Tuesday, December 28, 2010

23 Weeks Pregnant Mucus

on attachment to the regional headquarters of the Democratic Party in Palermo.

Comunicato stampa.

Sull’attacco alla sede regionale del PD a Palermo.

Le parole di smentita apparse ieri sull’Ansa e altre agenzie stampa circa il nostro coinvolgimento nell'attacco dell’altro ieri notte alla sede regionale del PD, si rifà ad una breve conversazione telefonica avuta tra un nostro militante e una giornalista Ansa. Durante tale telefonata we have expressed the need to be aware of the facts and then express any position except that reported the same anxiety and other agencies and newspapers to our total estrangement from the fact in question.
After reading various press on the internet and newspaper articles, we can declare that the whole thing stinks there alquanto.Molti articles to link the attack on the headquarters of the Democratic Party with our statement on our blog ( www.redblock-it.blogspot.com ) December 24 titled "We distance ourselves from those who take the distance! On the facts of 22 in Palermo, "in which we condemn taken away by some political parties and trade unions as CGIL, Mdu, UDU, Sel, Cobas and also the PD.

It makes us think the very statement of the incident Young Italy, the only political organization that points the finger at us just hours before the news, remember that in our last press release criticized the role played precisely the neo-fascists of Young Italy to create confusion among the students through which they created fictitious initials as "student movement" with the aim to manipulate them. Almost from the beginning of autumn is
that their attempt to unmask these infiltration in the student movement (just see our press on 25 November and 13 and 27 October), with the result that their rallies were attended by a few hundreds of students in front of tens of thousands in the square carried by the student movement and finally with the fact that for many weeks, the students do not fall for it more and therefore Young Italy has not had the opportunity to hold rallies under fictitious initials. When Young Italy has called "the parade of young students of the right" using his initials was a total flop. Now the comrades are trying to get back on the scene criminalizing the hundreds of students who have resisted the charges and tear gas the police and giving "far left" the intent to "raise the climate of confrontation against the police, the institutions and parties to destabilize the country, " addirittura!
Si può dire che ormai il nostro paese è totalmente destabilizzato e in tensione sociale permanente a causa delle politiche antipopolari di questo governo che non fa altro che scaricare la crisi sui lavoratori e le masse popolari, non c’è certo bisogno “dell’estrema sinistra” per questo!

La verità è che forse diamo fastidio a qualcuno in questa città ma non solo…

Pochi giorni dopo i “fatti dell’Umberto”, a Roma in occasione della manifestazione della Fiom del 16 Ottobre, siamo stati tra i pochissimi insieme a proletari comunisti e allo Slai Cobas per il sindacato di classe e a singoli operai, lavoratori e studenti ad interrompere l’intervento the then secretary of the CGIL Epifani screaming for a general strike. Even on that occasion the Minister Maroni had feared the "dangerous infiltrators."

All this to say that we have been keeping both our political battles between workers and between students and between the masses in general, this certainly bothers those who, like after the riots of 14 and 22 in Rome to try to Palermo divide them into good and bad.
This whole thing seems yet another attempt to criminalize the student movement as a whole and in particular those who bring forward radical practices within esso.Non is the first time we find ourselves under attack and trying to criminalize our initials.
Already famous for "facts dell'Umberto", where for a number of leaflets, organized by anti-fascists including our partners, the press has pointed the finger at our organization even speaking of a confrontation never happened in front of the school of neo-fascists Casapound (denied by the same neo-fascist), also reported the first news of the arrest of our comrades, which is not true.
The police later arrested on that occasion during the interrogations he tried to "extract" confessions from the arrested because it claims to belong to our organization, which we promptly denied both we and the detainees themselves. Remember that in the days before “i fatti dell’Umberto”, venne fuori la copertura che la digos dava ai neofascisti di Casapound nelle loro scorribande notturne. Cosa che denunciammo pubblicamente tra gli studenti ei lavoratori e che sicuramente avrà infastidito le due parti complici.
Adesso arriva l'ennesima montatura contro chi si ribella in linea con la “strategia della tensione” che prende corpo nelle dichiarazioni dei ministri Gasparri, La Russa e Maroni riferendosi alla possibilità che “potrebbe scapparci il morto” riferendosi agli scontri del 14 Dicembre a Roma, la storia del nostro paese ci insegna che quando gli esponenti di governo fanno simili dichiarazioni ciò è indice della loro stessa volontà di reprimere più sharply the social movements themselves, and to seek "the dead".

We are not surprised and we do not be intimidated by the umpteenth provocation and frames.
continue our political work is not aware that we are the ones to fear.

Red Block
Palermo 28/12/2010


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