Why antiberlusconismo militant helps Berlusconi
Today I want to present my own argument with the deductive reasoning: let you evaluate.
reproduce below a discussion - which took place on Facebook - between myself and some friends DiPietro, of which omit the identity for privacy reasons. I do not say anything. Get an idea alone.
[FRIEND XXX] - You judge Di Pietro, a executioner.
Typical of you radical (or better than typical of you and AAA), labeled forever ...
Di Pietro is an executioner proud to be the son of peasants. Uncomfortable because it speaks in the face and outspoken.
repeat again that you do not live in Italy and we do not know a *** in the f ** k or what happens, or otherwise filters the sources of your information at your leisure. If I lived in this country and lived the problems of this country, maybe you would see otherwise.
only tell you I'm sorry you're feeling a radical right-wing extremist.
[ME] - I'm right, yes, but free: Mica is a fascist.
E 'Di Pietro much more right than me, with his populist justicialism that applies to everyone, except himself and his son, of course.
[FRIEND XXX] - And if you are right because radical with a card? You could register with FLI or MPA etc ... As usual labels (based on conjecture) not to judge (based on the facts). basically you Di Pietro is just annoying ... The inescapable truth is that you do not love freedom of thought, does not like street protests and then tell me, how we should solve the problems of my country for years is no longer yours? Among other things, Peter has never said to be right or left, it's just a politician who has only one institutional duty to liberate Italy from an abnormality called Berlusconi and henchmen (including Russia) ...
And like all taggers are ready to praise the wrong people (no names .. I Gelmini Tremonti Brunetta E) and hit people "less wrong".
[ME] - If you continue to label the reality according to the same old twentieth-century class conflict, will always elude the understanding of many aspects of today's world.
A world that has changed: Di Pietro, in a time of great crisis of politics and values, seeks to fill the void with new ideas, but with a justicialism to Savonarola.
If you want, and 'the modern version of Girolamo Savonarola, but justice-the - usually - are set aside as soon as you no longer need them. And that's what I hope will happen with Di Pietro.
[FRIEND XXX] - What the world has changed is true, but I judge because I live on my skin and are not labeled because the laws "to capocchiam", then not too difficult to speak with a fairly pragmatic engineering. You do not love freedom of thought and can not tolerate anyone who thinks he blurted it on TV. Di Pietro you keep him on the balls and all. These are the facts, nothing but class conflicts of the twentieth century.
[ME] - I do not read with head, XXX.
I read well. Very good.
and listen to all.
Di Pietro, simply has nothing to say.
If you want to listen to someone who really has something to say, listen to what they said the crisis Bonino, tobacco or Adinolfi.
heavy things, true. Other
that "she is a rapist of democracy."
Some may say all the bullshit.
[FRIEND XXX] - GIVES YOU UDC? Braaaaavoo! its the worst politicians we have! MERCENARIES PURE making the balance to the right or left where it suits them and then lined up in the middle when they are made out of the coalition! Casini Berlusconi after he kissed the confidence ... And then tell me, if there is a political odor of sanctity ... Di Pietro has no messages to give it only to express opinions and says what he thinks. But you, again, you've got coglioni.Ma worry deeply about him in an interview on LA7 (you might not get on TV in England) has not indicated an intention to govern. Just go away because Berlusconi is doing terrible damage to this country. textual words. The EC BUT YOU HAVE THE BALLS ...
Di Pietro says "she's a rapist democracy !"... and we are horrified for so little? And when He has described the Communists' kettles children "did not you disgusted? Respond to insult with insult. With this crap the government must respond in kind and down to their level and Di Pietro da fit is a farmer.
Go and see the nonsense of the dwarf on YouTube and then we'll talk about ...
[FRIEND YYY] - Di Pietro is defined forcaiolo and executioner. But basically yells for a simple reason. Justice must take its course. This healthy democratic principle since Merlusconi began to climb thanks to money from the mafia has become a little fading. But anyone of us is in credit with the law would be applied, without being labeled as FORCAIOLO.
