over 6 million pensioners).
- L ' raising the minimum retirement 67 years from now for all , except for those who do strenuous work.
stabilization should be achieved within two years after the conclusion of the employment contract and lead, as the contract becomes more rigid, reduce the cost of corporate worker, or a decrease in both the tax burden which refer to 'company, the monetary compensation is paid, so as to encourage companies to stabilize the employment and economic return even greater risks borne by the worker precarious.
A final important issue has the attention of the poster on the financing of education and research on new technologies related to the environment. In essence, it is recognized that without research the country simply has no prospects of long term and that the levels of research funding in Italy should be raised to the European average . Also interesting
the establishment of an aerial to total tax exemption for the first three years for the benefit of new companies led by "young" , although virtually any detail in the document lacks al riguardo.
Nel contempo, la diffusione capillare della banda larga dovrebbe favorire una minore mobilità legata al lavoro (una cosa che, personalmente, io già sperimento ogni giorno qui in Gran Bretagna) ed un sostegno al trasporto pubblico, per ridurre la dipendenza dagli idrocarburi.
Tralascerò, invece, i punti sull' election day, le elezioni regionali di metà termine, il "Senato regionale", la riforma della giustizia, l'implementazione del principio di sussidiarietà , nonché la trasformazione dei partiti politici in associazioni riconosciute dalla legge, senza finanziamenti pubblici né rimborsi elettorali di alcun type and subjected to checks by the Court of Auditors, not because they are interesting in themselves, but why not related to the theme of generational balance.
Among other things, the document on a complex issue - no, complicated, very intricate - as the principle of subsidiarity, there is no indication of any character to implementation, so we can only say: "Yes, in principle, agree or disagree, but any assessment of merit is impossible.
And now, some of my concerns:
- one of the most obvious criticism that can be made in this manifesto lies in having wished to include almost "force" una serie di elementi sicuramente importanti, per carità, ma sui quali si poteva anche sorvolare, per ora, mantenendo l'attenzione focalizzata solo sui temi "centrali".
- Ammirevole lo sforzo di indicare dove e come reperire le risorse per finanziare il sostegno ai precari, nonché l'ammissione che sono necessarie scelte dolorose : siamo lontani dalla contraddizione in termini e dalla demagogia di progetti come "Giovani NON+" della CGIL. Tuttavia, mancano molte, troppe considerazioni importanti da fare: ad esempio, quelle in materia di reperibilità dei finanziamenti per la ricerca, di modalità di erogazione dei fondi, di valutazione della qualità dei risultati, relationships with the business.
- We are confident that the total tax exemption to boost the start of work on the part of the "young"? There is a risk of creating "disruptive behavior"? Would it not be the case with a strong focus on simplification of formalities? And who would apply the no-tax ? Even the 30's in their second company? And if a company is made up of a 20 year old and a 50 years old? And if a father / uncle iscrivesse the property to his son / nephew 20 year old, just to get the three-year exemption?
- What is this institutionalization of information that result in the creation of a Higher Council for Information on the model of the MSM? Especially in the era of internet and social media , what's the point? Rather, we should not de-institutionalization, the information?
- Often, in the short to medium term, the reforms on the environment can lead to increases in spending and tax cuts too. In this case, a significant reduction from dependence on hydrocarbons will equally significant reduction of the revenue from the tax levy on motor fuels (think, for example, regional excise on petrol), which is a significant item of revenue. If the state and the regions lose questi soldi, bisogna farglieli recuperare in qualche modo, anche perché le Istituzioni centrali e territoriali saranno chiamate a trasferire ulteriori risorse agli Enti Locali per potenziare il trasporto pubblico (il car sharing , il bike sharing , i bus, e così via).
Non è un documento perfetto, e lo si può - anzi lo si deve - migliorare ed approfondire. Diversamente dal passato, oggi internet ed i social network possono favorirne dissemination and provide a means to broaden and enliven the debate and discussion on the various program points.
Perhaps, unlike in the past, internet and social media can also make a difference, I do not know.
But what I know is that it's worth trying anyway. Why
Adinolfi on one thing he is certainly right: Italy can only change ourselves and if we do not, we only ones to pay.
(Rio, born in 1970 )
PS. If you wish, you can subscribe to "The Week" by going here .
I did, and after three numbers, I'm not sorry at all, indeed.
Update: "The Week" has decided to make freely accessible manifesto for Italy on its website.
You can find it here: U.S. = 28510a7ce4c382a2
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