In recent weeks the students are back again in the field:
have recovered the streets, squares, binary, highways, schools and universities.
Like a bolt from the blue, the protest in less time than the previous wave of 2008 swept all up to the gates of parliament, under siege.
rulers and politicians playing with our future for the benefit of the class they represent, have rightly felt under siege and shouting at the "violation of the sanctuaries of democracy" have resorted to the "monopoly of violence" as having, through the repression posse.
In recent weeks hundreds of thousands of students have seen with their eyes, the action was in protest against those who defend basic rights like the one in the study.
But it still makes sense to speak of "right to study"?
Although the reform was not approved already exclude tuition fees for children of working class and wealth of the masses, in recent years there has been a gradual increase in fees.
to all this is added the equally progressive increase in a limited number of degree courses up to the beginning of this academic year where now the total number of courses has a barrier. Even services such as canteens, for example, are outsourced contractors with the consequent rise in costs for the student.
one hand, this denies many students to have free access to the courses they would like to study, second only children of the middle class can afford to pay private preparatory courses for pre-test some of them even last a full year and cost thousands a €!
Besides the selection of class just described also education that is imparted is a class, or in the service of the ruling class.
education from schools to universities now have notional approach that does not develop the reasoning skills of the student in critical but is used to churn out future leaders in the service of this system, some uncomfortable subjects in the programs are cut, revisionism Town is pervasive and is ideologically defended not only from the right but also from the "left", see the now long-standing bipartisan foibe false history to name only the best known.
In recent weeks by self-organization low student objectively scared the ruling class and its representatives. Starting from the Marcegaglia on behalf of the Confindustria has said many times beyond the crisis of this government reform must be made, that alone is indicative of how this reform is to serve the owners and businesses.
The government resorted to baton from one hand and the other to the propaganda of the regime (the ridiculous Gelmini on youtube who speaks of "protest and manipulated by a few centers and the left"), the fake opposition that whenever that there are social movements of opposition try to put the hat on their electoral purposes (see Bersani and Vendola on tetti insieme ai ricercatori).
Nonostante tutto ciò ancora il movimento studentesco prosegue la sua corsa da solo, senza partiti e sindacati di palazzo, e nonostante le violente aggressioni poliziesche a Milano, Firenze, Bologna, Roma e Napoli ( in particolare al San Carlo), continua selvaggiamente a invadere strade e palazzi simbolo del potere e del paese ( i monumenti artistici dal Colosseo alla Torre di Pisa).
Le prime vittorie in seguito alle grandi mobilitazioni radicali sono state il ritardo della approvazione alla camera, e dopo la sua approvazione e la continuazione delle mobilitazioni, la posticipazione della discussione al senato a dopo il 14, giorno della fiducia al governo.
Adesso è necessario il passo in avanti.
The story (even as recent as in Greece) has shown that youth and student movements that have added value to the great social movements that allow to bring down the government as a minimum, but also to make revolutions.
is necessary that the student movement will continue in this way and join the workers in struggle, by fiat workers, the unemployed and so on.
Only the workers and students united in the fight can give the final blow to this government and go rotten and corrupt without being controlled every aspect of the "left" institutional Bersani-Vendola-Di Pietro not to mention that we rediscover Fini Berlusconi after many governments alongside the pedophile pimp. Once they are in power these gentlemen would do the same anti-proletarian and anti-people policies, we have already seen the work several times.
that 14 is a great day to fight radical, out of (their) rules with wild locks and attacks on the corridors of power!
That is after 14 launches general strike against political bosses and their governments responsible for the crisis!
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