Among other things, Rio, the concept of Forcaiolo I'll have to go to review.
Forcaioli on Facebook are those who have cried to Mr Messeri to death, without knowing anything. Forcaioli are those that leave the crowd Tartaglia or the urge of the moment, maybe just when the news is still fresh.
I, XXX, and also good Tonino, we ask only that the law is applied, that Berlusconi is on trial.
If we apply your concept of "Forcaiolità" (And allow me the neologism hahahah) then it would also be the Thyssen family, victims of Viareggio station, the families of the stocks of Falcone and Borsellino. Unfortunately you
Di Pietro is on the balls. Why? It 'obvious. Why you do not care that Berlusconi is on trial. I do not want to label as Berlusconi, but you just want to say that if you do not care that an offender is brought to justice, this means that you will have your own advantage.
But this I do not care. I just have to figure out where your actions you want to go.
Add two simple concepts.
1. You're not even liberal. The labor is, take an example.
2. To build a new building will need two things. Demolishing the old and building a new one.
Because the opposition is not made by one person, and even if it is, no one is incapable of doing two things at once, in Italy there is the need Tonino "Eraser" Di Pietro is leading dell'Adinolfi fresh new ideas, both the test Bersani, both Vendola that can touch the hearts of the crowd.
If we want to beat Berlusconi politically, put in your pseudo liberal overseers that we bring to our side a million votes. Most of them are illiterate return colonized by decades of Mediaset. And 'This is the reality of which I speak something, a reality that you do not know. First, because you do not live here, and secondly because you are not in contact with the "peasants" daily, like me and XXX.
Di Pietro and Vendola know how to talk to the people. Have you ever been to a rally Vendola? In one of Cricket?
Vacca. People in the GDP goes down, the case of the third degree and a bicameral not give a fuck about § § o.
Much less if you pay or pension contributions. Imagine the "fathers ...".
[ME] - Let's lists? And do lists. :-)
First: no one here has ever said that Berlusconi should not trial.
According : I would have a "my self-interest" (!) The fact that Berlusconi is not guilty? :-D
But you've smoked you and XXX, tonight, the paper panettone? :-D:-D
And what would this "advantage"? Come on, I want to make a laugh ...
Third: ask Berlusconi is convicted is one thing, all set in a political movement key antiberlusconiana is something else. Di Pietro should thank him, Scilipoti! I DiPietro sull'antiberlusconismo are wholly unbalanced and, if Berlusconi falls, they'll soon be back where they came from all. Or recycle the other parties.
Same thing, if political leadership might emerge a "true" in the Left, unable to return to the country's vision, perspective and hope.
The PD is sick of antiberlusconismo pure and opposition, but at least in PD somebody notices it and asks to go to the proposals before it is too late. Antonio Di Pietro, with its overtones always over the top, is a great help to Silvio Berlusconi, because it allows him to play the part of the "victim-of-the-Left".
Fourth : YYY, I do not speak of motorcycles. I do not like to talk about liberal thinking, just because you lack the basics. Trust me.
From what you say (and write) for years, it is clear to everyone that your not, nor has never been a liberal culture: that you dell'illiberale from me is something that makes you laugh.
remains within the fold of militancy of the Left, that what belongs to you: Take a boarded with the Fascists, that this is your place, no liberal thought. This is stuff for people who know what century they live.
Fifth : Berlusconi, like any other democratically elected President of the Board in a non-totalitarian (!), You must defeat politically, not by the judiciary.
The center will lose not because he took a pickaxe from the likes of Peter, which reinforces Berlusconi however, makes it look a "haunted-by-robes-red" and makes him always "not-me-make-work" but because someone else will be able to join consensus behind a credible alternative political project.
No one has ever won the elections, saying "she's a rapist of democracy, a corrupt and corrupting (or at least not in a country that was passing directly from one dictatorship to another).
