great mobilization of the release of the great proletarian communist mobilization of December 14
The student movement and parts of the country movimentoproletario the streets are real and the real opposition, representing tens of thousands who will be in place in each cittàpossibile, representing hundreds of thousands of workers and students, temporary workers and unemployed took to the streets and fight in these two mesisarebbe served today the general strike to overthrow the governocomunque, to say the weight and force of movement workers' and popular, not to leave only the extraordinary movement of students in Corsos this is not the responsibility falls on the CGIL, the suadirezione didestra, its subservience to the opposition parlamentarequesta day goes down in history primarily for questocoloro facing the tail of direction of the CGIL, nonl'attaccanoapertamente, now betray the real interests of the labor movement estudentescola FIOM had the consent and support of all its members and dellamaggioranza working for the general strike, but it said, got away with a sel'è allagiornata dioggi hypocritical statement of participation in the Roman Empire, is what happens in other nuulla cittàquesto does not save the soul of Landini and his group dirigentegli FIOM workers need a union of class and a class strutturasindacale, does not guarantee that the current fionm for questoservel'unità working for the union of class - even without a struggle control'attualegruppo manager Fiom, This objective is not in parliament raggiungibilementre rite of the status of the sale suoisbirri facing the movement to respond with violence to the best of our people statoalla students, temporary workers, laborers, cassintegrati precarious, earthquakes, and immigratiresistere oppose state violence and necessary, but it comes tempoche the best defense is attack, the political strength of organized chenelfuoco class struggle in close connection con le masse, possa imporre leragioni della classe operaia, del movimento studentesco, delle massepopolari , ragioni che si basano sull'esercizio della forza per latrasformazione sociale e politica per la rivoluzione necessariaoggi è un giorno importante per aprire questa strada, contro la viaparlamentare ed elettorale per l'alternativa rivoluzionaria
proletari comunisti -PCm Italia14 dicembre 2010
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