Friday, December 10, 2010

Cheap Fingerboard Decks

Forward the struggle of the English students!

Ieri più di 20.000 studenti britannici hanno manifestato nella capitale londinese contro il governo dei padroni Cameroon che tra i vari provvedimenti antipopolari e antiproletari ha triplicato la quota delle rette universitarie fino a 9.000 sterline (oltre 10.000 €).
Ciò means that graduates, if it was to find a job, for several years will have to pay 10% of their salary to pay off their debts to study
... This is the fifth event in a month that has shaken the country, not saw such a student mobilization in decades.
was not enough prohibitions and metal barriers erected around Parliament Square in defense of the parasites were debating the adoption of this mess.
Students have swept it all: "metal cages, policemen armed with batons (over 1,000), have made a mockery of the statue of Winston Churchill soiled broke into the Treasury and eluding overwhelming re-inspection.
icing on the cake, the assault on the rolls royce carrying Prince Charles and his wife Camilla were going to the theater for an evening gala. Budget
the Day of Action is divided into four servants seriously wounded an unknown number of protesters injured and seven arrests.
The British prime minister said that "the guilty will fall the huge lost of the laws of this country." The two faces of the reaction of the ruling class in the rebellion sweeping: printed on the face of terror Camilla and the promise of retaliation to those who fight for a right as fundamental as in the study.
This is the crux of the matter, in Great Britain così come nel resto del mondo, i padroni e i governanti vivono nel lusso più sfrenato, da veri e propri parassiti sulle spalle dei lavoratori e del popolo. Per uscire da una crisi che loro stessi hanno creato varano di misure di austerity ovviamente rivolte verso gli stessi lavoratori, giovani e donne per continuare a permettere all’infima maggioranza di vivere nel lusso a spese dell’enorme maggioranza.
Questo è il significato delle misure di austerity varate da tutti i governi europei, americano e cosi via che prendono il nome di riforma Gelmini, taglio delle pensioni, attacco al diritto di sciopero, guerre di aggressione imperialista in Irak, Afghanistan, Libano ecc..
Gli studenti inglesi, così come quelli italiani e even before the young rebels in France, Greece and many other countries have said a clear no to this.
A "no" was written in large letters with red paint on the lawn in front of the British Parliament.
grows increasingly aware that the capital with all its governments of both right and "left" is a rotten system, can not be changed or improved for all but destroyed and discard along with the exploitation and death it caused, into the dustbin of history.

Viva the revolt of the English students

Viva the revolt of the Italian students

Viva the revolt of young workers and rebels Greek

Viva la rivolta dei giovani proletari ribelli europei

Contro i governi della borghesia, ribellarsi è giusto!


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