This makes only those who have ideas and then makes people see the blood. Peter must have thought: "I wonder how many would want to be here to shout their hatred against Berlusconi ...!» And the" good Tonino "made them all happy. For those people, is a hero. But
Italy of Values \u200b\u200bparty is just another emotional, that speaks to the stomach and not to the head, just like Forza Italy. The only
vera differenza è che Forza Italia parla alla pancia dei furbi, mentre IdV a quella dei fessi.
Sesto : di quello che importa alla "cosiddetta gente", a me non è mai fregato niente. Sai perché?
Perché certa gente (non tutta) prima non capisce "sistema contributivo" e "sistema retributivo", e poi si indigna quando vede quanto le rimane in tasca di pensione. Allora, però, è troppo tardi. Bisognava agire prima.
Certa gente (non tutta) non capisce cos'è il PIL (a meno che non sia " chiù pil pe tutti "), salvo dopo lamentarsi della crisi ma, di nuovo, ormai è troppo tardi. Di nuovo, bisognava agire prima.
E allora, se qualcuno does not read and did not inform, if - in other words - wants to think everything but his head, what do you do? The following go?
[YYY Friend] - That the defeat of Berlusconi by the judiciary is a farce. In fact it is impossible for any politician can defeat Berlusconi legally. It seems to me obvious.
However things are "linked". Indeed, the only fixed idea of \u200b\u200bBerlusconi is to get away with it: we got 38 more on a personal basis.
So who will tell you (that you) want to see Berlusconi defeated politically and not legally an emeritus says bullshit.
If a person is sentenced, ci sono vincitori o vinti secondo te? No, c'è solo una riconduzione alla normalità.
Ma allora esistono i giustizialisti? Ecco l'altra mistificazione della Destra Rio-etichettatrice. I giustizialisti non esistono, infatti se non sbatti fuori dalle istituzioni Berlusconi, non lo puoi processare.
E allora Di Pietro a che serve? Per ricordare ai numerosi analfabeti che Merlusconi è un delinquente. E li ci sta tutto il nostro grande Tonino.
E ora torniamo a noi.
"E allora, se qualcuno non legge e non si informa...Le vai appresso?"
Ecco, qui c'è il Rio che, come dice XXX, non vuole leggere, non vuole capire e continua a blunder.
I repeat.
Berlusconi was elected by 17 million people in the last election.
You, Rio, you have to talk with these people there, you'll need.
all waiting to become educated as you and they can all go to the master Bocchini, you have to translate the basic concepts in modern Italian. Mediaset what he did in 20 years. OK?
Got it? To communicate you need to form and content. You have to "go below them" with the form but not the substance.
The form to communicate to people is to Vendola, and Di Pietro Beppe Grillo. The Content is the opposition.
The schemes are all uniform, or nearly so. Then you do not like, that's another thing. 17 million votes, remember.
"If someone does not read and did not inform" Hahahahahahahah!!
If out of the world, Rio. Come to the bank to fill out to separate garbage collectors, come and unlock the bushes with the ninety-Georgian carer, you come to renew Botti hairdresser in the shirt is ... The phrase you
the continuous me. If anyone (17 million or so) or do not inform law MUST BE INFORMED BY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS HIM, otherwise, pensions, fathers CGIL and square, the election, loses again.
But in the end I'm wasting my time. Because you want to do that.
[ME] - Twenty years of Berlusconi ... There are at least as many years that the Left tries to wrest votes in seventeen million Berlusconi dramatized with a circus, endless variations of "She 's a rapist of democracy."
have as many years that the Left - almost always - loses.
I say is right and Mario Adinolfi and 'time to change music.
I repeat, so 'it tightened up: give him a chance to say "I do not work,"' and 'persecution of the Left illiberal "... Maybe even the garbage man
, the nurse and the caregiver with ninety Georgian might not understand what the GDP or contributory scheme, but when they sensed a screaming because he does not know what to say or because they have a message to communicate.
You want a left that is lowering the level of Berlusconi (then, and 'what the Left - in his own way - has been doing all these years). I want a policy to that of a civilized country.
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